Chapter 2 Goodbye Mary ([-] more)

"If everyone encounters the Rockets in black uniforms in the future, they must be small. They can be said to be bottomless guys. It always gives us a headache. But as a large company, we can't fire employees for no reason, so in this matter We can only ask Miss Junsha and the Elf Alliance to deal with it more. We just hope to make more money on our own one-acre and three-point land.

When Ash kept smearing the Rockets headed by Bishops.Takemura and Yukatsu have mixed feelings.Now they finally understand why Xiao Zhi can become the second too boss.As far as the lip-smacking kung fu is black, it can be said to be white, and the white can also be said to be black.

The reputation of the people in the Bishas team is absolutely utterly stinky now.Of course, it may affect some players, but it's time to change their uniforms.

And as the reporters came up with one question after another.This interview is almost too good to be the Rockets' pick.After seeing this situation, Shalan Mian couldn't help coughing, then took the microphone in Xiaozhi's hand and said, "Okay, thank Mr. Sebastian for your answer, I think everyone now knows what you want to say. But the specific situation will depend on your performance. Whether it is true or false, this collaboration doesn't mean anything." After finishing speaking, Jun Shalan returned the words to the reporter and didn't say anything when he turned around.

Angrily, his eyes turned white.

Although the reporters still wanted to know some useful information, they had to choose to give up because of the obstruction of the police officers. After all, if they continued, it would constitute an obstruction of official business.Therefore, this surprise interview ended completely under Ash's frantic smearing of Bishas and the whitewashing of the Hoops.

It's just that Xiao Zhi didn't realize that there were actually two acquaintances among the reporters.And these two are Mary and Xiao Dai who had a brief exchange in the Wild Pokémon Sanctuary.

Mary and the others returned to Kanto non-stop not long after they sent the news to Fengyuan, and this was all because of Mary's so-called woman.


Mary's intuition told her that many interesting things were going to happen in the Kanto region.And now it seems that her idea is right, but this time, her and Xiao Dai's luck was not very good, and the press conference ended without being able to ask Xiao Zhi and the others questions.

Looking at the self-proclaimed Sebastian who was about to leave, Ma Mian fell into deep thought. When she came to the Kanto region before, she suspected that the so-called Sebastian might be the owner of the Tailu Hotel.After meeting Xiao Zhi, Ji Li realized that she was wrong.But looking at that familiar figure now, Mary couldn't help biting her finger and then she suddenly opened her eyes and cried out in surprise.

"It won't last long"


Many people were attracted by Mary's exclamation. They looked at Mary strangely and didn't know what was going on.

And when so many people looked at Mary, she scratched her head in embarrassment and apologized: "Sorry" I received an unexpected phone call here. I'm very sorry! "

After listening to Mary's explanation, everyone shook their heads and stopped paying attention, but Mary's voice made Xiao Zhi discover her.So Xiao Zhi gave the people at the Continental Hotel a wink and left first.

And in the postscript of Xiaozhijunsha and their departure

The victims also followed-up to the hospital to get close to the kidnapped workers. Mary and Xiao Dai originally planned to interview the workers of the power plant to obtain information, but when they saw a familiar muscular man and muscular woman, Mary and Xiao Dai were Dai was a little helpless.

"It's really fate, you two." Muscle looked at Mary and Xiao Dai with a slight smile, and the muscular man said after moving his muscles, "please come down. Since we are old acquaintances, we don't want to be rough. Um.-.probably."

Looking at the two acquaintances, Mary sighed helplessly and said, "It seems that my guess is right-"

"Is your guess is Shi, I don't

clear.But come with us now. "A strange look at Mary Muscle. Although the meat girl was curious about what her guess was, she still reminded her.

Afterwards, Mary and Xiao Dai were taken away by the muscular man and the muscular woman one by one, and seeing this scene, although other reporters were a little strange, they looked at the police officers who were obviously staring at them.They can only secretly sigh a pity and then leave

And Xiao Zhi, who had taken off his mask after Mary and Xiao Dai were brought to the place, was sitting on a sofa while drinking coffee and waiting.You guys have come to Kanto again 9" and took a sip of coffee. Ash looked at Mary who was not surprised that she took off her mask and couldn't help it.

De laughed again: "It seems that Sister Mary, you guessed it was me?"

"I guessed it: After all, you are an acquaintance, right?" Seeing Xiao Zhi take off his mask and face himself and Xiao Dai Mary, he also smiled, this feeling is actually very good.And in contrast to Mary is Xiao Dai.His wife looked at Xiao Zhi.After being stunned for a while, he asked, "Then-: Ash, you are not... Sebastian, right?"

"Yes, I am." Xiao Zhi admitted without hesitation.Then, seeing that his mouth was too long because of his surprise, he was able to stuff two eggs, and Xiao Dai Xiaozhi said helplessly, "So it's really hard for Sister Mary to form a team with you. You too, no

Think about it with your head that I am the owner of the Tailu Hotel. And the rumor that Sestian originally spread was the old version of the Continental Hotel, why didn't you think that I was Sebastian?"

".. Mary, you guessed it?" Looking at Mary Mountain Xiaodai in disbelief, she didn't expect that she was actually the dumbest one of all.

And Miaomiao next to Xiaozhi attacked him and said, "Miaozhen was really worried that you might be talking nonsense. In the end, only the woman guessed it. It seems that we all think highly of you."

Then Xiao Dai felt countless contemptuous eyes.And under these eyes, Xiao Dai cried

"Don't bring this

What a bully, L, you guys are going too far, how would I know if I'm not a detective!"!

Chapter 3 Bullying ([-] more)

Their solution to Yu Xiaodai's cry to Xiaozhi is very simple.

And after sealing Xiao Dai's mouth, Xiao Zhi also told the reason why she asked someone to bring Mary and the others.

Xiao Zhi poured two cups of coffee and pushed it in front of Mary and Xiao Dai. Then after seeing Xiao Dai who was still keeping his mouth closed, he pushed it to Bi Diao who was staring at the coffee.

"The reason I asked you to come here is very simple. I hope you don't broadcast my identity. After all, some reporters will write and broadcast after they have guessed something. If you do this casually, it will bring me A little trouble."


Kou Xiaozhi just put down the sugared coffee. L Mary looked at Xiaozhi and asked seriously._ "So is there any compensation? Although it is an acquaintance, I did guess it this time, so I want a seal for 0 fee? question?"

"Of course." Xiao Zhi smiled.

Then Xiao Zhi looked at Jun Shalan next to him and said, 2 "Sister Lan, just let them broadcast the real criminals, although they will be sent to Carlos in the end, but they will be promoted in other areas - it's not bad. "

After listening to Xiao Zhi's words, Jun Shalan gave Xiao Zhi an angry look and said, "Okay, okay. I know what you mean, so you two come with me."

"Okay, go." Mary jumped happily when she heard Jun Sha's words, and then kissed Xiao Zhi in excitement.At that moment, the whole house felt as if it had fallen into a cold ice cave.

Mary looked at Junshalan Maqier and Lila, who looked at her with the moonlight of the dead, and said embarrassedly:_ "Sorry!_ I'm so excited."

"Come with me:" No name said anything, but Jun Shalan's voice was very terrifying at this time, and Mary could only shiver with Xiao Dai- to follow Jun Sha for an interview

After waiting for a few people to leave, the handsome guy silently picked up the terrifying anger in the room.

The cup poured a cup of coffee from Xiao Zhi and went out and said, "I'll go first to see if there is anything left, do you two want to be together?" .The two of them understood in seconds after being glanced at by the handsome guy.Yu Sheng said directly, "Well, I'll go take a look too. Team Flare's technology may be a good thing."

After the handsome guys and the others were gone, apart from the Pokémon, only Ash and Lila were left in the room.

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