"Master, I must make one thing clear. I was hunted between me and Kona, do you understand?"


Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Xia Bo was stunned for a moment, and then expressed his disbelief.

And Xiaozhi said it again.

"I! is the hunted, Kona is the hunter!"

".. what this kid Kona said _ well, I understand."

Originally, Xia Bo was still a little unconvinced.But after seeing Kona nodding, he knew that this time it seemed that he really had misunderstood.

"Um: Ash, why don't we have a cup of tea together?"

"There's no time for tea. The old man will have a good time today." Come on the flaming horse!"

With the opening of Xiaozhi's baby ball.. the flashing flame horse with a faint blue flame also appeared on the field, ... watching Xiaozhi's flashing flame Ma Xiabo unexpectedly

Raised eyebrows.

"The nose boy is fine. Although this flaming horse has just stepped into the heavenly king not long ago, it is still stable enough. The nine-tailed flame sprays!"

Very suddenly, Xia Bo issued an attack order. Facing the sudden attack of the nine tails, the flame horse quickly evaded by his own speed.

"It's not kind, old man. He actually attacked the flaming horse and sprayed flames on it"

"Kyuubi dodge and fight back!"

With the continuous use of Liwei and the flame horse to harass each other with jet flames, Xiaozhi and Xiabo are both in the heart.

'On the old fox'


'Little Fox L,

In fact, both Xia Bo and Xiao Zhi have discovered the characteristics of each other's Magic Treasure View.that is ignition

However, even if there is a fire, Xiaozhi and Xia Bo are still on guard against each other, and there is no intention to expose it, so even if both parties find out, it will not be broken.This is also the reason why Xiaozhi and Xiabo say each other is a fox.

And the intrigue between the two also affects the nine tails and the flame horse.Nine genus use hypnosis continuously while using jet flame. 0.9_ and in the face of this disgusting fighting style, the flames run without looking at the nine tails.And every time it runs past a place there will be a two-strand

A faint blue flame was left behind.

Originally, Xia Bo had planned to silently watch the situation develop before making a decision, but when Xia Bo saw those faint blue flames, he finally realized that something was wrong.

"Yin enough, nine tails use the energy storage flame attack to put out those blue flames!"

Xia Bo couldn't take it lightly for anything left by Xiao Zhi's Pokémon, because he knew that this stinky boy in front of him was a super yin.


The three hundred and twentieth chapters are all hidden

Since he has a relationship with Xiao Zhi like a bad friend, Xia Bo is very clear that facing Xiao Zhi must not be taken lightly.Xiaozhi's various insidious tricks are inevitable

Therefore, after seeing the flames left by the flaming horse, Xia Bo asked Jiuwei to put it out without even thinking.

However, Xia Bo didn't think about one thing carefully, he knew Xiao Zhi so well, how could Xiao Zhi not know him 2

So when Xia Bo asked Jiuwei to put out the flames left by the flaming horse, he had already been tricked.

"break out."

Hearing the word Xiaozhi, Xiabo already felt something was wrong.However, before he could let Liwei leave, the flame mark left by the flaming horse suddenly erupted.The faint blue flame engulfed the Nine-Tails directly.

Seeing this situation, Xia Bo curled his lips. Although he had already guessed that Xiao Zhi would have a lot of tricks, this kid started to calculate from the beginning. Isn't it a bit too much?

But Xia Bo wasn't worried about the Nine-Tails. After all, it was said before that the Nine-Tails' characteristic was to cause fire.The flame horse's fire skills can't hurt the nine tails.

However, Xia Bo was slapped in the face soon.When the dark blue flame ended and erupted, the body of the nine tails was not

There were no scars as he thought, but there were some minor burns and scars.

"The nine tails immediately left the area around the flaming horse.


Hearing Xia Bo's words, Jiuwei thought about it and got out of the attack range first, and Xiabo didn't ask why Xiaozhi was injured because of the fire. It was caused by the rising stone, and the burn was probably due to the blue flame of the blazing horse.

Although he didn't know the reason, Xia Bo knew that he wouldn't say anything if he asked Xiao Zhi now, so he began to observe the battlefield carefully.

and small

Although Chi's side is a little blocked by the explosion - Bo Xiabo's nine tails.But it didn't take this opportunity to let the flaming horse launch an offensive.

Xia Bo's power tail is not afraid of these small injuries.

"Li Hun wrapped his whole body in flames and hit the flames towards the flames. The flames on the flaming horse are strange."


Hearing Xia Bo's order, the body of the flaming horse began to burn. This is also a unique trick of Xia Bo's magical treasures, and it has a lot of help in offense and defense.

And as the flames of the nine tails rushed to the chimney, Ma Xiaozhi did not care about it but said, _ "

The flame clone, don't let the nine tails hit you, the nine tails are not a two-z-like opponent

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