Looking at Xiao Mao who was bandaged by the auspicious eggs, Xiao Zhi picked up Pikachu on his shoulder and put it in front of him.

"Xiao Mao, I am very grateful for your sacrifice. Now let me do one last thing for you. Pikachu electroshock therapy.

_ "On Pickup"

Thorn small ⊥⊥

"Woo hoo! ⊥.⊥ on"

With a flash of electric light, Pikachu's electric shock therapy perfectly put Xiao Mao into a deep sleep state.

“1uckx! ”. (Thanks for your help)

Seeing that Xiao Mao was no longer struggling, the auspicious eggs shook hands with Xiao Zhi happily.

"You're welcome, as a doctor, this is what I should do. I was going to use anesthesia to calm him down, but because he moved around, I had to use electric shock. I'm sorry if I disturbed you."

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Geely Egg shook his head.

"luckyL" (We understand. Thank you for your assistance)

Then the two auspicious eggs pushed Xiao Mao and left, and Xiao Mao's girlfriends also left.

- "Tsk tsk tsk, it's so miserable, let's hurry in. If you don't wait for Dad, you should be in a hurry."

"You also know I'll be in a hurry: I'm talking about the water spilled by the married daughter. Now you haven't married A yet, my daughter 1⊥!"

When he heard Sakagi's voice, Ash broke into a cold sweat.Now Xiao Zhi has felt the resentment of his godfather and father-in-law.

"Oh hey Lao Ke, how are you doing lately?"

"Hi, my dear Ash, I'm fine, at least I'll be fine until I punch you, come on. Come with me!,The gym battle begins


Speaking of Shiromoto - grabbed Ash and walked out, while Ash was - said while struggling.

"Hey, hey. Dad, don't do this. It's not good to report private revenge. Wait a minute."

Watching his father grab: hold on to Xiaozhi and go out, while Xiaolan has a smile on his face, the fun is about to begin.

And when he came to an open area, Sakagi sorted out his suit and looked at Ash seriously.

"Okay L, it's the Gym battle at Vibrant Gym, Ash, are you ready?"

looking at saka

Mu Xiaozhi also showed a smile, then patted Pikachu and Miaomiao, and then stabilized the snake-printed bear on his head.

"Isn't that of course? So let's get started!"

"Wait a minute ⊥⊥ on"

Just when Ash and Sakagi were about to throw their baby balls, a voice came, and then an acquaintance of Ash came running quickly.

"How can Xiaozhi not call me on this kind of thing?"

Looking at the familiar silver-haired Xiaozhi, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Big brother, when you come, you will be _


Wrong." After all, it's a Western Championship match, so we guys will want to watch it - it's normal for a while.Hope you don't mind our unsolicited visit

As Taiwu's voice fell, several figures appeared together, and if anyone saw it, they would definitely faint with excitement.

Because all the people who come are champions

Yulongdu L, who came here by the fast dragon, obviously went in the same direction as Taiwu, Mikri, Hirona Kona and Karuna, who arrived by the Continental Hotel aircraft, and Damaranch. Adek came in the car.And the remaining two Kanto Four Heavenly King Juzi mother-in-law with

and Sheba.

They were all attracted by the news that there was going to be a real fight between Ash and Sakagi.

After Xirona and the others came, they apologized to Xiao Zhi embarrassedly, "Sorry Xiao Zhi. I didn't want to disturb you, but this battle is attractive..."

In fact, Xiaozhi has no opinion on Shirona and the others coming. After all, it is a family. There is no problem at all when we look at it together. I have to give face, so Xiaozhi comforted Shirona and the others and said, "It's okay. I don't think Daddy will mind, because Daddy, you too - think about it.

Do you want everyone to see? Your real strength?"

And Sakagi was stunned for a moment after listening to Xiaozhi's words, but then shook his head with a smile.

"Oh, you stinky brat knows me well, so... let's get started _

"Come out" Potucadora!_ I super armored rhinoceros! "

Joban Gym Battle, Officially Begins!_

Chapter [-] Come on!Yin enough!

- "Yah⊥⊥"*2

When Bo Shi Ke Dora and Super Armored Rhino appeared on the field.At the same time, a terrifying aura erupted from both of them.Ash and Sakagi have already spoken to their respective elves.Let's go all out in this fight!

Seeing Xiaozhi's Potuca Dora, there was a look of anticipation on Dawu's face. He always wanted to see how Xiaozhi's steel-type magical treasures were doing, but now it seems that he has really disappointed himself.The color of Xiaozhi's Botu Kemingla made him understand that Xiaozhi's Botu Kedola was well maintained in peacetime. Although it was a bit strange to say that, steel-type Pokémon can indeed be called maintenance.

And looking at the peak of Ash's King, there was a flash of appreciation in the eyes of Boss Codola Sakagi. This Boss Codola deserves to be a veteran of Ash, and the momentum alone is enough to make people look at him.But it's not enough to know that his own super-armored rhino is a champion, and it is obvious that he has four times restraint against Boss Cordola. Sakamoto would like to see what means his son has to deal with his own super-mad rhino.

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