The master of the super power gym, Xiaozhi's fiancée, has even higher fighting power than Pokémon. The scary thing is that she can communicate with her own Pokémon and then make her own Pokémon.

The combat power has grown exponentially, not to mention the three ghost Pokémon that can only pull people's souls out of the depths.

Alijia, the owner of the grass-type gymnasium, has a Japanese acquaintance with Xiaozhi.Usually looks like a perfumer.The strongest one in her hands is the Stinking Flower, but Elica actually has this beautiful flower in her hands.The most terrifying thing about this beautiful flower is that it can use the petal dance without hindrance.

The master of the Poison Gym, Aku 2, the Four Heavenly Kings in the Chengdu area, can only be a master-level existence in the Kanto area.

Xia Bo, the master of the Fire Element Gym, and Xiao Zhi's long-term friend, are the best friends who make fun of each other.The strength of the old king is really carried

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

The most terrifying thing in Kanto is that the reason why the Four Heavenly King Kanto has no champion is very simple.The so-called four-day Yuquan Nima in the Kanto region is at the championship level.

Needless to say, Yulongdu is the champion in the Chengdu area, but in the Kanto area - it has been restrained by Kona.Since Kena's Chenglong was promoted to the championship level, he was steadily crushed to death by Kena.

Xiba, who had just promoted his old comrade-in-arms, Hao Li, to the champion level with the help of Xiao Zhi, and evolved into a strange force. Now it can be regarded as a serious champion-level existence.

Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum, as the oldest of the four heavenly kings in the eastern United States, has a real fighting ability.

He's already a champion, but it's just that the younger generation has no intention of fighting for that position.

Needless to say, in the end, Ke Na, holding a pile of self-created skills developed with Xiaozhi in his hand, tortured Yulongdu's flying legion to the death. With the existence of the championship level, it can be said that it is easy and enjoyable to deal with Yulongdu.

And all this is not the most terrible.The most terrifying thing is actually a guy in the Kanto region who has a network that is extremely terrifying. Yes, that person is Xiao Zhi a.

Using Xiaozhi's terrifying network to provoke the Kanto region is actually waiting for jade in disguise to make peace

Other regions went to war, not to mention the old people from the old-fashioned family that Xiao Zhi knew, even the younger generation now had a good relationship with Xiao Zhi.

The relationship between Dawu and Xiaozhi in Fengyuan area is terrible.Shirona in the Shenno region is Ash's fiancee L. The prince N and Ash of the biggest villain organization in the Isu region are close friends, not to mention the relationship between Karuna and Ash in the Carlos region.Alora Ash's wife, Russa Minai, is the president of the Ether Foundation.

In the Jade Chengdu area, Xiaozhi is related to the two Four Heavenly Kings, one is Aju's brother-in-law and the other is Lilin's fiancé, and Fengwang, the divine beast in Chengdu, is still a guest at Xiaozhi's house.

Injury (albeit from another world).

With such a terrifying relationship network, who will provoke who will die

Therefore, in a sense, Xiaozhi is like a hidden boss, so that sometimes knowing A once doubts whether Xiaozhi is a blank person or the so-called black man behind the scenes is a bad person.


Chapter [-] is full of intimacy

"Hey, it turned out to be a lot of trouble."

Sitting by the swimming pool of Hualan Gym, Nanami thought that there would be another wave of people coming to do things soon, and it was a bit of a headache. Why do all of them like to choose this time?

And just when Nanami was helpless, Xiaozhi came over with two cups of hot chocolate, and then after handing Nanami a cup of hot chocolate, Xiaozhi sat beside Nanamei.

"What's wrong, Sister Nanami sighing?"

"It's alright. It just feels like there are too many things." You haven't changed your body yet x"

Looking at the penguin suit Nanami that Xiao Zhi has not replaced, she was stunned for a moment.

Next. But then suddenly laughed again.

"But it's been a long time since I saw your bat shape::"

While talking about Nanami, she leaned against Ash's penguin suit, which was soft and comfortable.

"By the way, are you not with Xiaoxia or Pikachu?"

Hearing Nanami's words, Ash raised the hand of the puppet suit and said proudly.

"I bribed Pikachu and the others with a big meal, so it's our two-person world now."

After listening to Xiao Zhi's words, the corners of Nanamei's mouth twitched slightly, then hugged Xiao Zhi, the penguin, and said. ,

"Then let me hold this - for a while"

Not far away, a group of Pokémon were secretly observing, Miaomiao said while tying a fish with her claws and sending it to her mouth.

"The boss is really amazing. At this time, I use memory kill. Is this the so-called accumulation of favorability points and then repeated political strategies?_ !"

"Pika" (I don't know that my Chuqiu and conductive flying squirrel don't need these, our relationship is good.)


Miaomiao glanced at Pikachu speechlessly and felt very heartbroken.He forgot actually Pikachu

Also a winner in life.

"Hey, my Madonna." At this time, as a good baby of the old lady, I will join in and have a family of three :.)

The capable child of the Jenny Turtle looked at Xiaozhi's warmth, slowly and immediately took it to the fore.

"Roar!" (Don't think about it, kid")

Before the Zhuni Turtle flipped his short legs, the Hot Monkey pressed it to the ground in an instant, and the Absol wind speed dog Great Wolf Dog and Heluga e also acted in the same way.

And the fire-breathing dragon, who watched the johnny turtle pressed to the ground and was hiding the flames on his tail, glanced angrily.

Jenny Turtle

"Roar!" (You little boy)

"Jenny!" (Don't think that you can be a man when you evolve.)

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