Xiaogang, who was held down by the hot monkey, was also helpless. He tried to convince the hot monkey to let go of himself, but the hot monkey promised that he would not run around.


Looking at the hot monkey, you will beat your eyes when you move. Xiaogang knows. I am afraid that I will keep this posture for a while.

"Really, why are you being so nice to Xiao Zhi, but to me: you can't treat them differently..."

Run into

With Hot Monkey's _remember fist, Xiaogang fainted and Hot Monkey looked at the fainted Xiaogang and nodded, then dragged him.

Going out, Xiaogang who fainted doesn't need to worry.

And Xiaoxia's three sisters have long since stayed with Xiaozhi's Pokémon, who were left to protect them.And they each released their own violent carp dragon.

Outside, even though Ash is wearing a cute penguin suit, E doesn't seem to want to laugh because they are surrounded now.

At this time, Xiao Zhi also looked at E with the eyes of an idiot and said.

"Actually I've always had a question, how stupid are you guys to always think this idiot-like trick would work?


While talking, Ash raised his hand in the soft puppet costume.

"And what's even more stupid is that you come to me to do things without knowing the situation. Do you know why the defense forces around here seem to be much weaker. Why does the alliance rest assured here?"

After listening to Xiao Zhi's greeting, I had a premonition of Pi Xiang.


"Because this area is covered by me!"


With a snap of Ash's fingers - a 'cloud' that covered the sky appeared, and it was very fast

Speed ​​rush this way.

"What the hell is that 2!"

Looking at Yun'B who was rushing towards this side, he was a little overwhelmed, but Xiao Zhi turned around and said.

"Of course I'm here to beat you up."

"Comparison" machine

"Wow!" *NL



After a burst of screams, it was discovered that those are not clouds at all! They are all Pokémon that can fly and cover the ground. And that's all, these Pokémon pages are each holding three of them.

To two god chape balls. , if it comes like this:

Touch! N bursts of treasure to see the sound of the ball opening.As the city was filled with a group of Pokémon, the entire Hualan was filled with a large group of tyrants, and this side can be said to be Zhuangyi Carp Dragon and Taiyan Snake, said Gongyi gang of Pokémon indifferently.Everyone watching this E, let's start the carnival Ll_"&#;*NL hunters know what the bad guy pills are called than the bad guy selling books three things to enjoy!(zhnet(B.fa__

Chapter [-] Only this time

How to say today's Hualan night is very cool L

Anyway, the explosion in Hualan City has not stopped today, and at the same time, the screams of B and the others have not stopped. It is simply ruthless..

Anyway, Ya and his subordinates haven't fallen from the sky since they were killed by the collective destruction of the tyrannical carp dragons.

A group of Taiyan snakes formed a group on the ground to surround them, and then the Pokémon called by Xiaozhi formed a group to use skills to carry E and them to the sky. They fully felt Xiaozhi's enthusiasm.So enthusiastic that they almost cried.

And now, the reason why they are not in a coma is because

For Xiaozhi let the happy eggs continue to heal them with Healing Wave. "Soil Four Zeros" allows them to feel the full range of enthusiasm output from Ash's Pokémon while they are awake.

"Longlongyan, rumbling stone, you attack with sharp stones. Tyrannosaurus, your destruction and death light are fired at will, hit me to the death, we will hang their lives here"

"Hoo!" *NL

With a bunch of roaring hunters enjoying the most perfectly saturated cannonball.

Looking at the hunter organization members who were flying in the sky, Xiao Zhi said to Meow next to me, "Look, Meow. . . I

It was said that the gang fight could be solved perfectly, before causing a commotion, everything was over. ".

"Boss, are you sure this is before the commotion?_"

"That's right, Ash, do you think you're before the riot now?"

The very abrupt Jun Shalan's voice sounded behind Xiaozhi, and then Xiaozhi was handcuffed by Jun Shalan with the love handcuffs they had before.

"You L, come with me now, you really suddenly made such a big noise and asked Junsha here to call me. You really have the ability, Xiaozhi, to call so many Pokémon at once?"

Looking at Junsha Lan Xiaozhi:

With a serious face, he said, _ "Sister Lan, don't worry, the enemy has been solved by me⊥"

"I don't worry about the enemy now, I worry about you!"

After speaking, Jun Shalan looked at Xiao Zhi with a strange expression.

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