"So let's say: Next time, let someone you trust and trust be around to protect you. Idiot: Sometimes it is necessary to rely on other people or Pokémon at work. Of course, you make sure that they are really bad. Stab you - 4.8 knives]."_

"..you're poisonous. But...thank you."

Hoo, who was still a little moved, was not able to get up and down because of what Ash said in the last ten days, but his mood has improved a lot.

"So Xiaozhi, are you willing to make a contract with me temporarily?_At least for this time you provide me with a place to live. I will protect your family."

"Okay, then the contract is established."

As the luxury ball in Xiaozhi's hand touched Fengyu lightly, Fengwang entered into Xiaozhi's luxury ball without any struggle.

On the other hand, Michael and the others have dislocated their jaws.



Chapter [-] Have we forgotten anyone?


"Oh ah ah ah ah go on ⊥⊥"

Accompanied by a crisp sound, Mikri rolled L on the ground while clutching his chin, and they had Adek in the same situation as him.

And the reason why these two have become like this is mainly because the scene of Xiaozhi subduing Hoo just now was so explosive that they opened their mouths too wide, causing them to dislocate. And because of this dislocation, they couldn't get together at all. .

Therefore, the old Chinese medicine Xiaozhi took action.With two rattling sounds, the two jaws were closed.And they themselves are rolling on the ground because of the pain of distance


"Be careful next time. This is because I, the doctor, can make you suffer less. If there is someone who doesn't know what to do, I will give you a blind connection. you dislocated one

Mickey and Adek, who were covering their chins, didn't know what to say, but they knew that what Xiao Zhi said was true but..._

"If it weren't for you, our jaw wouldn't be dislocated...",

Although it was still a little difficult to speak, Adek spit out his own-Zhixiang Ye's groove, and Mikri nodded.

"That's right...Although the divine beast is too war_ is already shocking, but...

Looking at the luxurious ball on Ash's waist, Mikri said in disbelief.

"But it's the most incredible thing for you to conquer the divine beast like this?"


Ash looked at the luxurious ball that contained Ho-oh and then touched the head of the Jenny Turtle, who was hugging his legs.

"Actually, it's not that the so-called subduing s is just for me to send him back with a pokeball in order not to cause trouble."

"No... If I hadn't trusted you_, Ho-oh wouldn't have voluntarily entered your ball... I had to

Saying that you are indeed an amazing person at this point..",

Saying that, Michael stood up and looked at Xiao Zhi seriously.

"I now understand a little why Daigo regards you as a close friend. You are indeed a very magical person."

After saying that, Mikuri turned his cloak around. ,

"This battle was an eye-opener for me, thank you so much for leaving Dawu._

Just when Mikkori was about to greet Dawu to leave, he found that Dawu did not respond to him at all, but stood beside Xiaozhi.

"Well, Ash, I think you should understand what my request is?"

Looking at Dawu who was looking at him with a smile on his face, Xiaozhi knew that he couldn't help but want to know something about the Heart of Steel trick.

"Okay. Let's come together then

Just in time to go back to my house, I will give you a detailed explanation. "

"Oh hoo L_ That's great L, this is exactly what I want, let's go Xiao Zhi⊥"

Seeing Taiwu impatiently pulling Xiaozhi, Xiaolan and Jun Shalan also silently joined the Taijun staring at Taiwu, but Dawu didn't seem to notice any danger at all.

Waiting for the happy egg to give to Damaranch, who passed out due to high blood pressure

After taking some blood pressure-lowering medicine and greeting the people from Tailu Hotel to take them away, Xiao Zhi and the others finally started their way home.Of course, when he was going home, Xiao Zhi accidentally stepped on three guys who seemed to have fainted for a long time_ and facing these three guys, Xiao Zhi silently stepped on more.

"What's wrong, Chi?"

Seeing that Ash was on the ground - it was strange to step on Karuna all the time, but Ash said after stepping on it again.

"It's alright, I just don't know why I suddenly want to stomp on here a few times. After we leave, go to my father's house and take a seat and then go to my house. I'll ask someone to pick us up and then bring Xiaoxia."

After talking, Xiaozhi stepped on a few more feet.. Chaomeng, who followed silently, shook his head after looking at the three fainted guys.

'Maybe he has a grudge against Ash?

And after everyone left, there was only one 'caterpillar' left outside Vibran City, and at this moment, a lot of green caterpillars came out suddenly, and their eyes lit up when they saw the 'caterpillar' Yes to him.one


Chapter [-] Du Juan: Thank you for always being silly with me

"Oh, there are so many suddenly at home △ Xiaozhi, you don't even know what to say, you really can't handle things like a child!"

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