Since Jun Shalan was in charge of the aftermath of Vibran City, he didn't come with Ash directly, but even so, the one who returned to Ash's house was a gang of people, Hirona Karuna, not to mention Xiaolu. Lian Dawu And Michelle came too..

Of course, Taiwu wants to learn from Xiaozhi. The second is not the skill of milling the heart. And Michaelis. .

Xiao Zhi looked at Mikri: Z Zhi helplessly watched Tai Wu silently take out his mobile phone and quietly carry a call to his friend.

"Huh? Ash? Is there something wrong?"

"Cuckoo... I'm here to tell you something. Don't get emotional.

"What's wrong?"

Du Juan, who had finished arranging the lesson plan in his own house, was a little strange and then called. What does Xiao Zhi mean when he said "Don't get too excited"

And Xiao Zhi whispered after pondering for a while.

"Michelle may have a bad idea about Taiwu.."

"Is that what it is?"

Hearing that Du Juan was very calm on the phone, Xiao Zhi was a little surprised. You must know that Xiao Zhi, Du Juan's best friend, can

I know that Du Juan has always liked Dawu. Why is there no overreaction when I hear this news now?

"Don't you like Daigo~3"

"I don't know... maybe it's possible?"

Du Juan on the other end of the phone covered his heart after being silent for a while. Then he smiled slightly.

"To be honest, I don't know what I thought at the beginning, maybe it's because it has something to do with Dago's fondness for stones3"

"Really? But if that's the case, then it's up to you."

- "Well, I see, and Ash


"Thank you for being silly with me all the time. Thank you very much."_"Shao Moan. Xiao Zhi felt a deadly gaze behind him silently watching him__

Because Taiwu took the Heart of Steel skill book that Xiaozhi gave him to learn from Bosco Dora, Xiaozhi's phone did not evade in the absence of Taiwu and Mikri, but the cuckoo said the last z words,

"Xiao Zhi, I think we need to have a good chat about this cuckoo."

Although Shirona was smiling, Xiao Zhi felt a terrifying killing intent aimed at him.And Xiao Zimo

Silently took Xiaozhi's arm and said with a smile.

"Ash is still so popular. In fact, Ash was a sought-after character a thousand years ago, even a woman's friend."

"...Xiao Zi, am I that good?"

Xiao Zhi looked at Xiao Zi in disbelief

However, Xiao Zi's smile became more and more terrifying in Xiao Zhi's eyes.

"Of course. After all, many of them want to introduce their daughters to Mrs. Ash. So, Mr. Ash, let's talk about that Du

It's about Miss Cuckoo. "

Then Xiao Zhi was dragged away slowly, and Xiao Ibrahimovic and Snake Bear also consciously opened up the right and wrong.

"Wait L, I can explain it." Wait a minute, L listen to my explanation!. Du Juan is just my best friend. L. Don't do this ⊥⊥⊥"

touch L

Hearing the sound of Taimen closing, Miao Miao shook her head and said to Pikachu.

""It seems that the boss didn't escape this disaster after all..."_ ,


Pi Changqiu shook his head helplessly and took a moment of silence for Xiao Zhi.


And Ash's mother Hanako watched Ash being taken away and just smiled and added a cup of tea to the dressed bear and the puppet bear.

"It's nice to be young. I'm relieved to see Ash and them so energetic."

"Yi!" (all good boys, very good)

Guisi looked at Hanako and said helplessly to King Ho next to him.Li Dezhao"___" To be honest, I suddenly feel that the boss is quite miserable..."_

"...It would be nice to increase the life of Ash's power. At least it's not bad for our world."

And Arceus in the Voidworm

Hearing Ho-oh's words, he fell into deep thought.

"Well.. a life like Xiao Zhi _... It doesn't seem like you can't consider it __ - and according to genetics .. __

Pulling out a book from the void, Arceus silently looked at the contents of it.

"Maybe a life born with Ash's genes and another good gene is really good?"

Chapter three hundred and sixty-eight special pit granddaughter

"Come on Xiaozhi and tell us what you know - it's good to know how you died."

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