"Super armored rhinoceros are ground and rock types, what do you want to do, Xiaozhi? Super armored rhinoceros re-step on ⊥⊥⊥"

"Hooer 1!"

Sakagi's order was issued very suddenly, but the super armored rhinoceros was sent directly from the heart.

Political attack.The heavy trampling of his huge feet provoked countless rocks on the ground and rushed towards Potukola.In the face of the rushing towards Boscodora, Shi Xiaozhi also issued his own order.

"Hell Metal, two!"


With a roaring shrill sound of Boscodora, the rock was shattered directly, and this was not the main thing.While the metal silver resolved the trick through sound waves, the super armored rhino also showed an uncomfortable look.

However, Xiaozhi did not take advantage of his current strength to pursue the victory, but instead yelled at Potucadora.


Since the dual attributes are unfavorable, then turn into a pure steel L Boss Ke Mingla turns into a steel upper.”

"Roar up⊥⊥⊥"

Hearing Ash's words, Bosch Cordola's face showed a smile and then roared.And with the roar of Bokodora, Ash and Botukodora exuded a metallic color.And Countless liquid gold appeared on the body of Potucadora (Seeing this scene, Taigo's eyes flashed with dazzling brilliance.

"Oh, it's the evolution of this corporate bond that doesn't require an official at all. The evolution of the so-called super evolution stone 1 is the real embodiment of the emotion between people and Pokémon. It's amazing!

"It's great" Potucadora, the giant gold monster, we can definitely do it!

While talking, Dago released his two trump cards.And the two of them also showed a hint of yearning after looking at the fetters of Ash and Potukadora.


On the other side, with the splash of liquid metal, Ash's Bo Tu Ke Dora evolved into a mega Bo Tu Ke Dora.It's just that what is different from Dawu's mesa Boscodora before is that Ash's mesa Boscodola has countless sharp hair horns. At the same time, there are two shields of steel on both arms.

"Oh hoo,


Looking at Ash's Potucadora Daigo actually had a nosebleed, and seeing him like this, Shirona, Kona, and Karuna began to whisper.

"This big:.:: wouldn't have that tendency?,"

Looking at it, Shirona, who had a nosebleed at a glance, was suddenly a little worried about Xiaozhi.

And Karuna said after thinking for a while, "It's possible, I heard Xiaozhi say that he doesn't seem to have a girlfriend, and I heard that his father asked Xiaozhi to persuade him to let him find a girlfriend quickly? on."

After the discussion, the three of them all looked at Dawu again, watching him stay.

Looking at Bosco Dora with a nosebleed, he couldn't help but glance at each other.

"Definitely watch out for this guy" *3_

And Dawu now doesn't know that he has been labeled as extremely dangerous by Shirona and the others. After all, in Shirona's view, Dawu is too dangerous now.

And Dawu didn't know that he had been identified as a dangerous person by Ash's wife because of a nosebleed, and now he is looking at Ash's mea Potukadora attentively.

And Sakagi was also very pleasantly surprised after seeing Xiaozhi's mes.a Boscot Dora, because in the current mega Bosco Dora actually reached the crown

The military level is on par with his own super armored rhinoceros!

"I must say, Xiaozhi, you have brought me a lot of surprises. But do you think my veteran champion will be afraid? The super armored rhino is going straight to the drill!"

With Sakagi's order, the single horn on the nose of the super armored rhino began to spin, and then rushed directly to Ash's mga Hadokodora.

And Xiaozhi ordered directly.

"Iron Will, On Metal Layers"

Accompanied by Ash's command of Potukadora to roar--sound.Afterwards, a flash of light flashed on Bosco Dora's body, and Bosco Mingla seemed to have grown bigger and then became a superhero

When the mad rhino's straight drill came, Mesa Bo Tuke, whose attributes were obviously unfavorable _Dora actually resisted the super mad rhino's absolute surrender_


Chapter [-] Dawu: I'm excited!

- "Yah⊥⊥"*2

When Bo Shi Ke Dora and Super Armored Rhino appeared on the field.At the same time, a terrifying aura erupted from both of them.Ash and Sakagi have already spoken to their respective elves.Let's go all out in this fight!

Seeing Xiaozhi's Boss Keming Ladawu's face showed a look of anticipation, he always wanted to see how Xiaozhi's steel-type magical treasures were, but now it seems that he has really disappointed himself.The color of Xiaozhi's Botu Kemingla made him understand that Xiaozhi's Botu Kedola was well maintained in normal times, _Although it is a bit strange to say that, the steel magic treasure can indeed be called maintenance.

And there was a flash of admiration in the eyes of Boss Codola Sakagi, who was watching the peak of King Ash.This Bo Shi Ke Dora is worthy of being a veteran of Xiaozhi. The momentum alone is enough to make people look at him, but it is not enough to know that his super armored rhino is a champion.And obviously quadruple. Restrained Potucadora.Sakamoto really wanted to see what means his son had to deal with his super crazy rhino.

"Super-armored rhinoceros are ground and rock types, what are you going to do, Xiaozhi? Super-armored rhinoceros stomp 1⊥⊥⊥"


Sakagi's order came out abruptly.However, the super armored rhinoceros was launched directly with a consonance

attack.The heavy trampling of his huge feet provoked countless rocks on the ground and rushed towards Boscodora. Facing the rocks that rushed towards Boscodola, Xiao Zhi also issued his own orders.

"Hell Metal, 2!"


With a roar of Potucadora - the harsh sound actually shattered the rock directly. .And this is not the main point. While the metal silver dissolves the trick through sound waves, the super armored rhinoceros also shows an uncomfortable look.

However, Xiaozhi did not take advantage of his current strength to pursue the victory, but instead yelled at Potucadora.

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