But even if Xiao Zhi's character prevents him from being such a bad person, the power of Xiao Zhixian already has this trend.

"This is what Xiao Zhi said is worse than the bad guy, s...

In the end, Arceus could only be in the void. He sighed helplessly at his friend and then continued to start his own voyeurism. Although it will not always be a peeping, it will occasionally look at it. After all, Xiaozhi has all kinds of obstacles. Human means are indeed worth it to learn s

At the same time, Arceus also decided one thing.Wait until Ash has time to

In the end, I absolutely have to ask Xiaozhi to help, and solve the problem of Xiaozhi's partner Lin by the way. After all, Ash's partner named Lin is not a native of his own world, but an unexpected visitor from another world.

"But... With the bond between Ash and Lin, I think Ash should go. Forget it, I'd better give Ash some help."

. L

Chapter [-] There is something

"Pikachu [-] Volts!"

"Pikachu L⊥1 Mountain l_"

When a powerful electric shock hits the shell of the swordfish, a huge thunder light is produced.And watching these thunder light jenny turtles and kami turtles hide behind Xiao Zhi with some fear, it was the electric shock of Pikajin that caused a great shadow in their hearts.

Seeing that Jenny Corner and the Kamy Turtles actually hid behind Ash, Ash's Jenny Turtle immediately ran to Ash's shoulder and shouted at the Jenny Fish and Kamy Turtles.

"Jenny Jennie!" (This is my granny! It's my parent! You are afraid to go to your own parents 1. )

After listening to the Jenny Turtle, Miao Miao silently criticized the Mouthfish. Although it knows that the Jenny likes the boss very much, but this is the same as the bear child? Although the Jenny Turtle is already enough to give the old lady a headache u

But watching Jie Jiao put this on Xiao Zhi's shoulder. Miao Miao jumped after being silent for a while, and got up and lay firmly on Xiao Zhi's shoulder.

"What's wrong meow meow?"

"It's okay, I just thought

"Is that so?"

Just when Ash was wondering why Meow Meow started like this.The swordfish has changed.I have to admit the defense of this water arrow turtle

The force is really amazing, even if Pikachu's electric shock is not full force, it is enough to bear.However, this water arrow turtle can actually withstand Pikachu's electric shock and it is still in the case of his water system.Then this water arrow turtle may be more calm in the face of attacks from other skills.

With the increasingly bright electric shock, the water arrow turtle woke up in a sleeping state.At the same time, the fat worker in the muzzle of its shoulder finally fainted due to the electric shock and flew out of the muzzle.


Reaching out his hand to catch this little ancestor, Xiao Zhi, who was always causing trouble, he slapped the face that he was afraid of.

"Hey. Wake up. You little guy is really not good at making trouble.

much lower"."


Just when Xiao Zhi was about to wake up the fat worker.The screams of the water arrow turtle came over.And Ash just remembered that it seemed like he hadn't let Pikachu stop the electric shock.w

"Pikachu is about to stop and accidentally hurt the friendly troops⊥"

"Pickup 94."

After hearing Ash's words, look at Ash's hands.Only then did Shenggong Pikachu realize that he seemed to have a little time for electricity. 1o.And without the electric shock, the water arrow horns also watched Xuezi Xiaozhi and Pikajin with tears.

"Kame Kame!" It hurts!)


Zhi.. the water arrow turtle seems to be very _angry"_

The water arrow turtle with tears in Xiaolu's eyes thinks it is very pitiful. Being overcast by Fat T, he has been sleeping all the time, not to mention that he slept soundly, but he was woken up by electricity...

And just as Xiao Lu thought. _The water arrow turtle is very angry now. It is not good to be woken up by someone for no reason. , So the water sword fish looked at the moonlight to Ash and Pikachu and then pointed to himself.


"Ma'am, the Water Arrow Turtle said he was going to fight Pikachu."

Miaomiao, who was lying on Xiaozhi's shoulder, translated the meaning of the water arrow turtle, and the water swordfish was listening to Miaomiao.

After speaking, I accidentally glanced at it twice and then nodded to indicate that Miaomiao was right.

"..."*3_-- .

The three of Xiaoxia, Kona and Xiaogang couldn't bear to turn their heads. This water arrow turtle has to choose whoever is not good and has to fight Pikachu. Is this a deadly thing?

And because of his preference for the water arrow turtle, which is considered a favorite Pokémon in the past and present, Xiao Zhi still reminded the water arrow turtle a little bit.

"Swordfish, in fact, we are planning to wake you up, if the method makes you uncomfortable, I will pay. But if you insist on fighting, I will also accompany you, but"-

Speaking of which, Ash and Pikachu's momentum has changed.

"But I hope you understand that we won't show mercy."


Boom L small⊥⊥

With Pikachu's cry, a huge lightning bolt began to rage in the sky, and the water arrow turtle also became serious. s It now understands that the Pikachu in front of him is not an ordinary opponent.


Looking at the imposing water arrow turtle Xiaozhi, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

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