However, there is also a figure on Xiaozhi's side who quickly came in and launched an attack.

"Pikachu L⊥1⊥"



With - a powerful current.Bara lost consciousness before she could react to her two Pokémon.And when she reacted.The two skins are standing in front of her eyes

on human shoulders,

"Pikachu::You are Ash!"

When they saw Ash's iconic Pokémon, Bara and Kusselowski finally reacted. The so-called robber in front of him was the one who Vladali made to be careful about.Xiaozhi.

"Oops, have I been spotted? Hands up"

With Xiao Zhi, the other magical treasures who had been in ambush for a long time, he immediately acted. The Arbor came out of the shadows and bound Bara.And Kuseloski wanted to press his special device, but found that his hand couldn't move at all.Immediately after the face, the happy egg rushed up and slapped the

The fat man's face, and the snake-printed bear ran directly to the control in his hand and collided with it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there is so is it. The Frog Seeds rushed out and launched the Parasitic Seeds to tie up Kuseloski.

And Kuseloski didn't intend to sit still and roared directly, "Plan B⊥" - an aircraft quickly rushed to the power plant. Above are the members of the Prison Flame Team.

"Quick! Go and save the two doctors!" 5.9_

However.The surprise soldier that Ash had ambushed before had been quietly waiting for his prey, when Team Flare's aircraft appeared in the

In the sky, the bear who was quietly eating fruit flashed in the eyes of the clothed bear - : Dao Jingguang then disappeared with the Muppets in place.

Then a pink boss appeared in Team Flare's aircraft.

"Captain! The bear is flying⊥"

"Wait! What the hell is this Pokémon?!"

And just when the members of the Prison Flame Team were intimidated by the spectacle of Feitian wearing energy, the wearing bear shot.

"Buddha" (plasma lightning speed punch) bang L

Accompanied by endless fist shadows.Team Flare's aircraft crashed. "

Chapter 1 Crazy dumping ([-] more)

For Yu Zeng's dressed bear, her world is only enough for her territory and her child, the puppet bear.But it wasn't until the arrival of the three children and the Pokémon that she realized that perhaps she was too closed off.

At first, when I was not familiar with Ash and the others, I would warn them.At that time, Xiao Zhi didn't have any excesses after his warning, but Xiao Zhi took a cake.

In the end, I couldn't bear the temptation to choose the cake, so I went to Xiaozhi to ask for some, maybe it started from that moment.I, who had already lost, became the 'mother' of those children.


Thinking like this, u pulled the Flare team members who were lying in the wreckage out of the wreckage and threw them aside.

"Yi"_(It's getting more and more interesting 2.2.)_

Thinking about what I've been through during this time. It's also interesting to wear it.Although it is different from the stability when I was in Alola, this exciting life is also quite interesting.

And just when wearing Xiong thought so, Jun Shalan ran over with the police officers.She has a headache after seeing what's going on here

"Although I know there will be excellent soldiers, but there is no loudness, it will be such a thing, Er Xiong Mom: Thank you 2" in

Jun Shalan was still a little embarrassed when she was called to be able to be a mother.In fact, she already knew.She didn't say anything about her marriage with Xiao Zhi, but it was because she was shy. After all, she really likes Xiao Zhi, but she didn't say anything about it. 2 Even though she already knew that she was going to marry Xiao Zhi, she was still a little shy now

Now that Jun Shalan can call herself Mama Bear is also an attempt by herself. Of course, what makes Jun Shalan a little shy is another thing. Xiaozhi can only distinguish between her and Jing, but other Junsha Xiaozhi can't tell the difference. clear. (Before, the reason why Jun Shahuang and the others would use the teasing moonlight to look at Xiao Zhi and Jun Sha was all because

They know every little secret.Xiao Zhi can't distinguish the ignorance of perfume at all. Today's Junshalan is not the one that is commonly used in flat batteries.Xiao Zhi's ability to distinguish Jun Shalan is purely instinctive. (0e3

3Duan until Jun Shalan calls herself that, she can stun you for a moment when she wears it, but she reacts quickly, then she touches 3 Jun Shalan's head to express her approval, and then points to the Flare team member who was rescued by her. e

Looking at these people, Jun Shalan waved his hand and said to the police officers beside him. "Take it away, and call some doctors by the way. The handsome guy and the Rockets should have solved it."

As Jun Shalan thought

In this way, the handsome guy and Lila's rescue team have successfully rescued the captured workers with the assistance of the two superpower Pokémon, Shanaido and Hudi.The Flare Team members did plan to use the hostages as a danger, but Takemura and Yukatsu, two of Ash's subordinates, had already let their Arbors sneak in and subdued the Flare Team members when they were ready to do it. .And the two steel Pokémon is to protect the workers behind them for protection.

Although the workers were surprised it was Team Rocket who saved them.But they still remember this kindness.

So far, the entire power plant rescue operation has been riddled with power generation, but no one has

ended as a result of casualties.

two-two dividing line

"Miss Junsha. Could you please tell me that this rescue operation was done by the police station and the three members of Team Rocket beside you? Why did Team Rocket, which was originally characterized as an evil organization, assist in the rescue?"

When a reporter wanted to put the microphone in Jun Sha's mouth, Jun Sha, who was in charge of the speech, glanced helplessly at Xiao Zhi, who had already put on a mask and changed his identity.She knew that these reporters were definitely the ones that Xiao Zhi found.

And being looked at by Sister Junsha's eyes, even if Xiao Zhi has a thick skin, he still has to stand up for the sake of it.

Jun Sha relieves the siege.

"Ahem, I think everyone has actually misunderstood our Rockets. Our Rockets have always been committed to making money. After all, we also have to eat. As for our own fighting ability, it is actually for self-protection, just like the mainland wine. It's not the same as the security of the store. The real purpose of our masters is to ensure our own safety. After all, the great cause of the family will inevitably be missed.

Hearing the masked man in front of him say this - a reporter did not agree but retorted 1_ But it is an indisputable fact that the Rockets have done a lot of bad things, do you have any explanation for this?"

In the face of such a sharp question, Xiao Zhi is very calm, and seems to have long known that someone would at least say plainly: "As for this question.. Actually, I have always said two things, everyone seems to Forgot one very important thing is the uniforms! The uniforms of those who do bad things are completely different from ours. In fact, the people who have been doing things through our Rockets identity have a remarkable feature, that is They have black jerseys. Yes, the guys who do it all the time are guys in black jerseys. They're totally at the mercy of a guy who's so disgusting!" I!

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