"HoohohoL, then it seems that we parents should start to prepare for Kojiro's matchmaking."


Kobeiro doesn't know.A conspiracy is reaching out to her with an invisible hand.

The other-side is big at the Doll's Day Queen

In the competition, whether it was Xiaoxia, Musashi, or Gregory, the three of them continued to advance.And when Xiaolu defeated her opponent and entered the final, Gregorian and Musashi went to work.

Looking at the incomparable body of Mrs. Gagland, Musashi felt a huge sense of oppression on the face of a man who was more than a man.

"Um: It doesn't seem to be easy to deal with this time, meow meow, come on!"

Saying that, Musashi mentioned Miao Miao and threw it away, and Gagaran also released his little elf fangirl.

"2:: Meow⊥ I want to abstain!

Although Meow Meow said so, Gaeglan would not give him a chance at all, but directly

Roared, "Come on, the lip-smacking sister uses a slap"


With a strong wind, Milip sister rushed in front of Oh Miaomiao and slapped Miaomiao _ and Ge Gelan said with his arms folded on his chest. "My sister Lipmi has always been exercising her muscles well. So it hurts to be photographed by her.". Asking for flowers

"Meow I feel it:"

Covering her face that was about to swell up, Miao Miao protected her tears... and Grid Dang didn't intend to stop at this time, but roared, "Slap in the face"

"Damn 1."

I saw Miss Lips smashing her muscles

Meow rushed over, Miao Miao, turned around and ran away, but Gegran, who had been ready for a long time, roared too much.

"Freeze his feet with fine snow!"


Sister Milip sprayed countless tiny snowflakes towards Miaomiao's feet, and Miaomiao found herself unable to run.

"...No way? ⊥"

Looking at the lip-smacking sister who was slowly approaching her, Miaomiao swallowed her saliva.At this time, Gegeland also issued a nightmarish order.

"Now, let's put the patient to sleep with a kiss" The Devil's Kiss ⊥

"Er L

No!” L⊥⊥_ !

In Miaomiao's screams, Sister Milip grabbed Miaomiao's face and kissed her with her eldest wife's mouth.

Looking at the scene on the field, even Xiao Zhi couldn't help but shook his head and said, "My God II is too miserable: it's too cruel. Miaomiao, do you have any feelings?"

"Don't say it, old lady, I'm very uncomfortable right now

Seeing Miaomiao, Xiaozhi could only pat him and then handed her a photo book and said, "This is the latest issue of the cute cat Pokémon pageant, Nafu, please wash your eyes.

On the other hand, Miaomiao of Team Rocket has lost her face under the devil's kiss trick of Miss Lips.

The bluish man lost consciousness.Kojiro, who was watching, couldn't bear to turn his head.I know, it seems that this time the devil's kiss is really strong. "

Looking at what happened to Meow.Even Zhuo frowned. Then he reluctantly said L "I deeply sympathize with what happened to Meow. Then please ask Musashi to send the next Pokémon."!

Chapter 2 We will try our best ([-] more)

"Come on, this meow needs first aid!"

The treatment that Jian Gan Miaomiao suffered was so horrific that even Xiao Zhi couldn't bear to look down on him, so Xiao Zhi specially called a group of medical staff to treat him.The doctor first listened to Miaomiao's heartbeat, opened his eyes and looked at him after confirming that he was still alive.

"He has completely lost consciousness. It seems that Sister Lip's devilish kiss did not put him into a deep sleep but into a state of shock."

After speaking, the doctor took out a cat Pokémon magazine and saw the costume show, and pointed it at Miao Miao, who was in a coma on Pang with his tongue sticking out.

"Now one can only hope that this method is efficient.."

Watching the scene where the doctor treated Miaomiao, many gay runners in the audience shed sour tears. They are really too sympathetic for Miaomiao's tragic experience.

And just when the doctor was treating Miaomiao, _ Gegran's lip-smacking sister had once again used the devil's kiss to solve the double-bomb fives and the Aber monster.

Under the attack of Miss Lips' thick lips, both the gas bomber and the Aber monster received a critical blow from the soul. Seeing this, Musashi could only make his last Pokémon's big tongue go up.

"Come on. It's too tongue-in-cheek, as long as I win, I will

Treat yourself to a big meal! "

Looking at Musashi's tongue-in-cheek Satoshi, I was a little surprised, Bi Yi thought this should be the new Pokémon of Team Rocket.And Gagaran, who was fighting against Musashi, looked at the big tongue and couldn't help but smile and said. "It's so cute, so it's still the same!. Milip sister solved the battle with fine snow and devil's kiss"


- "Stop the tongue!. Lick her!"

Just when Sister Milip was about to spray fine snow, Tai Tong's tongue quickly smeared on Sister Milip's face.And under the attack of the ghost-type skill of licking the tongue, Miss Lips directly lost consciousness, only not

It's not too bad to be a big god.His face turned blue and then fell to the ground.

"Oh my god! Is your lip-smacking sister poisonous?!"

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