"Okay, don't be stern, you guys in this room again (cofbl, no one can scare you. And Machiel you

It's useless even if you make your own face like a bun.I am not afraid.I glanced at Maggie El, who had a bulging face with a face of 'I'm super fierce', and Lila who looked at her with a stern face.Xiao Zhi calmly took out two pieces of candy and handed them to them: _ "Do you want candy?"

"You didn't reflect at all::" It seemed that Lila was the first to be defeated, and she reluctantly took the candy in Ash's hair and threw it into her mouth.While eating - z said: "You have a thick skin:: Machiel, don't you. Eat it?"


Didn't answer Lila's words, _ Machielle looked at Xiao Zhi with such a bulging face as if she didn't care.

It was as if he was bewitched by Ash's candy, but in the face of such a Maggie, Ash just walked to her calmly and looked straight at her.And because Yugan is too close, Ash's mutual Machielle can feel it.


When Xiaozhi watched Maggie's face so close, her face became more and more red, and just when Maggie couldn't hold on anymore, Xiaozhi suddenly poked her with his hand. Poke her in the face e


With the sound of leaking air, Maggie El. couldn't hold back any longer, covered her face and stepped aside.


look at Ma

When Chiair was defeated, Xiaozhi smiled and asked, "I bully people? You should think about your own problems first.. Okay, Machiel? _ You have a lot of skills? You actually know that Lili and I have a relationship with me. The people from the Continental Hotel have opened the Warp Teleportation Brick for you. Your plan is good?" Seeing Maggie's Xiaozhi is angry and funny, Maggie's is really powerful this time, and she knows that. Dao used his relationship to let people from the Continental Hotel open a channel to come here, but this time he really misunderstood the handsome guy.

And being looked at by Xiaozhi like this, Maggie El can only hug Miaomiao and whisper: _ "I'm sorry. But I want to see Xiaozhi:."

"Next time

Just tell me, don't get involved in such a dangerous thing, don't let me and the handsome guy worry.Then the idiots of the Miare gang will talk about me too. With a wry smile, he touched Maggie El's head, Xiao Zhi didn't know what to say.

He's obviously one year older than himself. But he needs to take care of himself instead: And Machiel seems to be a little more dependent on him. I don't know if it's good or bad-

And being touched by Xiao Zhi, Maggie El can only apologize in a low voice. "I'm sorry: because I don't want to be a burden to Xiao Zhi and you.::"

Hearing Maggie El say that, Ash took her into his arms.and

Miao Miao jumped aside very colorfully.

"Aren't you a burden? You just need to live your own daily life every-z day is enough.,This is the real right. The handsome guy and I will never think you are a burden and this time you behaved very well. Alright. Miao Miao did a good job of controlling that scientist before, you've been too helpful this time, Maggie El."

Maggie Elle, who was held by Xiao Zhi in her arms, leaned her head up against Xiao Zhi after being stunned for a while and said, "I see: I'm sorry. And thank you Xiao Zhi::"

Maggie's side was comforted by Ash. Lila's magical candy can be said to be bitten

of creaks.

And Xiaozhi looked at Lila like this and pointed at her face helplessly and said, "Lila, your emotions are all on your face. I'll comfort you later, okay?"

"Who: Who wants your comfort l_"

Even though she said so. But in the end Lila still comforted Xiaozhi to hug him on the grounds that he had been dropped by Xiaozhi. JL. for a while.Miaomiao and Pikachu watched Xiaozhi do this and silently began to take notes, and then they would have a trick to deal with their wife.

one by one dividing line one by one

"We will send back the materials that Mr. Ash got, so we will retire first."

"Boss, let's withdraw first ⊥_"

Although they cooperated with Junsha and the others, Wudu and Yusheng were still not used to spending more time with them_ So they left e after reporting an I, and the handsome Machielle and Lila also left. .

Both Handsome and Lila can't wait as Interpol, and Maggie El has to hurry up and get back to Handsome-Carlos to report the safety of the 'family' who are worried about her.Mary and Xiao Dai left after the interview.Jun Shalan's eyes became more and more terrifying.Let them hurry up and stay longer this time.

And by the time everyone is gone, it's almost time, Ash

Looking at Jun Shalan who was still in a state of anger, she shrugged helplessly and followed Jun Shalan to the aircraft of the Tailu Hotel. I !

Chapter [-] is unique enough

Sitting on the aircraft, Shaozhi looked helpless at Jun Shalan who was sitting opposite him. Fortunately, at such an embarrassing moment, his magical treasures would never let him down.

To ease the embarrassment, Ash is scratching Pikachu now.And little Ibrahimovic watched curiously in Xiaozhi's clothes, Da Duck didn't know what was going on, but he was sitting with Xiaozhi's arm in his arms, while the snake bear was still occupying the small position. Wisdom is the item.

Happy Egg sits on the other side of Ash and sleeps with Ash's arm in his arms, and Meow is watching the latest issue of Cat Pokémon magazine while eating small fish.

It looks like it's coming soon

After reaching the destination, Jun Shalan also knew that she couldn't be silent any longer, so Jun Shalan hugged her chest and said, "Xiao Zhi, we need to talk..."

"Sister Lan, I like you."


The sudden confession not only caught Jun Shalan by surprise, but also helped Jun Sha and the police officers, who were sitting in front of the aircraft, listen even more.I didn't expect it, even though I know that this kid is carnivorous, but this sudden confession is too hot, right? L

But Xiao Zhi, who had just completed a shocking operation, continued to massage Pikachu without hesitation.

,_" This is my confession to you. After all, it is better for the man to take the initiative to propose marriage, right?"

"Wait!" Xiaozhijun interrupted Shalan with a blushing face. Now it's a little confusing.She picked up the handcuffs and looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "You are molesting the civil servant L. Be careful, I will arrest you~"

"Hmm:: Sister 1 can use her brain to know that Jun Sha, who is married to me, is out of Sister Jing, and if you calculate it, it must be with my sister Lan, who has been living the longest time recently. You are married as a marriage. Of course, it may also be Sister Jing: with you, Sister Lan:"


Moved the Duck to - side Jun Shalan - put the handcuffs on Xiao Zhi and herself and then sat next to Xiao Zhi and said, "Now shut up and just stay with me.."

Looking at the handcuffs on his left hand, Xiao Zhi suddenly smiled - down and then gently - pulling Jun Shalan to his shoulders.

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