"Thank you little

Chi, thank you for your generosity, your good friend Xiaogang, and give it to us for treatment. Rest assured, although it is not as good as Taoyuan Gensokyo Hospital.But it can definitely make Xiaogang feel comfortable. "After speaking, Jonathan and Ash winked, which is self-evident.

After hearing that Jonathan was going to help him temporarily solve the light bulb, Ash's mouth showed a smile full of darkness, and Pikachu cooperated with Ash's smile when he saw it, and gave a smirk.

In the end, Xiaogang was still left in the Pokémon Research Center by Xiaozhi. Of course, Xiaozhi also clearly asked Jonathan and the others to treat Xiaogang well without any strange things.


And after solving Xiaogang's matter, Xiaozhi and the others finally set foot on their destination this time, the Red Lotus Gym.

However, when Xiao Zhi just came to the Red Lotus Gym, an old man with Tai Guangwei, who was as bright as this and the Jenny Turtle, rushed out, and at the same time he was holding a crooked village in his hand. Bring a to Xiaozhi

"I'm fighting with you, prince boy! ⊥!

Seeing the old man Xiao Zhi who was rushing towards him while walking around the village, he shook his head helplessly and then accompanied by a figure suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Zhi, the old man was directly grabbed by the bear in his head.

"I said Mr. Xia Bo

Father... it's not good for you to beat people when you first come up?"

Xia Bo, who was wearing clothes that could hold his head, struggled frantically, but at the same time he did not forget to shout at Xiao Zhi: "You bastard⊥ Tell me what you did to my queen nephew?. This is my territory, you kid let me How to explain to the old man of the Bing family 2,"

Hearing Xia Bo's words, Kena was helpless - : smiled and said, _ "Okay, alright. I know you are doing it for my good, but Xiaozhi is my fiancé, so Grandpa Xiabo is fine."

Sharp.The members of the Fire Family used to work in scientific research in Team Rocket.The patriarch of the Ice Family, that is, Kona's grandfather, is an old brother, so he is right.

Yu Kona can be said to be very concerned.

However now.

So even though he was grabbed by the bear, Xia Bo was still struggling and shouted L in his own voice.

-"Xiao Zhi!. You stinky brat wait! Today's red lotus emblem means you can't easily get it from me ⊥_"

Seeing Xia Bo, Xiao Zhi and Kena looked at each other helplessly.Then he said to Xiaoxia. "I know the old man, so the old man likes this, um, you wait - next_Meow Meow Pikachu to help me."

Although he was grabbed by the bear, Xia Bo was still able to see Ash and Pickup

Qiu and the others walked towards them.So he struggled harder.

"What are you doing, kid? I tell you, don't do anything to me, I tell you that I am your elder, do you understand? 1_ "

However, in the face of Xia Bo's threat, Xiaozhi Miaomiao and Pikachu took the blank and began to grope on him.

"Ming ha ⊥ ha ha ha"! Boy! Stop it!" Ah ha ha ha! It's so itchy! Ah ha ha ha! "

With the groping of the three hands, Xia Bo began to laugh wildly.Second.


Chapter [-] The old fox and the little fox

"Really, I don't know how to respect the old man at all. What if I, the leader, wait for you to be pulled over because of your tossing."

At this time, Xia Bo, who was groping wildly by Xiaozhi Pikachu and Miaomiao-ton, was constantly giving himself the air, and wanted Ke to come and pat him, but was blocked by Xiaozhi and looked at the person holding the crimson badge. Xiaozhi Xiabo is so angry, ah.

"Stinky boy! What are you doing in the way of Kena, let her pat me this old man?

After listening to Xia Bo's words, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but be amused, then came over and patted Xia Bo and said, "I said Xia Bo. Stop pretending. You always know that I am Doctor Yu.

The reason for this line of work is that you always said that you were not in good health before, I believe it, but now:"

Shaking his head, Xiao Zhi put away the red lotus badge and patted Xia Bo.

"You are stronger than some young people. You really don't have any guilt."

"Go on you bastard"

Seeing that Xiaozhi didn't give face to Xia Bo by copying his own village, he would play a full martial arts with Xiao Zhi, but before Xia Bo made his own attack on the village, the wearing bear had grabbed Xia Bo's head again.

"Yi" (what are you going to do to my dear child?. )

. "Oops! It hurts | I'm wrong, I apologize" I apologize! But Xiaozhi quickly prepares for the gym game, I won't let you take the gym badge so easily. "

Hearing Xia Bo's words, Xiao Zhi revealed a smile.

"Isn't that of course."

[-] dividing line - [-]

"Now it's a gym battle! Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town will play against Xia Bo from the Red Lotus gym. The game is three-on-three. Come on stinky boy, I'll let you know how my grandfather deals with your kind of robbery. The guy who took my granddaughter "Go Powertail!"

As Xia Bo put his treasure

The shell threw out a terrifying nine tails on the field, and the realm of this nine tails was a real king.

After all, Xia Bo is also an old senior, it is impossible without any ability.And now this power tail is the second veteran in Xia Bo's hands.Liu Ji will let Jiuwei go up, old man, you are serious, type

Looking at Xia Bo, Jiuwei Xiaozhi was also a little speechless, sitting in the gym and fighting, so that this person was afraid that it was not the rhythm of bloody cruelty to the newcomer.

At this time, Xia Bo also looked at Xiao Zhi with a gloomy face and said, "This is a special treatment for your kid. I tell you that this time I will make you feel good - let go of my grandfather's anger. My grandson

Women are not so easy to catch up! The nine tails are full of firepower,"


As Xia Bo's voice fell on Jiuwei's body, a powerful flame burned.After seeing this situation, Xiao Zhi understood that Xia Bo was serious this time, but even if Xia Bo was serious, Xiao Zhi still had one thing to say.

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