Watching the constant struggle.Ash and Sakagi showed terrifying smiles.

"Then let's have a good start. We'll do our best."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooo!_1_!! Only!"


Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty-Fifth Phoenix King: I am advanced in your ball

"Woo woo ming on _! 1 woo woo ming!_!

A huge caterpillar outside Vibran City is being constantly beaten by two people, and what is even more brutal is that a jenny is constantly flicking under the caterpillar, and the caterpillar trembles every time it flicks.

After Xiaozhi and Sakagi were relieved, they threw down the 'weapon' in their hands and walked back together.

"Oops. I suddenly feel refreshed after beating that guy. What do you think, Lao Ke?"

"Yeah" It's really comfortable to vent the fire in your stomach, let's go, "Bring Xiaolan and the others home to see your godmother!"

I don't know if it's because of the relationship between Yulongdu and Xiaozhi. Sakagi is in a very good mood now. In a sense, this time Yulongdu acts as a moderator for the relationship between Xiaozhi and Sakagi. .

Although Sakagi and Xiaozhi are indeed as close as father and son, but how should I put it, the relationship between son-in-law and husband-in-law is well understood.

But now it's different. Because of Yulongdu, the friendship acts as a sandbag. So the relationship between Xiaozhi and Sakagi has changed from Weng's son-in-law to Wang's father and son.

"Jenny?" (Is the boss still playing?

After flicking Yulongdu again,

Jackie Turtle turned his head and yelled at Ash.And Xiaozhi understands the meaning of the jenny turtle without meow translation. .so smiled at the jenny

"Jenny Turtle, just play a few more times as you want. By the way, you must use force when finishing!"

"Jenny!" (understand!_ )

Blinking an eye to Xiao & Zhi and then showing a thumbs up, Jenny Turtle looked at Yulongdu with a smirk.

"Woo woo ming ⊥!"


"Woooooooo L⊥_ Mountain"

Then in a while

Yulongdu fainted from the sound of flicking things.

One by one dividing line --

"Well: I said Hoo: Are you sure that there is no problem in the goal? Although I am not, but I am very surprised why you want to score, I seriously doubt that you have some conspiracy:"

Looking at Howang Xiaozhi in front of him, he really couldn't understand why it suddenly proposed the idea of ​​entering his own ball, which also made Xiaozhi Beji cautious.

And seeing Xiao Zhi look at himself Feng Wang with such suspicion is also a little helpless.

"I said to you" Is there really no serious suspicion? My day here is just because of the battle ahead

Dou is not very good now - flying straight. A so into you. In the ball: ".

"What about the dignity of your mythical beast? Score my ball casually. To be honest, I doubt whether you want to take this opportunity to let me help you deal with that masked man."

"...that's a good idea hey"

After listening to Ash's words, Ho-oh, who didn't have such thoughts at first, began to revive his mind. As Ash said, maybe we can take this opportunity to let Ash help deal with the masked man 2.

However, as soon as Ho-oh finished speaking, he found that it was being looked at by Ash with disgust.

"Hey: now even gods and beasts are like this

One really can't make A trust more and more::

Saying that, Xiaozhi threw himself into the bear's arms and rubbed the bear's fluff with a happy face.

"Sure enough, in this indifferent world, only Mama Bear and my dear fiancées can warm me, especially Mama Bear. Sure enough, Mama Bear is the most comfortable on her body."

Wearing the bear, he patted Xiaozhi's head, and then looked at Ho-oh's eyes, something was wrong. Ho-oh understood what it meant:

'You want to put my cub in danger? Two

I don't know why the bear mother is so-looking at Howang trembling slightly-, the feeling is that this kind of thing can't be done.

Nice to mess with:

"Well, I don't have that kind of dangerous thoughts, so Xiaozhi take out your ball, this is also to thank you for saving me, if you didn't bring me to this world, I'm afraid I'd still be helping Zhou: :"

Speaking of which, Ho-oh's eyes dimmed a bit, after all this time she caused everyone a lot of trouble because of her own problems.-

And Dumb Fengyu's eyes Xiaozhi sighed slightly, then left Mother Bear's arms and started to help Feng Wang tidy up her feathers.

"Although you did make mistakes, you were controlled at the time. A then in a sense you are a


After taking off a piece of the blackened feather, Ash silently put the feather away and looked at Ho-oh.

"Of course, even with tools but your mistakes are your mistakes, and if you were strong enough these things wouldn't have happened e"

The more I listened to Xiao Zhi's words, the more faceless Feng Yu became, but Xiao Zhi suddenly said again.

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