In the end the battle ended after the blushing Xiaoxia used a string of gem starfish

And the Musashi side of the Rockets also started her

It's just that Kobeiro, who cheered her on, asked strangely:_ "Speaking of which, Musashi, is it okay for you to only have Arbor and Big Tongue?"

"Don't you still have your gas bomb?"


When I heard Musashi say that, Kojiro is

He was stunned, but when he came back to his senses, Shuangdan Husi was floating beside Musashi.

"Mom" when did you take it away?⊥"

"What do you say?"

What they didn't know when the Rockets were making a fuss was that their every move was being controlled by Ash Pikachu Meow.

Meow and Snake Bear are watching. Ash even recorded Kojiro's double-bomb gas listening to Musashi's orders.


"Very well, since Musashi even listened to the double-bomb gas, it seems that the marriage between the two of them is married, meow, you know."

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Miao Miao also smirked. He held a video recorder and said, "Hey, hey, it's been sent to Uncle Sasaki and the others, meow, then we'll wait to eat melons and watch the drama."

"Pickupee" (You guys are so bad but I like it")


"Pickup pickup ⊥_ "

"Snake pattern snake pattern ⊥"

Except for the silly kid Snake Bear who smirked, both Xiaozhi Miaomiao and Pikachu let out unscrupulous laughter.And the Rockets didn't know they were bloodied once this time. _- !

Chapter 1 Meow Meow! ! ! ([-] more)

Kojiro didn't know the extent to which he had already been trapped and was still trapped to death.Now he just wants to find a chance to chat with his close and good netizen "I am too boss". Only sand sculpture netizens can make him feel a little warm.

And just when Kojiro took out his mobile phone to surf the Internet to see if his sand sculpture netizen was around.Miaomiao asked Musashi a little strangely. _" You only have three Pokémon now, okay?"

Musashi crouched down and asked, 2 "You seem to have forgotten something, right?


Team Rocket's Miaomiao froze for a moment, then looked at Musashi, not knowing who she was

What's the meaning.And Musashi just looked at Meow so straight.

After a few seconds of staring blankly at each other, Miaomiao finally reacted when she saw the reflection in Musashi's pupils.

"Wait? 1 You're not going to let me in, are you? How can you bear 2 The other side is a hot monkey!"

However, Musashi didn't care about Miaomiao's meaning and threw him directly.

"Come on, come on."



When Miaomiao was beaten by the hot monkey.Kojiro saw himself unexpectedly

Friends online then initiated a message.

"Big boss are you there 2"

"Yeah.. Freedom you're online again 3"

"Yeah... It's hard to take a break, it's really tiring today is the Doll's Day

"What's wrong with freedom? There are female companions to accompany 2"

"Yeah, I haven't had lunch yet-."

"It's miserable... I'm here to spend the Dolls' Day with my wife. Fortunately, this wife needs it. Otherwise, I'll be exhausted."

"Really, if the big boss doesn't have this kind of married people, don't show up. Is there any fun for the painter?

? "

"Is it a fun thing? Of course there is_ I told his parents about a guy or two who didn't want to get married and his female companion. It is estimated that his family will urge marriage sooner or later.

"Oh, how are you, my guy will cry?"

"Isn't that of course? Hahahaha L⊥!"


After chatting with sand sculpture netizens, Kojiro's mood is obviously much better, but what she doesn't know is that the person he is selling now is exactly

On the other side, Xiaobianlang's parents, Mr. Sasaki and Sasaki

Mrs. Mu received an email from Xiaozhi, and inside it is the picture of Xiaojiro's double-bomb gas actually listening to Musashi's words

"Oh, I didn't expect that even Kojiro's Pokémon would listen to her. It seems that the girl named Musashi becomes Kojiro's wife is a certainty in Double Bomb Gas. Since it's like..."

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