"Sana:." (Extremely envious!

Hearing Xiaoxia's words, Sha Qiduo also looked at Xiaozhi with extremely resentful eyes. However, in Xiaozhi's view, it was just the child's temper.

Of course, the hardest hit is actually

Or Pachira.Didn't she expect Xiaozhi to be so open-mouthed. What's wrong with her being about to become a Leftover Ten?⊥. My mother has ideals and aspirations."

Therefore, some of the beaten Paquila tried hard to maintain her own smile and said, "It's okay, I just don't have a suitable partner here, and it's enough for me to have good friends and friends."

"Your good friend Carol is my fiancee."


Looking at Xiaozhi Paqila silently, she felt her blood pressure was rising. _And Ash doesn't seem to see Paquila's anger

He said slowly again. "I even gave her the ring, and I specially called her over to give her something before. Then wait for 3.3. Don't be surprised if you know Carlos if you are shown a face, by the way, I am a carnivorous type, maybe It won't take long for you to receive a wedding invitation. You may also find out that you have children. At that time, Karuna will come to see you with the children. The face is envious. Of course, if you kill yourself too much, I don't mind letting you disappear-down the mountain"_-

At that moment, Pachila felt Xiaozhi's malice. Although she knew that Xiaozhi was deliberately angry with herself, when she thought of that situation, Pachila felt

He looks like he's going to hit someone.


Chapter [-] Temporary Armistice

Pachila found that chatting with Xiao Zhi was really a headache. She understood that everything Xiao Zhi was acting was pretending, and it goes without saying that it was to disgust herself, but she couldn't do anything about it. This is Pachi. Pull the most headache.After all, Paqila also knows that she is on Ash's boat now, and Paqila still understands that Ash killed Hunter A before. After all, it is impossible for the Flare Team and the Hunter Organization to cooperate with each other completely. , so the Flare Team also checked some news or intelligence and determined one thing.The hunter organization planted a follower in Xiaozhi.

And I heard one thing from the intelligence market in the black market, the hunter organization

I did plan to do something to Xiao Zhi's relatives, but the final result was that the hunter organization received the cash on delivery mail, and the contents inside.

Thinking of that terrifying scene that makes people nauseous, Paquila doesn't want to be cold. It's really scary for a guy who seems to be harmless to humans and animals to be ruthless. 12:-

So in order not to be sent back in portions, Paquila could only pretend to be okay while carefully filtering every word of this Xiaozhi

"Then I can only congratulate Karuna, really though- I have heard her say she is going to be single, but I didn't expect it to be true. I thought she would be single like me. alliance

What. "

"I'm sorry, that's impossible. But let's not try each other out, Miss Pachira. Let's make it clear what your real intentions are. We've figured out enough for each other?"

"Okay okay.. I admit defeat, then I want to take a moment. What do you think if our Flare team wants to quit Kanto obediently? After all, we came here because we were tricked."

"Tell me who was cheated by_Although I have a little guess. But I can't be completely sure."

Ash, who has already made some guesses, can almost guess what the official organization is doing, and Paquila's answer is not too high.

Out of Koichi's expectations.

"The Pokémon Hunter Organization."

Without any concealment, Paqila directly confessed the so-called ally.

And Xiaozhi slightly cocked his mouth after hearing Pachira's answer.

"Humph, sure enough, it seems to them that some guys are really afraid. But he doesn't seem to understand one thing. In Kanto", if he continues to cause trouble, he is afraid that he will not be beaten by me! Very good.Since you are so cooperative, Miss Pachira, as long as your Flare Team obediently withdraws from the Turkestan region, my people will not treat you

Do it and scoop it up. The group of people you caught will definitely be extradited to Bulos. So I won't care when it comes to Carlos.But I hope you can understand one thing if you are doing things in Kanto. "

Speaking of which, Xiao Zhi suddenly appeared in front of Pachila. Although he could be said to be a pile of pendants, Xiao Zhi's physical fitness was there, and he was able to fight against people who were wearing bears and practicing martial arts. Nine can imagine.

And Ash looked directly at Pachira and said, "I will make you regret coming to Kanto."

Paquila was so-seeing by Xiaozhi that there was a dignified look in his eyes.Ash's eyes are terrifying, and Pachira also understands the card in front of him.

Luna's unmarried going is not a good thing. L is a ruthless character who can use all kinds of hairs to kill the enemy, so in the face of Xiaozhi's threat, Paqila narrowed her eyes and said 1_ "Don't worry, I know what to do, I not a fool

Dividing Line - One

When Xiaogang came back and saw Paquila, L immediately rushed up like a stray dog.After all, he also knew Yupaqila, a beautiful broadcaster.However, before Xiaogang got too close, a group of muscular men were like football players: they took him away.

"Not up""! "

As Xiaogang's screams are getting farther and farther away, Xiaozhi

Helplessly shook his head and said, "He will never have a long memory."

Looking at the situation just now, even though she didn't deal with Ash, Paquila asked with some uncertainty.

"That.. your man two stared at him? Are you sure he is your companion?

"Miss Paquila, please don't worry about that person, he is not worth the same period at all."

Xiaoxia, who was holding Porkbi, answered Pachira's question first.Although she knew that Xiaozhi and Paqila were not dealing with each other now, Xiaoxia still reminded Paqila because a certain color embryo was too embarrassing.

I heard Xiaoxia say that

Paqi Laye was a little speechless and let his companions say so. It seems that the man named Xiaogang is also the best, and he must have practiced many times to see the skilled movements of the muscle brothers.

But now it's not the time when L Pachira is concerned about something else.

"What do you plan to do with those people in the water fleet? Are you going to solve the trick?_"

As soon as Pachira finished speaking, she found that Xiaozhi and the others were keeping away from him with a look of disgust. Miaomiao said directly to Xiaozhi.

"Boss, this woman is so vicious.

"Yeah, I'm not some kind of devil L wait for Billy and the others to finish communicating with him

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