"Miss Lin Zi, don't be discouraged! Training is something that takes a long time to accumulate.


Xiaogang's words were not forgiven and I was photographed by Happy Egg.

Side, and Xiao Zhi silently praised his happy egg and said to Lin Zi.

"Lend me look at your Leaf Stone.


When Xiao Zhi took Lin Zi's leaf stone, he observed it carefully and then - z squeezed the so-called leaf stone directly.

"Well, high-end imitations. It's almost perfect with the fakeness. It's a pity that people who make this stuff don't make handicrafts. But I can guess whose masterpiece is this kind of handicraft. Don't worry, it's not your problem, This stone is useless at all

"Is this... so?"

"That's right, so you don't have to worry that this stinky flower in your family is well cultivated.

After looking at the elite intermediate stink flower Xiao Zhi, I feel that Lin Zi has cultivated very well.

"Thank you, if that's the case, I'm a lot more relieved..."

Xiao Zhi's strength Lin Zi has also heard from Ali Jia, and after all, it is very close to Zhenxin Town, so 3.6 Lin Zi also knows that Xiao Zhi, a so-called rookie trainer, is famous and scary. This is also the reason why Lin Zi is not confident, Xiao Zhi's The impact is too deep.

"Omg L, 1 1!"*3.

Just when Xiaozhi and the others were discussing

At this time, there was a scream in the botanical garden, and these three voices were very familiar to Xiao Zhi:

"Ah, I knew it was the three of them. Let's go and say hello to our old friends."


The fire-breathing dragon pointed to the self-consciousness that seemed to mean that he wanted to fight, however:

"Fire-breathing dragon, unless you want to burn this place down, Orb, it's better for you not to fight this time.."


After Xiao Zhi reminded the fire-breathing dragon, he remembered that he seemed to be able to order it here. -


Chapter [-]: Unexpected combat power

When Ash came to the place where the screams were made with the seeds of the frog and the giant stinger.Sure enough, it was the three Rockets that did not surprise Ash.It's just that they're twitching all over now

"Ma: so numb..."

"Idiot! I said don't touch it. Who knows if the plants here will have special pollen..."

"My face is swollen, I am allergic to this place" ⊥ Shan⊥⊥"

Looking at Team Rocket's body lying on the ground, Ash gave them a sympathetic look.

Now Kojiro and Miaomiao are still normal, but Musashi is a little bit miserable. My whole face is swollen.

"Tsk tsk. Musashi.. I suggest you go to the Rainbow Gym in Rainbow City to buy perfume next time. Other industrial perfumes will have this symptom."

The bulging Musashi looked at Ash and asked.

"Really?" 10. "Believe me, as a doctor, there is still some professional ethics. Remember to pay attention next time. Well, the wonderful frog seeds and giant horn bees will send them on their way!"



Seeing that the giant needle bee and the frog seed Musashi Kojiro Miaomiao were getting closer, they couldn't help hugging each other.

"Hey, hey, didn't you just chat well?"

"It was just now. Now is the time on the Frog Seeds too!."

Seeing that the seeds of the frog and the giant stinger were going to attack Musashi, he said directly without paying attention to his face.

"In that case ⊥_Come on, Arbor! Big tongue! See you too tongue!"

"Let's go too! Double bomb gas"."

"Use poisonous smoke!"*2 ,


"Five Sis."

With arbor and double

The bomb gas spewed thick poisonous smoke, and Xiao Zhi accidentally picked up the seeds of the frog and then backed up with the Taiji bee.

Seeing that Ash was forced to retreat by the poisonous smoke, Musashi's eyes changed and he said.

"It's now Big Tongue 1. Attacking the kid's head with his tongue. Taiguo uses freezing light!" l Hearing Musashi's order, Big Tongue licked towards Ash with his own tongue after the smoke bug had determined Ash's position, However, just when Big Tongue was about to attack Xiaozhi, a poisonous thorium stabbed on Big Tongue's tongue 2!


As the toxin on the stinger of the stinger quickly passes through the

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