The desire to survive began to show his power. He continued to struggle. And he hugged the net even harder.

"Oh Chao, you are so gratifying to me, you actually hug the net tightly, from now on you are our good friend

"No 1. L⊥⊥(befel

In the end, Meow Meow's hot air balloon was pulled to the ground by a muscle man and a fighting-type Pokémon in the screams of despair.

In the face of so many muscular men plus fighting Pokémon Rocket, the trio could only be caught obediently.

Of course_.Kojiro was also rescued by Billy and the others from Oishihua's mouth.but save

To save people, the account that should be calculated still has to be calculated

one-one dividing line-one

"Um. Uh, it's a pity..."

"Yeah, it's really a pity.

"You... what do you want?_

Little Dalang sighed and didn't know what to say as he watched the _gang of muscular men constantly watching around him, but he had a bad premonition that if he got involved with these guys, it would be very bad.

And a bunch of muscular elder brothers looked at each other helplessly after watching Kojiro for a long time and then shook their heads.

"You think so too"

"Ah. Not at all.."_

Listening to the strange conversations of the muscular guys, Kojiro was a little confused.And Jonathan patted Kojiro and said, "Boy, I don't even know what to say about you. Physical exercise is so bad, it's hard for us to make you a good friend."

"22? What good friend 2"_

Kojiro, who didn't understand Jonathan's meaning at all -& his face was stunned.And Jonathan and a group of big muscle brothers showed off their muscles and said together.

"Of course it's our cute boy⊥" N__


Ahhh ⊥⊥. L help!" ⊥⊥⊥ These people are all lunatics, go _!1.! "

Looking at the tide and starting to struggle again, Jonathan showed a doting smile.

"Sure enough, dear tide is more suitable. Then it's time for you bad guys to punish you!"

While talking about Jonathan and the others, they slowly clenched their fists, and seeing Jonathan and the other Rockets trio knew that this time was really miserable.

"That.. don't hold your face, okay_"

"We refuse."

with a

Help Big Muscle rush to the Rockets.The screams of Team Rocket echoed over the Pokémon Research Center.

"Better than bored. ⊥⊥! 1⊥⊥⊥⊥"-


Chapter three hundred and twenty

Early the next morning, Jian Gan Xiaogang stayed up all night with Xiao Zhi and decided to get some more sleep.

Oops, why bother with that seductress at a time like this, isn't she pretty in her arms?

With this thought in mind, Xiaozhi Meimei fell asleep.And Ke Na smiled and hugged Xiao Zhi after discovering Xiao Zhi's actions _ He was indeed tossed a lot yesterday.

When it was almost noon, Xiaozhi and Ke Na got up to wash up, and when they saw Xiaoxia, they realized that Xiaogang still hadn't come back.

When the three of them were having lunch, Xiaoxia remembered Mr. Billy's special hobby and was a little unsure and asked Xiaozhi.

"That Xiaozhi, are you sure that Xiaogang can stay behind now? Don't be too happy when Mr. Billy and the others pull Xiaogang in."

"No, this one shouldn't, in a sense Billy and the others are very picky eaters, at least they shouldn't do it until they've trained Xiaogang to fit into their mouths. Plus there's that guy named Tide up front. I think Xiaogang should be safe, probably:."


When they heard Xiaozhi talk about it, Xiaoxia and Kena knew that Xiaogang might be out of luck, and Xiaozhi's probably would almost always be against it.

and as they

The guess is the same. When the three came to the research institute, they saw the Rockets trio hanging upside down on the streetlight, and also saw Xiaogang, who was obviously exhausted and collapsed due to excessive exercise.

Seeing Xiaogang like this, Xiaozhi looked at Jonathan and asked.

"I said, brother Jonathan, are you playing him bad?"

While talking about Xiaozhi, he and Xingfudan started to look at Xiaogang's condition. In the end, he found that he was just tired, and he didn't even have symptoms of dehydration.

And Jonathan said helplessly.

"Xiaozhi, you have wronged us, this is Xiaogang's own training, really

Yes, we just want to invite him to play with Chaoyan.That's it for him.Others persuaded him to take a break and he trained harder until he was tired. "

...well I kind of get it.

Seeing that Billy and the others used wrestling and all kinds of articulations to smell the dawn, Xiaozhi, who was standing up with Xingfudan, said, "I'll ask you to continue the interrogation of this guy. Don't hand him over to Junsha's sister before useful information. I will help you buy time 0Og; I heard Xiaozhi's words Jonathan and they all. Ya Baorong.

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