"Seed:" (No no no. Now only you are the most naive)

Just after a group of Pokémon started making trouble. Ash's voice came.

"Come here if you want, don't make a fuss over there 1:"


In an instant, Xiaozhi and Nanami were instantly crowded with Pokémon, and the bear child, Jenny Turtle, started to drill with little Ibrahimovic to Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi.

In the middle of Nana Jiang, Snake Bear directly jumped up after discovering that Xiaozhi's head was a puppet costume, and continued to lie on his stomach. Pikachu also occupied Xiaozhi's shoulder, not to mention the hot monkeys who silently next to Xiaozhi.

Seeing that these guys really came over to Xiaozhi's face, Mamoto.

"I asked you to come over and you really come over..."

Sitting next to Xiao Zhi, Miao Miao Chou said with a smile. ,

"Lili, boss, you still underestimated your own charm."

"..hey:: I'm sorry Nanami-sama. It's a difficult world of two people c"


Interrupting Xiaozhi's apology, Nanami smiled and hugged little Ibrahimovic into her arms, and then watched the bear child run into Xiaozhi's arms.

"Actually, this makes it feel more at home. It's quite lively."

"It's very lively, and the tyrannical carp dragon Minas giant tooth shark, don't pull me, I'll fall into the pool any longer."

Seeing the Megatooth shark who was obviously biting his puppet costume and pulling back, Xiao Zhi was really helpless.

"Sana:" (Damn, a bunch of people want to grab my darling)

Watching a bunch of bear kids or older kids constantly harassing Xiao Zhi and being inspired to become a kid.

Xia Naiduo, who was a supporter of Zhi, came to Xiao Zhi unhappily and then threw the capable child of Jenny Turtle to the side and sat in Xiao Zhi's arms.

"Sana⊥_" (Let me protect my dear)

Seeing that Xiaozhi's side is getting more and more lively, I Bo Tu Ke Mingla and the giant fast dragon smiled and looked at each other - then picked up a cup of stubborn chocolate and drank it

Boss Cordola is no longer in the state of blind competition. Since he has his own baby, he understands how hard Xiaozhi has been working every day, so it will not cause Xiaozhi any trouble when it is not necessary. .

And just when Ash was overwhelmed by his own Pokémon.

To Xiaozhi, Dao sounded like the voice of Tian Lai.

"The people at Hualan Gym, listen, we are the Water Fleet, you hand over our companions immediately! Otherwise, we will launch an attack."


That moment.Ash's Pokémon go wild together. One

Chapter [-] Do you know why there is less defense here?

By the way, what happens when a bunch of close-knit Pokémon and their favorite trainer are enjoying a warm day-to-day life with a shy guy doing things?

The answer Pokémon will go berserk.

So what happens when the runaway Pokémon are a gang of terrifying combatants?

The answer is that those people are dead.

At this time, the hunter came to rescue Hunter F with the Tai troops, and it must be a quick rescue because he knew that if it was too late, there would be more people waiting for him than them.

Continental Hotel, it's true that you say it's a regular hotel, but it's a bit of everything

Organizations all know 2 that this mainland hotel hooligan is really more hooligan than a hooligan:

You messed with a continental hotel, then wait for a beating after being surrounded. _And if they don't beat you up: Zuolu Hotel will also directly issue a bounty, and then it will not only be the Continental Hotel to beat you.

Knowing the situation, E can only hope that the people from the Continental Hotel will come more slowly_Although there is a Huaxia restaurant here, but they have already sent someone to delay it, but it is really inconceivable how long it can be delayed.

While praying in E, the Taimen of Hualan Taoist Hall was opened, and then a bunch of Pokémon rushed out with fierce eyes.And this is just

a start.As the first wave of Pokémon came out, it was followed by the second and third wave of Pokémon, and more and more Pokémon began to surround the Pokémon hunters.

Seeing that the momentum was not right, E and the Pokémon hunters quickly released their own Pokémon, but it wasn't enough. , It's simply not enough and the number of Pokémon on their side with Ash is simply - it's looking for abuse.

At this time, Xiao Zhi, who was wearing a penguin suit, also walked out with Xiao Xia and Nanami. Absolu was beside Xiao Zhi and they were carefully guarding - Xiao Zhi and them.

And if there are superpowers, they will find that Ash and the others are protected by multiple layers of shields.

It is the handwriting of Happy Egg and Shanaido.

Of course, a certain Xiaogang is being pressed to the ground by the hot monkey, and the hot monkey still remembers the task that Miaomiao gave him.

"Meow Hot Monkey, Happy Egg and Shanaido's defenses are the biggest when they have three A's, so Xiaogang should be taken care of by you first, so that he doesn't go out and become the enemy's target."

"roar" (no problem! )

Then Xiaogang was pressed to the ground by Hot Monkey. In Hot Monkey's view, this was the only way to ensure that Xiaogang would not run around.

"I said Hot Monkey, Ah Lan, I won't move around-. You can get up

2Xiaoxia's three sisters need someone to protect x"

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