Hearing Xia Bo say that, Xiao Zhi smiled -.

"Sir, stop joking, but it is indeed the last battle. Then, the old man you are going to send will not be the old guy, right?"

"Heh, it looks like you've guessed it. That's right, my last Pokémon is it. Come out, Duck-billed Fire Dragon!"


Along with the lava below the site, a

A duck-billed fire dragon appeared on the field, and Xiao Zhi said softly after looking at the old acquaintance. "Go for the fire-breathing dragon."

As Ash's voice fell, Ash's treasure saw the ball automatically moved away and then the fire-breathing dragon roared and appeared in the field.



The roaring duck-billed fire dragon of the fire-breathing dragon just glanced at it lightly, and it is not disgusted with this energetic junior. As a fire-type Pokémon, it is necessary to have this kind of enthusiasm, although this old guy may not be as good as them. Just young.

And the fire-breathing dragon is serious at this time_

Looking at the duck-billed fire dragon, it knows that as the finale's opponent, the duck-billed fire dragon definitely has real abilities.

And just after the two sides were silent, Xia Bo took the lead in saying, "The duck-billed fire dragon sprays flames"


As the mouth of the duck-billed fire dragon spewed a terrifying high-temperature spray towards the fire-breathing dragon, the fire-breathing dragon did not rely on himself.But just when the fire-breathing dragon rushed up to use the dragon's claws, Xiao Zhi said, "Be careful when fighting in close quarters, the duck-billed fire dragon's body temperature is as high as 0 degrees, even if it is useless to deal with him, it is useless to deal with him, start now Put an end to all fire tricks.



Hearing that with a smile, the fire-breathing dragon nodded and stopped the melee combat, but finally gave off a light.

"Destruction of Dead Light 2, isn't your fire-breathing dragon afraid of after-effects?"

Xia Bo was a little surprised to see that the fire-breathing dragon was actually used to destroy the death light. But in the face of Xia Bo's surprise, Xiao Zhi did not answer, just glanced at him silently.

"Che: Fighting with me is still like this, forget it, you and I will go after it's over! L."

Xia Bo was shocked before he could decide, and the reason was very simple.

The power of Ash's fire-breathing dragon's destruction of the death light is completely different from the normal destruction of the death light.The power is almost the same as that of the Taibang Torch

And the duck-billed fire dragon jumped into the magma without even thinking about it after seeing that move to destroy the dead light, and his action also made Xia Bo very embarrassed, because - this is out of bounds.

"Old man L duck-billed fire dragon has appeared on the field by himself. How do you think it will be sentenced to 3"

".. You did it on purpose, stinky boy! Ah? What about too much war? What about the final battle?! You actually came here!"

Listening to Xia Bo's words, Xiao Zhi revealed a sly smile and said. "Doing it to win is not

Is it normal? But now the real battle begins.”


Just like in response to Xiao Zhi's words, the duck-billed fire dragon rushed out of the magma and sprayed the magma towards the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon did not evade the magma of Dilai, but directly used a flame jet to fight back.


As the magma collided with the flames._A huge explosion was generated in the field by. , Seeing this situation, Xia Bo was stunned for a moment.. But soon he laughed again, and he understood what Xiao Zhi and the fire-breathing dragon meant.

"Yeah, it's game over now, that's right:: that

There are no rules! Duck-billed fire dragons have a blast, Shan,"


Hearing Xia Bo's words, the face of the duck-billed fire dragon also showed an excited expression.Now is really suitable for too much work.

And Ash said to the fire-breathing dragon, "Become a real dragon. Fire-breathing dragon xL"


With the roar of the fire-breathing dragon, colorful light burst out on him. Then the fire-breathing dragon super-evolved into the fire-breathing dragon X.At the same time, it waved its claws and attacked the duck-billed fire dragon.

Dragon Claw

"Duck-billed fire dragon L magma

fist l_"

Magma fist, this is the unique skill of Xia Bo's duck-billed fire dragon, it can be said to be an advanced version of flame fist.

"Dragon Claw and Shadow I Double Claw Strike!

"Roar!" (understand)

Hearing Ash's command, the fire-breathing dragon used one hand to use the dragon claw while the other hand used the shadow claw.

Shadow claw is a trick that it learned with a learning machine and then practiced with meow for a long time. Plus now it is in Y form _ The characteristic is sharp claws. When these are combined, the power exerted is terrifying


With fists and claws facing each other.A terrifying shock exploded in the sky.

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