Just leave it to Sister Junsha and the others. Even if they are rescued, the water fleet will give priority to those who pit them, right?"

Madam, how are you? "

- "Thank you for the compliment. Ahahahahaha

"meow hahaha"

"Pickup pickup!" Mountain"

Full of evil laughter.._

Chapter 8 Leave everything alone (the third one needs to be after [-] o'clock, sorry)

"Oh, I really appreciate your Amaterasu, thank you Xiaozhi this time."

When arriving at Red Lotus Island, Paquila planned to say goodbye to Ash and the others. Although it seemed that the atmosphere was very friendly.But unlike Xiaogang, who is heartless and can't walk when he sees beautiful women, Xiaoxia knows that although Xiaozhi and Pachira seem to be friendly, if there is no Karuna in the middle, Xiaoxia believes that By now Pachira must have been thrown into the sea by Ash to feed the fish.

It's not that Xiaoxia looks down on Paquila.It's because, as the first companion who traveled with Xiaozhi and his current girlfriend, Xiaoxia, he knows the details of Xiaozhi, not to mention Xiaozhi.

That pile of Pokémon on call, that is, the fast dragon that Ash is wearing by his side, is not something that Pachira can deal with, not to mention the two Ho-ohs who obviously gave Ash's blessing. Although one of them was seriously injured before, listening to the communication between Ash and Arceus seems to be because the other world has a suppressing effect on the beasts. Now the Ho-wang in Ash's house may not be as good as the one in this world. But there is no problem with resurrecting people or destroying a city.

Of course, these are not the biggest things that really let Xiaoxia know that Xiaozhi will be okay is Arceus' attitude towards Xiaozhi.Xiaoxia was able to discover Arceus's love for Xiaozhi from the communication between Arceus and Xiaozhi.

The feeling is very special, it is an emotion that she cannot understand_Xiaoxia is not sure if it is a friendship between men.After all, the gender of Arceus has never been determined: .

'Please don't make up our friendship with your weird ideas::'2

Just when Xiaoxia was thinking.The voice of Arceus suddenly sounded in her ears. It was the voice that she could hear, but now the voice of the God of Creation was full of helplessness.

"Xiao Zhi is not good enough. As his partner, you don't want to correct him, why did he follow along: I got cranky together 2

hear it

Erzeus' voice, Xiaoxia was stunned for a moment, but she understood when Xiaozhi was still sneering at each other with Pachirapi, and only she could hear it, so Xiaoxia quickly I apologized in my heart, _' sorry: .2'


Listening to Arceus' helpless voice, Xiaoxia really wanted to laugh.But she knew it was impolite so she held back.It's just that Xiaoxia still revealed her doubts from the bottom of her heart.

"Master Arceus has always paid attention to Ash

, Is it related to Ash's past life?

Arceus was not surprised to hear Xiaoxia's words, but only smiled when Xiaoxia could hear the voice.

Oh, has it been discovered? Yes, it is indeed related to the past life of this guy, but I won't say at least I won't say it until the guy thinks about it, as Ash's partner, you know it yourself That's good and. To put it bluntly, it's just a story of two idiots: although one of them is really hopelessly stupid'

Xiaoxia could hear that although there was some helplessness in Arceus' voice, it was more of a : : kind of nostalgia and gratification, but then Xiao Xia's voice

Xia still asked another question

_'That: A.. Ash's silver wing regiment

_'Oh that, he's whatever, it's impossible for you to keep a person pure forever, that kind of thing is called according to Ash's saying: Madonna? After the suggestion, deal with the gods of other worlds:: I'm sorry to say too much, in short, you don't have to worry, some necessary means are actually good things.Well at least I learned no

Less good way.It's a matter of having an organization that Arsins not only knows about like the villain.This actually counts

As the creator god Arceus actually faced his

When the invasion of other worlds, he also needs to teach the world, or to deal with some malicious collaborators with guys from other worlds, but once or twice, Arceus was conspicuously plotted, so he was attacked by a special kind of special It is the world where Zhi lived in his previous life. And it was Xiao Zhi who was still looking for a cure.

Zeus met Zeus

Al, who had just been betrayed, was still full of vigilance when he was Ash. , but no Anzhi heard of it. After his experience, he did not

To comfort him, instead, he directly ridiculed the lack of love.


Keep one hand _ .. [.." is two

What happened after that was nothing more than the county. A frustrated guy was just sarcasm at each other, and sarcasm at each other was just silly and sweet--the woman couldn't have the strength to save the family, but it was also because of each other's sarcasm - God However, there was a kind of difficult friendship between them, maybe it was also a kind of comfort when they made money for each other.

Yes, Yu Xiao

And the reason why Arceus didn't have an anti-intellect and organized a villain-like organization is because Ashashiro and cursed Zeus to bear that special substance

of the

The last words spoken to it during the eclipse. ,now

"Idiot L. Anyway, I'm going to die and give you a piece of advice at the end. I'm not an enemy of the Advice Temple. Listen to yourself. If you and your allies are worse than the bad guy, Xia Za, you won't be overshadowed. most

stuff! "The text is

The heart is the most complicated thing. The last little wisdom left Arceus with the most advice in his past life, and this also made the Arceus create the world once- invincible in their own world. The invincible gods really face up to those who are their own reasons.

And ignore something.



Chapter [-] Research Institute?Go for it you'll love it!

-'Arceus 3 Lord Arceus? 2

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