"In that case. Then let you become my Pokémon completely.

Kachu Towan Volt!"

"Pikachu⊥⊥" turn!"

The overlord water arrow turtle fought against the near-level divine beast Pikachu. In the eyes of Kona and the others, the end of this battle was already doomed, but something unexpected happened to them soon. The water swordfish faced Pikachu's electric shock and used water cannons to resist.However, it was easily broken by Pikachu's [-] volts.In this case, the water arrow turtle had no time to dodge at all, so the water arrow turtle directly hard-wired Pikachu's [-] volts.However it blocked

"Sure enough, this water arrow turtle's defense is very strong, but what about this 3 Pikachu lightning field!"


Seeing that Pikachu even changed the weather, Shui Fan Gui knew that he would definitely not be able to stop his next move.Therefore, whoever entered it directly rushed to it.At the same time, Pikachu activated his own unique skill. ,


With a roar of the water arrow turtle.It actually uses its two gun barrels to accumulate different energy.

"Dragon Wave and Chi Bomb? Who taught it?"_

Chapter [-] Arceus: I am not, I am not!Don't talk nonsense!

The two unique tricks, Dragon Wave and Infuriating Bomb, can indeed be used, but it will be difficult to learn it.But now this swordfish is obviously able to use these two tricks, which also makes Xiaozhi and Ke Na, who know better than Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, shine.

"Sure enough, there is no easy way to become a hegemon on your own, but

Although the water arrow turtle did a unique trick in front of him, Xiaozhi was a little surprised, but this also strengthened Xiaozhi's idea of ​​conquering the water arrow turtle.

For the water arrow turtle Xiaozhi in front of him, he is more and more happy to see the hunting heart. Not to mention that Xiaozhi likes water arrow turtles more, but the jenny turtle has not been in recent times.

In order to evolve this point, Ash also wants to make this water arrow turtle his companion.

."Came! ⊥⊥⊥_"

Just thinking about it, the water arrow turtle has already launched the dragon wave and the infuriating bomb at Pikachu, and then the two attacks actually began to mix - together to form a more powerful trick. ,

"Pikachu, Baosa Kiruka! 1⊥⊥"


Pikachu didn't have any fear in the face of the mixed ultimate attack that rushed towards him, but jumped directly to the gods and then radiated endless light festivals from his body.

"Pika ~ Chu LLL!"


Under the power of Pikachu, countless thunder and lightning converged into a huge dragon-shaped beast. This huge beast roared and opened his mouth when he saw the mixed trick rushing towards him.

"Roar Mountain⊥⊥⊥"

With the dragon-shaped beast named Bao opened his mouth.The mixed trick of the swordfish was bitten in his mouth by him.

"Bite it!_Bao" let the water arrow turtle understand our strength!"


It seems to be responding to Xiao Zhi.The name. The one named Bao actually roared and nodded, and then bit into pieces, the water arrow turtle's attack


And this unexpected emotional wetness not only surprised Xiao Zhi and the others, but also surprised Arceus, who has been observing secretly. The trick is actually able to generate emotion. This situation is really interesting. _, thinking so Arceus began to observe Baosaquiluja carefully in the void.

"Interesting, really interesting."

The more he observed Bao Arceus, the more interested he became. At this time, Bao had already rushed towards the water arrow turtle with an irreversible fact.



With Baa's gnawing endless electric light

After flashing on Turtle Island, a huge column of lightning from Ditian shot straight into the sky, dispelling all the dark clouds gathered in the lightning field.

And when everything was over, the water arrow turtle had fainted to the ground, but this time Baao did not dissipate but quietly looked at Ash and Pikachu.


Pikachu looked at Bao with some doubts. He remembered that Bao should have dissipated by this time, right?

Xiao Zhi watched Bao Ao slightly put Xiao Xia and Ke Na towards him. He protected him behind him. When he saw Xiao Zhi's small movements, Xiao Gang silently said in his heart that he would focus on sex and friends, and then he continued to look nervously towards him. Pikachu's

The trick to release

Of course, Xiaoxia and Kena also noticed Xiaozhi's small movements.Therefore, after a warm heart, he was silently protected by Xiao Zhi.

And Baao did not make any attack action at this time.But even so, the snake pattern on Xiaozhi's head can still stare at Ba'ao, as if he will hit him with his head as long as it changes, and both Miaomiao and Happy Egg silently come to Xiaozhi. Chi and their side, Geely Egg is even ready to launch the AT-stance. _one

The only one who didn't change was Nengma, but the power accumulated in Nengma's fist also made Arceus slightly test.

"Are you, Bao? You have your own consciousness?"

It is impossible to solve the problem by looking at Bao Ao all the time, and Xiao Zhi finally took the lead in posting.And the surprising Ba'ao nodded.

Seeing that Bao'ao didn't mean to attack, Xiao Zhi also felt relieved and carefully observed Bao'ao.

"Interesting, really interesting."

"It's really interesting."

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