Then Xiaozhi and Miao looked at each other - Miaomiao immediately understood Xiaozhi's intention and would hand out two mobile phones to Xiaozhi.And Xiaozhi took over the phone after

dialed a number

"Hello, Mr. Gustav? It's me. I want to ask you a favor. Someone wants my information. So please help me to look it up, please let others know too. I have some things that need to be resolved on my side." And in a hotel in Kanto of the same level as the Tailu Hotel, an old man who looked very energetic nodded after listening to the phone and said, "Travelling. Leave it to me. I People will stare." Then the old man named Gustav hung up and made another call.

"Hey help me find Mr. George watching two gentlemen watching their guests from their own research station. The manager walked by

come to his ear

After a few words, he answered the phone immediately.wise thing,

Moss to go? It's me.what?

things, good: good: after I found out about Doudi, George called another

Mr. Dino from the Lowes Hotel

A man in the Carlos area who was tasting new dishes as a chef whispered to the manager and handed him a spoon and took his phone.

- "You take this to taste. Hello 2 George? Hmm" Ash's information? I understand, I will pay attention.I'm going to inform others. ,code.

Then Dino went to another number

And with that - there's a phone call out too.Ash's information is being blocked at a rapid rate. And the person who inquired about Xiaozhi's information was directly sent to Junsha by a sullen face and then put on a sack.

At this moment, Ash's most terrifying ability begins to show.That is the terrorist network developed by Xiaozhi's belief in harmony and wealth + under this network.Any suspicious person who inquires about Ash's information is being resolved by Ash's friends.This is Ash's most terrifying power, the Eight Veins 1_"

Chapter 3 Maggie El and Lila ([-] more)

On the Kanto side, in just over ten minutes after Xiao Zhi made a phone call, Jun Shalan received a communication from the Junsha family.

The Carlos Hotel in the Carlos area sends a suspicious person looking for Ash's information.

A suspicious person searching for Ash's information was sent to the Emperor Jade Hotel in the Calel area.

The Potala Hotel in the Hezhong area sent a suspicious person searching for Ash's information.

Jun Shalan looked at Xiao Zhi unexpectedly as the news came. 2 And Xiaozhi held up his mobile phone and spread out his hands and said, "The old men and the people are very good people. You can invite them with just one phone call.

Do me a favor. "


The handsome guy almost choked after listening to Xiao Zhi's words. After all, it was only now that he realized that the relationship network in front of him was a bit too scary. Mr. George, the owner of the Emperor Hotel in the Calel area, is so arrogant that few people know how to get along with him. It seems that Xiao Zhi is really very tricky:

And Jun Shalan thought it was much simpler, and she was relieved after confirming that Xiao Zhi's information was not in danger of being leaked.

"Then Xiaozhi we are here"

"Go here, Junsha

Sister, you have informed me of an important matter. I will also help. By the way, I will also ask two people to assist. Xiaoxia Xiaogang, please go to the nearest mainland hotel and wait for a while. I will have someone pick me up from here. you. "

Saying that, Xiaozhi notified the people of Tailu Hotel to meet Xiaogang and Xiaoxia.

And it didn't stop Xiao Zhi from going to help Xiaogang go offline.After all, this is considered official business, and when Jun Sha arrests them on the grounds of obstructing official business, it will be light.

And the person Xiao Zhi notified was not someone else.It was his two men in the Rockets, Wu Du and Yu Sheng.

Therefore, when Xiaozhijun Shalan and Shuai

The scene after my brother and Takemura Yusheng met: I was embarrassed for a while.

"Let me introduce, my two subordinates in the Rockets, Takemura and Yusheng. It's my subordinates in the Rockets, this is Junsha from Joban City, Junsha, this is a handsome guy.. Interpol's [. "back


Although I know that Xiaozhi's godfather is the old woman of the Rockets, Sakagi, but now such an operation really makes Jun Shalan a little helpless

"Although I know what's going on. But... is Ash at least giving us a mental preparation next time?"

"Understood. So what is our goal this time, Sister Lan?"

"The power plant in the Kanto area is where the guys who sneaked into the Kanto area are located. Their purpose has not yet been determined, but since there seem to be eyeliners outside the power plant, we can't directly send a large force to attack, otherwise we will detonate the detonation. The power station will suffer heavy losses and the safety of the workers inside the power plant will not be guaranteed._”

"In other words, our purpose this time is to save people. And it's better to do a sneak operation.

Yu Sheng conducted a wave of analysis after listening to Jun Shalan's description, and Jun Shalan also nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about

, this time we're going to do a stealth operation.It's best to be able to break into the enemy without triggering a fight, if not, just break through.

"Okay, it seems that it's time for Arbor to blame them for their performance. By the way, we actually have a strange soldier here."

Saying that, Xiaozhi looked at Mama Bear, and Mama Bear, who was eating fruit, nodded when she saw Xiaozhi looking at him.

"Wearing a bear? It's really a miracle soldier who can beat up a fossil pterosaur. :"

I still know a little bit about Jun Sha next to Xiong Jun Shalan wearing Xiao Zhi's side.Because she was the one who witnessed the beating up of a fossil pterosaur wearing a bear.


"That's right, Mother Bear's fighting power can still be trusted, and Sister Hong can testify."

However, as soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, Jun Shahong in Xiaozhi's mouth looked at Xiaozhi awkwardly.

"Two-Xiao Zhi, I am Jun Sha Huang: Can you tell us apart from Lan and Jing?"

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