The tongue of the tongue entered its whole body, and the tongue turned purple and lay on the ground.

"My tongue is too much!. L1⊥_Frozen rays on the big tongue!. 1 1. "

Seeing that Tai Tong was easily dealt with by the poisonous needle of Tai Chi Bee, Musashi could only hope that the freezing light of Tai Tong oyster would be useful. However, just when Tai Tong oyster launched the freezing light, two screams came.

"No". Musashi!"


"Oops ⊥⊥_⊥.⊥ on"

With a scream, Kojiro was frozen into a freezer by the freezing light of Datongjian, and Xiaozhi's wonderful

Frogseed negotiated to throw the shield aside with 1 rattan whip.

Just now, Frog Seed used the trick of the rattan whip to pull Kojiro directly over as a shield. This is why Kojiro asked Musashi to stop.But because the heavy poisonous text Musashi didn't know what was going on in the office, Jikojiro was accidentally injured by the vitality of his teammates.

At this moment, Elijah and the others also ran over.The branch saw the current situation and knew that the place was basically under control.

And Xiao Zhi thought about it after looking at Lin Zi's smelly flowers.

"Miss Lin Zi, let your stinky flower come and talk to Arbor

Snake and double-bomb gas, I think as your long-term partner, I should be qualified to witness whether you are suitable as the successor of Du Yu Botanical Garden, right?"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Lin Yu was stunned, just as Xiao Zhi said.As the owner of the Continental Hotel, Xiao Zhi is a key customer of Murasame Botanical Garden.Therefore, Lin Zi's parents also said that Xiao Zhi is qualified to be a witness. After all, the amount of medicinal materials that Tailu Hotel buys from Murasame Botanical Garden every year is an astronomical figure.

"Is it really possible, Mr. Ash?"

"Now please let me witness the strength of your stinky flower."

Saying that, Xiaozhi returned with his own stingray and wonderful frog seeds and gave up the home game to Linzi.

And Musashi was a little upset to see that Xiao Zhi actually gave up the home game to Lin Zi.

"Hey," are you looking down on us? 2. How dare you let this stinky flower - hit three?"

After hearing Musashi's words, Xiaozhi took the drink that Miaomiao handed over and took a sip, and said s

"Oh, it's not that I look down on you, but I trust Lin Zi's fighting power. Just a little reminder and grit your teeth."


"Imperial Smelly Flower uses a shadow clone!"


Hearing Lin Zi's order, Smelly Flowers instantly divided into countless groups and directly surrounded Team Rocket. - And the freezing rays of the big tongue shell, the poisonous needle attacks of the Abel monster all passed through these clones.

"This is?"_

"As I said, her strength is not bad, so she gritted her teeth." What was recorded in the small notebook

"The stinky flower paralyzes them with paralysis powder and sends them away with the flames of sunlight!


Hearing Lin Zi's order, the Smelly Emperor Flower, who was in a shadow avatar state, was released from the flower on her head,

The paralysis powder instantly paralyzed Musashi and Abe.While Musashi was paralyzed, his face became more swollen.

"Mingming woo. I- must find a perfume seller to settle accounts!"


With Musashi's last 'last words', the sun and flames of the emperor stinky flower completely drowned the Rockets.. v


Chapter [-] He attacked me pp

"Mr. Ash. How did you feel about my previous battle?"

After successfully defeating Team Rocket, Lin Zi looked nervously at Xiao Zhi who was taking notes, and Xiao & Zhi nodded when he heard Lin Zi's nervous mention. He nodded and said e

"No problem. Your stinky flowers are actually very well cultivated. Both shadow clones and sunshine flames have been trained quite maturely. Of course, there is no problem with your personal command. So I can sign for you here. ."

I patted the dumb beast who was afraid of learning how the snake-printed bear patted on his head. After the silly guy left his head, Xiao Zhi stood up and looked at Lin.


"Then I will sign the agreement later. In short, congratulations to you, Miss Lin Zi."

"Yes" and thank you for your recognition! "

With the handshake of Xiaozhi and Lin Zi, the matter is over.

And Lin Zi also looked at Xiao Gang gratefully. After all, Xiao Gang had always encouraged Lin Zi before.

"Mr. Xiaogang, thank you for your previous encouragement. I now understand a lot. Sure enough, some things just need to be courageous. Whether it's fighting or saying goodbye, I have never had the courage to confess to that person, but Now I have that courage

. ,"

Hearing Lin Zi say that, Xiaogang's Xiao Dang rippling, he seemed to have seen the scene where Lin Zi confessed to him, so Xiao Gang waved his hand and said. ,

"Don't be like this, Miss Lin Zi, I'm just doing what I should do, but please rest assured ⊥ Xiaosheng will not refuse your confession!

Saying that, Xiaogang squinted his eyes and pouted and kissed it. Is the ass of the jenny turtle lying on Xiaozhi's head?_

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