In an instant, he lay on the ground foaming at the mouth, and his face turned purple.

Seeing this kind of wetness, Bara held her head speechlessly and said, "Are you stupid? That jerky is farting so stinky right now. You let the coyote come out, isn't this a gift? Go and catch me personally! You guys too!"

"Yes!" N

Hearing Bara's order, several members of the Flaming Team quickly grabbed the Jenny Turtle.However, Jenny Turtle was not afraid when he saw someone chasing him, he even patted his butt and ran away.

"Jenny Jenny!" (Come on, "Come on, my ass is very fragrant. Mountain)

"Damn! Catch him","

However, when the Flare team went out, what they saw was Ash and Machielle, who were holding wrenches and covered their faces, as well as a pair of Pokémon.

"I'm sorry, this is robbery 1. I'll beat me to death!"

Then, before the Flare team could react, Ash, Maggie El and a bunch of Pokémon swarmed up, and they were beaten up before they even got the ball.

Chapter 3 Who is the bad guy? ! ([-] more)


"ah go"



Both Bara and Kuseloski frowned when they heard the sound coming from the control room.It seems that the team members were buried.

And just as they thought, when the door was opened, two people with hoods walked in slowly.

"Although I don't know what's going on. But it was originally intended to be robbery. Now it's not bad to change a group of people to robbery. Then hand over all the valuable things on your body!"

"Jenny! Jenny!"

ot ;.

And just as Ash was talking, Jenny also ran out like I was an old lady and stared at Kusseluoski and Bara.And Kuseloski and Bara were speechless when they looked at Ash and Maggie Elle, they were Team Flare! How could they be robbed 2⊥

And it looks like the team members in this situation have been solved into 1⊥

"Okay you two. Hand over your finances. I'll treat you kindly. Or hehehe."

Saying that, Xiao Zhi weighed the wrench in his hand.That meant nothing.

"Although Che doesn't know where he came from, but

Do you know what you're doing? We have dangerous devices on our side.If you accidentally break it [-]

"That's your problem, anyway, there are a bunch of guys in red outside. I already have someone to blame, so I can make a big fuss and rob the mountain happily. Jenny Turtle let me have these two not. The guy who knows how to cooperate will teach Zhang Zhang a lesson."


Hearing Xiaozhi's order, the Jenny Turtle rushed directly to Bara and Kuseloski, and seeing this, Bara pouted and threw her baby ball.

"Go to the Thunder Beast and use the Thunder Teeth to solve him!

. "


Accompanied by a roar, a thunderbolt appeared from Bara's baby ball and opened its mouth, exuding the power of lightning, and bit down on the jenny.

But Bara turned around and said, "It will be solved by two gangsters. The quality of the team members this time is too poor."

However, Kusselowski said in disbelief, "Barra. , This guy is very wrong.."

"What? Go"

When Bara turned around when she heard Kusseloth's words, she saw an unexpected scene, the thunder of her thunder beast.

Ya was actually blocked by that jenny turtle 1

"How could it be 2!"

The picture that appeared in front of Bara was that Thunder Beast's flute teeth were biting into the protective layer composed of flowing water, while Jenny looked at Thunder Beast with a chasing smile.

"Ha. I'm happy every time I see the guy who was kidnapped with this kind of expression. Jenny's turtle rocket head butt to solve this white scorpion!"

Hearing what Xiao Zhi said. Even if she knew that this was Maggie El who was acting, she was still a little embarrassed. Fortunately, she had a mask so that others couldn't see her blushing.


Stamping the ground with the little feet of the Jenny Turtle

- A powerful force charged up the whole body of the Jenny Turtle and then gathered on his Tai forehead, and then the Jenny Turtle's bright head slammed into the Electric Shock Beast.And Ash put his arm on Maggie El's shoulder and shouted, "Good job! Throw his lungs!".


With the scream of the thunderbolt beast, he was directly pushed to the wall next to him and then lost consciousness.

"Jenny Jennie"

The jenny turtle looked at the thunderbolt beast who had fallen to the ground and shook his finger disdainfully, which seemed to say that you are too much

Weak two.

When she saw that her Thunder Beast was directly dealt with, Bara also noticed something was wrong, so she didn't say anything and sent her other Pokémon, two cool leopards and a wall slash commander.

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