
I was really surprised to hear Kojiro's order. Isn't this move my favorite?

And Kojiro said proudly, "Hey, I learned this from you! How does it feel to be defeated by your own tricks?"

Hearing Kojiro's words, Satoshi tilted his head and asked. . "It is indeed my favorite tactic, but you don't think about it, since it is my favorite tactic, will I be unprepared,"

".Did say 2"

Hearing Xiaozhi say this |) Jiro already felt something was wrong, and Xiaozhi stretched out his hand and said, . "How can filth be

Immerse in pure water.In the endless ocean all this filth will be wiped away by Di!"

"Sing on"

Accompanied by a cry from Chanas, endless brilliance appeared in the water.In this colorful light and shadow, Minas quietly and continuously revolved around the crowd. Before, the poison of the double egg gas did not affect Minas in the water at all.

"Now, send you to heaven, it's time for the curtain call of Minas. Waterspout!."

Hearing Ash's words, Minas in the water swam more and more: faster and faster..The speed continues to climb, and the current is getting higher and higher, shrouding Ash and the Rockets in it.

"Wait a minute. Aren't you afraid of being attacked?!"

Seeing the water flowing closer and closer, Miaomiao was a little overwhelmed.And Xiaozhi said with a smile, 2 "Please, how could my Minas hurt me, so goodbye everyone."

With the water column rockets rising into the sky, the rockets continued to rotate and flew into the sky.

"It's better than being bored~"*3_hongL

With the dissipation of the waterspout, countless water droplets continue to float in the air, and the sunlight passing through these water droplets reflects the colorful rays of light. L Minas is here.

Under this kind of light, he slowly returned to Ash's side, while Ash touched Minas and said, "Perfect curtain call."

Chapter 2 Xiaozhi's connections ([-] more)

After the Rockets were flown away, Ash and his group were also ready to leave, and the kindergarten teacher of Ash and his kindergarten teachers said, "Thank you so much, the children of Tian had a great holiday. .Oki-san, you and the children of Minas enjoyed your performance very much."

"Ming 1." Being praised by the teacher like this, Minas Li Liu looked at Shanaido proudly.Mian Shanaido was secretly preparing to fight.Fortunately, Xiao Zhi caught her hand in time. "Okay. It's almost enough. It would be too much to make a fuss."

"Sana!" (I listen to my dear". Lan Xiaozhi grabbed his hand and Sha Duo heard her heart and ignored Mina


Leaning on Xiaozhi, let Xiaogang and Miaomiao know the situation, they are both unemployed

Xiaozhi, who has a smile on his father's face, really doesn't know this

But he said should he tell Xiao Zhizhen?

'If Ash knew he was going to knock him down...

Thinking of this, Xiaogang shook his head.This kind of thing is still not exposed

Gui heart

In the end, due to unknown reasons, both Shanaido and Shannas chose not to score.So Ash's team is even stronger.

It was originally a team of three and eight favorites, and now with the addition of Xiao Nai Duo and Minas who confronted each other from time to time, the level of quarrel can be imagined. Under a certain special factor, the original Sha Qianduo and Minas were happy in the war. Eggs are added again, so .

"I said. The three of you are almost the same. I'm almost out of breath here, and there is still a happy egg. You are a child of Qitai, please don't do this?"

Looking at the happy egg Xiaozhi who threw Da Duck aside and lay behind him, he didn't know what to say.And Happy Egg shook his head and continued to stick to Ash tightly while looking at Minas and Shanaido with a smug look. Dad is now mine."2"

: Really like a child - the old lady is really hard enough. "

Miao looked at the happiness of losing the child's temper and was a little speechless, but at the same time, she was a little glad that the idiot didn't come out.Otherwise class players.

After the war, I will add another comment on the five small-minded jenny turtle meow meow 1 Jian Gu

f⊥. Treasure is completely full of bear children, husband Zhaogu 1

For those who know the sound of this boyish home from Cape Jenny

Tian Youzi was speechless. Although A.But it's not divided, let's fight. Xiaozhi's shoulders are always comfortable-:)

"Boy!" (Dad

warm in clothes L)

The three eternal winners of Ji looked at Shane Dochanas and Happy Egg, who were still jealous. They couldn't help showing the victor's face.

The clothes next to Mian Xiaozhi looked at Xiaozhi and the others and smiled. He also liked the days when he was surrounded by enthusiasm.

And just when Xiao Zhi continued to travel, slapsticking.Three police cars suddenly drove over with Drift Di.Immediately afterward, several Junsha and a Taishu walked towards Xiaozhi.And Xiao Zhi was a little surprised when he saw Jun Sha, who was headed by him, because that Jun Sha was the one Xiao Zhi was most familiar with in Vibrant City, Jun Shalan. "Sister Lan? Is there something wrong? E?

The handsome guy is here too. "Handsome guy. An international policeman who has some friendship with Xiaozhi. Some information is obtained from Xiaozhi. At the same time, he is also the policeman who has requested the most support from the mainland hotel. A lot of it will be done. And before Jun Shalan explains, the handsome guy first said, 2 "Sorry to disturb your trip 1+ but this time we have action and need you

If possible, please

Stop-stop the hug:. Oh right, Li. What's the situation? I'll let you know

Please ask for my help 2" Now Xiao Shi Xia is in a daze, generally speaking, the water support in Shouwu Town is from a mainland hotel

And Jun Shalan's handsome guy said it to Xiao Zhi directly.This time we found someone from the area sneaking into the Kwanben language and other places in the power plant because we got this. ,"

Saying that, Jun Shalan handed a document to Xiao Zhi.Xiaozhi looked at it and picked a picture

"Do you want my information? Although everyone knows that I am the owner of a hotel in mainland China, it seems that someone wants more information about me. Thank you, Sister Junsha, I will make a call first. ."

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