
Chapter [-] The old friend is here

"Hey, I only understand now: the benefits of casting a wide net:."

Seeing Elijah and Xiaogang happily throwing herself into Xiaozhi's arms because Xiaozhi still remembers him, Xiaogang's heart is full of envy 2

"I would have cast more nets if I knew it earlier."

However, just when Xiaogang thought so, Miaomiao attacked him.

"Don't make trouble. The boss relies on his character to get the favor of girls. Your kind of rushing up at every turn will only make people feel that you are an apprentice.".

": What about Xiao Zhi? You see, Xiao Zhi obviously has plans to open a harem."


Ah, but the old lady made it clear earlier, and the old lady gave the ring directly and then got engaged. "

"Actually, this is what I'm most curious about. They actually accepted it?."

"Maybe I'm used to it..."

Speaking of which, Meow Meow leaned against the cart and looked at the sky.

"Maybe like us, we are all used to being with the boss? After all, what the old lady likes more than the so-called romantic confession is the silent company::"


Thinking that Xiaozhi usually doesn't have any special operations, but just gets along with everyone very normally, Xiaogang understands Meow Meow's meaning.

I thought about it.

"That's why, Xiaogang boy:: companionship is the longest confession..."

After talking about these meows, I fell into memory. If the encounter with Madonna was the change of my destiny.The meeting with Ash was the most important day of his life.

But when he thought of what Ash said earlier about going to Hollywood to help Karuna act Miaomiao, he felt a little overwhelmed, because he had a feeling that he would definitely meet Madonna again.What to do then?

But just when Miaomiao fell into contemplation, a voice broke her thoughts.

"Miss Lin Zi? How nice is L

Name, if Miss Lin Zi doesn't mind, maybe I can have lunch with Xiaosheng!

Seeing Xiaogang who started again, Xiaogang pouted speechlessly. He felt that he had said all of his previous words to Catty Dog.

On the other hand, Xiaozhi's group of people looked at Xiaogang who started again, and they felt helpless. At the same time, Ailijia was even more convinced that what Xiaozhi said was not wrong: this A is definitely the voyeur who was caught before.

"The second: May I ask who this is?"

Looking at Xiao Gang awkwardly, Lin Zi wanted to slap him but he was a guest after all, so he could only look at Xiao Zhi and the others for help, while Xiao Xia saw Lin Zi begging

Suke's eyes were the first to speak.

"Sorry, that's what this guy is like. Don't bother people."

Speaking of Xiaoxia - I grabbed Xiaogang's ear and pulled it back.And Xiaozhi saw that Xiaoxia was savage by Xiaogang's anger and said helplessly, "Thank you for your hard work, Xiaoxia, you are very restrained to be completely angry now...".

And Lin Zi said in a low voice when he saw Xiaogang was finally taken away.


"It's alright. But if Xiaoxia takes some shots in the evening, it's time for the flower protector to do it?"

Hearing Xiaozhi say this, I looked again - eyes are holding

Iwakaze Rinko, who was walking towards this side with the spray gun, blushed slightly.

Seeing this situation, Xiaoxue seems to understand something.

"turn out to be:."

Before Xiaoxue could say anything, Ash was pulled over and whispered.

"People's childhood sweethearts have no guesses that they like each other, so they need to confess. At this time, let's not mix it up. It's good to watch the play. It's good to watch the play."

Hearing Xiaozhi say that, Xiaoxue couldn't help but a little bit, but when she thought of the blow that Xiaogang might encounter, Xiaoxue smiled very unkindly.

one by one dividing line one

Although you have obtained the

The medicinal herbs I wanted, but Xiaozhi didn't plan to go back now, but to give Xiaoxue and Xiaozi a good acquaintance - visit this botanical garden.After all, some fresh medicinal materials still need to be purchased from this botanical garden in the future.

And when Ash's Pokémon are free to go, Ash's Frog Seed and Ali Jia's Stinky Flower meet each other:

To be honest, neither Ash nor Elijah thought that Frog Seeds and Stink Flowers would have a good relationship with each other.However, in the attitude of not choosing, Ash and Elijah didn't care.

On the other hand, Xiaogang came to Lin Zi immediately after seeing the operation of the wonderful frog seeds and continued to show his diligence. Facing Xiaogang's operation, Xiaozhi and the others

Silently watching the play on the sidelines::Bi Yixiaogang, this guy deserves a blow next time:

But now Lin Zi didn't take care of Xiaogang, but held the Leaf Stone in his hand and put it on top of his Smelly Emperor Flower's head.However there was no response at all. ,0_

"Sure enough, I'm not suitable to be a trainer?

Seeing that there is no i to let the smelly flower successfully evolve Linzi is a little helpless.And Xiaogang quickly comforted Lin Zidao.

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