
Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, who didn't know what was going on inside, looked at Kona and Nanami a little strangely. They really couldn't understand how Xiaozhi and the kind-hearted Uncle Sakagi would fight so terribly.

And in this weird atmosphere.Kona was escorted by Ash to the Alliance headquarters.

And after Xiaozhi and the others left, Damaranch also knew that Sakashu was going to start a serious fight with Shaozhi. e. At that time, his blood pressure exploded.

"You said that Sakagi wants to meet Ash

Fighting in the form of a son-in-law? 2 L Are they both crazy? Is their destructive power going to demolish the city of Joban? 2

Kona shrugged at Damaranch's words.

"There's no way, who made Xiao Lan actually Sakagi's Onagawa. And she has a relationship with Xiaozhi, so it's normal for Sakagi to do this now. Although Sakagi and Xiaozhi are indeed the same as father and son, but after all, one is the daughter J Chuan. .”.

"Ah, Xiaozhi, can't you be calm? It just so happens that Jun Shalan is his fiancee. I will let you know when the time comes, and then:."

Speaking of which, Damaranch showed a helpless look.

"Ready to pay attention to all kinds of explosions: Sakagi and Ash are fighting in earnest::hey:"

Feeling obvious. The rising blood pressure Damaranch can be said to be a love-hate relationship with Ash.

It's okay to say Xiaozhi.Xiaozhi's Continental Hotel has driven the economic development of various regions and also provided famous jobs for local residents. Moreover, Xiaozhi has given Hoo Wang a newfound confidence in human beings. L can be said to be a great achievement. In addition, there is now a different world Hoo in Xiaozhi's house who is taking care of his body. This will be a card face that can be taken out in the Kanto region from now on.

But Xiao Zhi's ability to cause trouble is not bad:

Let the people from such a famous Pokémon hunter organization disappear and let the Elf Alliance help wipe their ass, and now they have to play a big game_

Just thinking that Xiao Zhi and Xia Bo had caused a small earthquake on Red Lotus Island before, Damaranch had a headache.

"Forget it, let's start preparing right away. Hey:.. my headache is dead.."

At that time, Damaranch would never have thought that when he was preventing one thing, another thing was ready to start.

And this incident is precisely the incident of Xiaozhi beating up the Pokémon hunter. And the cause of everything is because of a phone call from Xiaoxia's sisters.

"The family needs

I help?"

Listening to what her sister Sakura said on the phone, Xiao & Xia Zhi was a little strange. Then she looked at Xiao Zhi and said.

"But I'm going to go to Vibran City with Ash to play a gym."

"It's really urgent here, Xiaoxia, don't worry, it won't delay you for too long."

At this time, the three sisters of S Xiaoxia at Xiaoxia's home in Hualan City were talking on the phone with weird smiles.

Sister Sakura said in a gentle voice while gnashing her teeth while looking at the letter sent by Xiaoxia before. ,

"If possible, just ask my brother-in-law to come with me. It will never be delayed.

How long have you been wrong. "

"That's right, we're not going to cheat you." _Listening to the sisters on the other end of the phone_, Xiaoxia felt more and more strange.So she looked at Ash.

And Xiaozhi made an ok gesture after seeing Xiaoxia looking at him.Xiaoxia understands that Xiaozhi is willing to get up with herself, so she nodded and said to the phone.

"Okay..but don't delay too long."

"Don't worry, it won't take too long, but as soon as possible, after all, it's a matter of urgency."

After hanging up the phone, Xiaoxia's three sisters were exposed, and they were even more terrifying.

"It's actually said that we are leftover women. I won't cheat you this time, hehe."*3

It's not just that Xiaoxia's sisters are going to make trouble. A certain hunter organization that has disguised as a water fleet is also ready to start making trouble.They are looking at an announcement from Hualan City at this time

"Water Ballet.. Hualan Taoist Hall:: You can then wait for the water ballet to start when there are the most people in Hualan City."


That's right, this is the beginning and end of everything. That's why the Elf Alliance didn't notice someone sneaking into Hualan City this time!. They sent their garrison to Viking



Chapter [-]: Kanto of Hell Difficulty

Hunter E, one of the most powerful players in the Pokémon Hunter League. He and E are old friends, so one-but F failed to take over his mission, and B was responsible for it, but I didn't quite believe that it would be able to deal with Hua Lan Dao. After all, the Hualan Taoist Hall only has three vases now.

Actually, E was wrong. _Never look at the surface in the Kanto region.

If you divide it according to the difficulty of the game, if other areas are considered as novice villages, the real level of the Kanto area is hell!

Needless to say, Xiaogang's Nibi Gym is definitely the weakest.After all, the strength of Nibi Gym is really not enough to see::.

The next Hualan Taoist Hall will be different. The world where Xiaozhi is now is not a so-called flower vase, and on the contrary, the strength of these three is still very strong. The reason why they will show A little weak. Because they don't have medium Pokémon to be in charge of gym battles:

Xiaoxia's three sisters are almost manned - only the Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus.And they are all elites and seniors. If this kind of combat power is used by novices, I am afraid that they will not be carried out to cry, and the weak ones are like little sea lions:: This is why they let Xiaoxia keep a few to be responsible for the front. 's Pokémon.It's really that the polarization on their side is too serious:

Mian Hua Lan Road

After the pavilion, the whole rhythm began to run wild.Sakagi, the owner of the Joban Gym, is really the top of the Rockets, and the real pinnacle of the nine champions. After the big needle bee mesa, he has reached the level of a medium-sized beast.

Ma Zhitu, the owner of the Electrical Department Gym, and a serving soldier of the Elf Alliance.The real duty is to protect the city where he is located. The strongest electric monster under his hand has the strength of a quasi-king, and he is stronger in combat experience because of his experience in battles. ,

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