Inside the Sakagi house of the Joban Gym, Sakagi was eating breakfast with a dark face.Yesterday he waited for Xiao Zhi for a day, but Xiao Zhi didn't come at all. Later, he found out that Xiao Zhi actually participated in the water performance of Hua Lan Taoist Hall.

And what's even more hateful is that this stinky boy plays a better place." What the hell are you playing as a mascot?_⊥

Xiaolan laughed while looking at the picture in the newspaper of two puppets and penguin suits standing on piles of Pokémon hunters.

"Mom, you can see that Xiao Zhi really doesn't take the usual path, he actually plays the mascot!".

And Xiaolan's mother looked at Xiaozhi in the newspaper

He also smiled after the photo of "Power Seven Zero", and then looked at Sakamoto.

"Xiao Zhi is a very good boy. It seems that the family will be much more lively in the future."

"Hmph, just a playful stinky boy."

Saying that, Sakagi stood up and took the keystone.

"I-I have to make that stinky boy understand. It's terrifying to let my pigeons go."

Seeing Sakagi's unhappy appearance, Xiaolan and her mother both laughed. They knew that Sakagi was arrogant.

And when Sakagi waited for Ash to come with an unhappy face. .The people at the Joban Gym were opened.However, when Sakagi saw

His face turned darker after he came.Because the person who came was not Satoshi but Shimoichi

"Anyone? I'm: to challenge-gym's::"

Originally, Xiao Mao was still full of confidence.But when Sakagi Fu looked at him with a dark face, he felt the momentum of the championship.

"That kid Xiaozhi hasn't come yet. It seems that he is a little off. You are unlucky, I will let you see the true strength of Vibrant Gym today!"

Looking at the terrified Sakagi Xiaoshige, he let out a final scream.

"Don't come here"! ⊥⊥_"

Two-one dividing line --

"I hope Lao Ke didn't wait too anxiously. I think Dad should be fine, Biyi's wife Onagawa is fine, and now he should enjoy his family."

Since this battle may cause too much movement, for the sake of safety, Xiaozhi deliberately let Nanamei and Xiaoxia stay in Hualan City and return to Joban City together with Junshalan.As for Xiaogang - Mr. Billy is exercising with him after a long absence - by the way, go to Nibi City to see his younger brothers and sisters to see if there are any good seedlings for exercise.

And thinking that he may have let his godfather dove - for a certain time, Xiaozhi has no guilt about it!

Play!" It's a lot of fun fighting with dad!

In this case, Xiaozhi Yuzai returned to Joban City after sitting in Junshalan's motorcycle.

"Boss, I think you'd better prepare, after all, your godfather is fighting you as your father-in-law this time, so you pigeon these days.

Miao Miao is not as optimistic as Ash, he can already guess how 'wonderful' the next battle will be.span

When Xiaozhi and Jun Shalan came to the door of the Victory Gym, they saw Xiao Mao and his girlfriends who had already rushed to the street.

"Hmm: It seems that someone has helped Lao Ke cool down. Then we should do better.


".. don't you feel guilty, old lady 3

After listening to Miaomiao's words, Xiaozhi looked at the ground again. Xiaomao, who was lying on the top, then turned his head to look at Jun Shalan and said.

- "Sister Lan, you look like this is going to stink. I'll bury him out of humanitarianism. To his girlfriends:: Rest assured, bro" My wife and I raise him!"


"Bastard Xiaozhi, I'm not dead yet⊥"

Xiao Mao, who heard that Xiao Zhi was going to bury himself and then took over the corpses of his girlfriends, stood up instantly, but before he could pounce on Xiao Zhi, he was caught

his face

"Come on, swindle the corpse. L!_"

With the voice of Meow, the Pokémon who came along with Xiao Zhi instantly launched their own unique tricks.Resolutely don't let the swindler get close to Xiaozhi.

"Mum!. ⊥_ ⊥ I'm not dead"_ ! ⊥⊥ Stop it now _ l"⊥_"

And just when Xiaomao was bombarded by Xiaozhi's Pokémon with a unique trick, the door of the Victory Gym opened.Xiaolan stuck her head out and saw Xiaozhi with a look of joy on her face.

"Xiaozhi, you are finally here, I told you that dad has been waiting for you these days. Now because he just beaten

People feel better.You can have a good apology. "

Xiaolan said while hugging Xiaozhi's arm.Then he also nodded to Jun Shalan.

"Thank you for 3.7 Sister Lan."_

"It's alright, but Xiaolan, remember to tell Sakagi: Dad said, please go outside."

Jun Shalan was also very helpless when he said the word father. After all, Sakagi was Xiaozhi's godfather and he was Xiaozhi's fiancée, so he was used to this title in the future. , but when I think of myself, Jun Sha, wanting to be called the eldest man of the Rockets, I feel very strange.


The confused Jun Shalan left after declining Xiaolan's invitation to go to the gym.After all, there is still a well-known aftermath work to help with T.

Chapter [-] The champions are here...

- "Xiaozhi, who will you mess with next time - you must tell me in advance, otherwise what if I lie down and shoot... woo woo woo!"

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