Musashi was speechless when he saw that he was so tongue-in-cheek that he was able to die together like this. And Gregory scratched his head strangely and said, "No, my lip-smacking sister didn't eat a lot of garlic today?"


Hearing that, the doctor who was treating Miaomiao twitched at the corners of his eyes, and then ordered to his side, "Go and get a grilled fish.


While the doctor was waiting for the grilled fish.

The comatose Miao Miao moved her lips, and the doctor quickly posted it to hear what he had to say

“Garlic :: all the smell of garlic. disgusting”

"Yi Niu, how is Miao Miao?"

Although Miaomiao basically didn't help much, I still need to be concerned about it.Therefore, Musashi is still concerned about Meow's current state.

The doctor looked at Meow in distress and said

"The cabinet is not only because of the mental impact of the devil's kiss, but also because of the fact that Miss Lips ate too much garlic before. When casting the devil's thing, it caused meow-I was attacked by garlic all the time::Hey-we only

I can try my best-.”.

Hearing what the doctor said, Kojiro kept hugging his gums and cried, "No, L, Miao, don't die, come on, we're going to have a barbecue together!"

For Kojiro's words, all the men present left tears of sadness, and Miaomiao's experience was tragic:

one-one dividing line-one

"The final is over⊥. Next will be the ultimate showdown between Miss Xiaoxia and 'Miss 'Gegland'. Who will be the outcome of this battle?"

"Come on, wife⊥ My baby and I are watching!"

"Pickup ⊥"

"Chabby L Chapie 1."


Xiaolu blushed a little and didn't go to Xiaozhi's side, although she was very grateful to Xiaozhi for cheering for herself, but who would suffer when she said such a shame

What made Xiaoxia even more shy was the fact that a group of employees of the Continental Hotel pulled up the banner under Xiaozhi's order.

On the other hand, Gregory also has his own fan group, - helping the muscle buddies to cheer for his goddess. 2 At the same time, he keeps showing his muscles to Xiao Zhi.

Xiaogang was forced to open business to cheer for Gegeland because he was caught by too muscular buddies.

"Come on, Miss Gaglan l_"

Hearing Xiaogang's cheer, Gegran turned to look at Xiaogang dashingly and said, "Thank you, if you win, I will date you.

"⊥! Xiaogang, you kid! Congratulations ⊥ Miss Gegran" N

"Wait a minute" Don't do this "Ah, go on"

Just when Xiaogang was congratulated by a bunch of muscular big brothers, the battle between Gegran and Xiao & Xia began.

Gegeland was the first to send Sister Milip, while Xiaoxia sent an unexpected Pokémon.

"Go on, the ammonite beast ⊥_"

"What?!"*N ,

Everyone present was shocked when they saw Xiaoxia's spiny ammonite beast.Because Prickly Ammonite is an almost extinct Pokémon! ,

At this time, someone suddenly said. "I remember, I heard that a batch of fossil Pokémon was found in Dasha Valley before, but it seemed that a certain big boss who was starting a trip had almost conquered them. Second, it seems now:"

A bunch of people in the auditorium couldn't help but look at a home that was pulling a bat to cheer on his wife.

"Is he the big boss?⊥_"

And in Xiaozhi's identity

When the audience knew, the host also said in a timely manner

Oops, since it's been discovered, there's no need to hide it anymore.That's right! Please let me solemnly introduce - for a moment, this is our boss_-."

"Shut up, you're preventing me from watching the game!"

With Xiaozhi's roar, the host shut up for a moment, but still said a little - ten days

"Please watch the game:"

"Come on. Miss Lips uses fine snow to add the devil's

"I've known this trick for a long time. Spiny. Ammonite Ultrasound!"

buzz ⊥_⊥


With the piercing sound, Sister Milip, who was about to launch an attack, was disturbed by the ultrasonic waves of the ammonite beast many times and had to cover her ears. Taking this opportunity, the ammonite beast rushed forward without Xiaoxia saying it. It used its bite, and while the famous thorny ammonite beast bit the lip-smacking sister, the spiny ammonite beast entangled the lip-smacking sister with its tentacles.

"You've done a lot of stinging beasts, then use the sharp stone to attack"."


As the thorny ammonite beasts gathered rock-like spikes and slammed into Sister Milip, she wailed and lay on the ground and lost consciousness.

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