However, this is not the end. Because the real battle has just begun.

"The Lava Jet"

"Destroy the Light of Death!"


Two-one dividing line --

"Stinky boy⊥ did you go up on purpose?"

"Don't say that, sir, don't you think this is very interesting?_"

"Interesting ball, my house has been demolished by you"

"Hahaha, who made you excited, come and hit me?


"Don't run away, prince!"

Seeing that Xia Bo, who was chasing Xiao Zhi with a crutch, was wearing a bear, he was trying to grab his face again, but was stopped by Xiao Xia and Ke Na.

"It's okay, Mama Bear, 2 that should be the way Xia Bo and Xiao Zhi get along.

Xiaoba looked at the site that had been completely destroyed and smiled helplessly.

"Besides, this time Xiao Zhi really went too far"_

"No, it's just that Grandpa Xia wants to beat Xiao Zhi."

Kona looked at Xiao Zhi and Xia Bo mouth fish who were chasing and playing with a smile


"After all, that's how they get along."-


Chapter [-] Are you a gym battle? !

"You two. Do you know how much trouble your gym battle has brought to everyone? 1 Your battle actually caused an earthquake. Do you know the scary 3

Seeing Xiao Zhi and Xia Bo Ke Na who were being trained by Jun Sha, he sighed slightly.

"So they didn't think about the consequences of that at the time?_"

The reason why Xiaozhi and Xiabo were trained by Jun Sha was because of their previous battle.The duck-billed fire dragon, which was re-invigorated by the fire-breathing dragon, turned on the fire and directly opened the passionate mutual spray mode with the fire-breathing dragon.And it is not only Xiabo's gym, but also Red Lotus Island that is unlucky under the mutual spray of two powerful energies.

Moldy.You must know that Xia Bo of the Red Lotus Gym was built on lava, and it was still underground.

Although the battle of the king level can't be said to change the terrain, it is absolutely enough to destroy it, and this time it was fought underground.As a result, a small earthquake occurred on Honglian Island.

And because of the impact of the small-scale earthquake, Junsha and the others also received numerous calls for help from the masses. Finally, they carefully checked in Junsha. After checking it again, they found that it was Xiabo's Red Lotus Gym. The scene where Sand reprimands Ash and Xia Bo.

In the face of the unselfish and maddened criticism and education of himself and Xia Bo, Jun Sha Xiaozhi died.

Holding the Duck Duck, who has already suffered from the headache that Jun Sha said.

"Oh oh oh ⊥⊥⊥" (Why do you treat me like this)

In the face of the struggle, Kadaka Xiaozhi, who begs the cow, shows no mercy.Hold it tightly and let him listen to Jun Sha's criticism and education with himself~. _

Miaomiao and Pikachu smiled unkindly when they saw Duck Duck struggling in Xiaozhi's arms.

"Sure enough, the boss has a deep resentment for the duck, and he actually brought it to listen to Jun Sha's lesson."_

"Pikapie." (Who made him keep dying.)


On the other hand, Jun Sha looked at Xiao Zhi who was holding Da Duck and said helplessly, "Xiao Zhi, let go of your Da Duck if it really doesn't work, I think he seems to have a headache.

Hearing Jun Sha's words, Kakaya immediately looked at Xiao Zhi with his big eyes, which obviously meant that he begged Xiao Zhi to let him go.

However, in the face of Kakaya Xiaozhi, who was begging to be let go, he showed a ruthless equal capacity.force&

"Duck, it's time for you and me to face the wind and rain together. Just listen to Sister Junsha's words. Go on."

Then Xiao Zhi hugged the Duck even tighter. . and the Ducks continue to tie up

"Oh oh oh ⊥

⊥_⊥” (Don’t be like this” Don’t be like this!. )

Looking at Xiaozhi's appearance of letting go of Keda Duck, although he doesn't know what Keda Duck did to make Xiao Zhi treat him like this, there are more important things.

"Xiao Zhi and Xia Bo, can you both pay attention? You are both public figures." Fortunately, Xiao Zhi said that he has always done _ disguise, so it doesn't have much influence, but Xia Bo, you don't think you are this age Should there be some pause?"

Hearing Jun Sha say this, Xia Bo was a little unhappy and said, "Please, I'm the master of the gymnasium. Since Xiao Zhi's fighting power is enough, he must fight well."

"Is that why you almost had an earthquake!"

Accompanied by Jun Sha's lion roar, Xia Bo shut up.And Duck's head hurt even more.However this is just the beginning:

Two-one dividing line --

After two hours of preaching, Jun Sha Zhongyu began to summarize.

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