"Very good. Both the Dark Whistle and the Lan Whistle have been released. Now it's time to sneak in, Miaomiao, do me a favor."

- "learn!"

Miaomiao instantly jumped on the current shoulder and took out a wrench and started drumming up with Xiaozhi.In less than a minute, the Taimen of the power plant was demolished by Xiaozhi and Miaomiao. Yes, it was really demolished.

"Direct monitoring?"

"Not at Taimen. But there must be one in the corridor." Madam, please wait - get down.i black first

Let's talk about the monitoring of their power plants. "

Then Miaomiao began to use the information given by Junsha and the others to sneak into the network of the entire power plant.

"Hmm: 0K!"

"Very good, inform Sister Junsha and the others that they can come over now."


Then the signal in Meow was small.The police officers completely surrounded the power plant.Philosopher wakes you up.Three things to read, two collections, recommendations, and sharing 1. (zhan__stianhao88) support Fei Lu) original works.

Enjoy the joy of reading

Chapter 2 I am a robber! ([-] more)

"Now I've decided on task 1 Lila, you can use your ability to communicate with Pokémon, so my Shanaido will be responsible for assisting you. When it's time to do so, you can let your Hudi and my Shanaido use superpowers to control them. The enemy saves the workers, handsome guy, your bad frog can paralyze the enemy, so it is also suitable for stealth operations. Takemura Yukatsu, you two let Abergua and Lan sister together infiltrate and paralyze the enemy, and then the two of you are always ready to go outside. Break in."


"Then what about you, Ash?" Lila understood when she saw that Pikachu had enough power with the wrench in her hands.Xiaozhi's so-called infiltration


"We just need to silence the guards completely. That way no one knows we're sneaking in, perfect! ~"

Everyone watched Ash, who was grinning with this wrench, and couldn't help but start a moment of silence for Team Flare.And Xiaozhi released the jenny turtle again and said s "Okay, I will let the jenny turtle as a bait to attract them out, if they dare to bring a dog Pokémon, I will let them know the power of the gas bomb. , Mother Bear, you are always ready to support. Then the operation begins."

Afterwards, Ash took Machiel into the power station first.And Machielle silently grabbed Ash's sleeve after she started to act.

"That's why it's so dangerous, you come here to make a mess, and hurry up."

Xiao Zhi whispered something about Maggie's subconscious actions and then took her hand, but Maggie, who should be a little bit older than Ash's, felt endless peace of mind from Xiao Zhi's hand.

That's right, just like that time, when I first met Ash, who was still a wolf, with the help of the Miare gang, A was clearly wearing a weird mask and was accompanied by a terrifying evil-type Pokémon. , But that kind of peace of mind can be felt from the place called "home".

And just when Maggie El fell into memory

Hou Xiaozhi suddenly - pulled her into his arms and was stunned by Xiao Zhi's sudden attack on Maggie Elle - but then closed his eyes without any struggle.

Doung !

Only when this strange voice sounded, did Maggie El realize that she was thinking wrong.Ash just pulled her into his arms because there were patrolmen from the Flare Team, and one of the three patrolmen was slapped in the face by Ash's wrench, the other was swept away by Arbor, and the other was slapped by Happy Egg. on the wall.

Xiaozhi looked at Maggie El, who was blushing a little, but he let go of her. / "Although I know what you mean, but

Now is the time to dive in, and this is not the right time. "I was a little overwhelmed when Xiao Zhi said that Maqier was broken, but then he still hugged Miao Miao and apologized.

"I'm sorry." "It's okay, now let's settle this matter first. Jenny turtle, you start eating radish and sweet potatoes. Then it's time for your performance."

"Jenny!" (Ok sir l_"

After being asked by Xiaozhi like this, the jenny turtle immediately saluted and then took the white radish and sweet potato that Xiaozhi handed over and started to eat s

And then except for Maggie El and Miao Miao Xiaozhi, they all showed terrifying smiles.

In the control room of the power plant. A fat man with glasses constantly controlled a machine to absorb the electricity, and the green-haired woman beside him asked. "Cuse, are you okay?"

Kusseroschi was a little impatient when asked by the traveler, and then said, "Don't rush me Bach, are you trying to provoke the Rockets and the Continental Hotel? We don't have many players here. If the Continental Hotel finds out about us, it will be miserable."

"Cut. So why do we come to the Kanto region to steal electricity? Other regions are not good?"

"How do I know what the boss thinks? Hurry up and retreat after finishing it.

I didn't want to get caught. "

And just as Kuseloski said that, a strange smell slowly entered his nose.

"Um.: Bara, your farts are so stinky.

Bara was also angry when Kuseloski said that.

"Are you kidding me? Stop making trouble if you call yourself a thief."

"What did you say?⊥."

And just when the two were arguing, a member of the Flare team suddenly shouted, "There's a Jenny Cape in Botu!"


kuseloski and bara

Looking in the direction of the Flare team member's finger, what he saw was a jerky tortoise releasing poisonous gas while eating sweet potatoes and turnips. It was obvious that he was the culprit of that smell!

"How can there be a jenny here? Forget it, quickly grab him and throw him out. Farts are so stinky." A Flare player also nodded and then threw his precious ball.

"Go to the coyote and get rid of this jerky!"

However, the next dramatic picture appeared, when the Flare's coyote just came out

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