"Huh? Such a strong fishy smell.!

"Jenny!" (Rogue ah⊥)


“Oops on ⊥1⊥”

With the stinky fart of the Jenny Turtle, Xiaogang screamed and lay on the ground.And Xiaozhi and the others made a clear gesture to him together.

"Don't be arrogant, Miss Lin Zi is confessing to Yanfeng. Don't make trouble for us watching the show."

"Rock Wind 3"

When Xiaogang heard Xiaoxue's words, Xiaogang raised it with difficulty to take a look.Jiexian found that just as Xiaoxue said, Lin Zi was confessing to Iwakaze, and he realized that he was wishful thinking again. "It turns out... it's my wishful thinking again_Wish.D

Saying that, Xiaogang looked up to the sky with tears in his eyes, but before Xiaogang could finish feeling Xiaozhi's Jie

Nicky came over and looked at him, clutching his butt.

"Uh.. Jenny Turtle, do you want to fuck_?"

"Jenny!" (I don't do it! You dangerous person". )

While talking about the Jenny Turtle, he slowly took out a white radish and ate it, and seeing the Jenny Turtle wanted to know that he was finished..._

"Jenny!" (Luo Shang farts!


"Don't".⊥1 Mountain"

Then Xiaogang's screams resounded throughout the botanical garden.

[-] dividing line - [-]

"Really, Xiaogang

Do you know that you will be beaten to death if you disturb people when they are confessing to each other?. If it wasn't for the fact that I helped them just now, do you believe that Yanfeng had sprayed you with his spray just now? 3

"I'm sorry...but who made Xiaozhi your jenny fart on me..._

Speaking of which, Xiaogang's face became a lot ugly when he thought of the radish fart of Xiaozhi's jerky.

However, Xiaogang did not say that it was fine.Said that the jenny turtle actually threw himself into Xiaozhi's arms and looked like a baby being bullied, touched his little ass and pointed at Xiaogang to complain.

"Jenny L_⊥"⊥" (Baba! He

Kiss my ass he's a hooligan!. 1 !_ !

Seeing his own Jenny Turtle so wronged, Xiaozhi could only pat it on the head-: while comforting, _ "Okay, Jenny Turtle, it's okay, just let the bad guys touch it, it's okay, As a big brother, you have to set an example for little Ibrahimovic."

"Pfft" *4_

Looking at Xiao Zhi and Jenny Turtle's double reeds: Allie Jia and the others couldn't help but laugh.

And Xiaogang looked at the jenny fish and couldn't help but pouted_I didn't expect Xiaozhi's jenny turtle to bear to such a degree..._

However, just as Ash and the others were a little farther away

After Xiaogang, who was full of poisonous gas, returned to Zhixin Town, Billy and Jonathan were waiting for Xiaogang at the gate of Zhenxin Town._

"_Xiaogang bay. The next scene is up to you, so let's start⊥"

"Yes, now is a critical moment and we can't give up e"

With that said, the two slowly approached Xiaogang together.In the face of Billy and Jonathan who were approaching, Xiaogang stiffened his chest and let the poisonous gas from his body continue to ferment.

"I need to take a shower. You smell the horrible smell on me!."

However, when Billy and Jonathan smelled the

After the taste, not only did he not dislike it, but he even showed an expression of surprise.

"Big Bang" just came on, did you know that the person who came to accompany your performance today has a special hobby. .So we are still in a dilemma!.”

While talking about Billy and Jonathan stepping forward and holding Xiaogang together, Jonathan said even more excitedly.

"I didn't expect you to be ready. I believe that the cooperation with the person I just joined will be of great help to your interpretation! Take L and let's start!"

"Wait ⊥. Is there something wrong? 2⊥ Don't" Don't do this! Don't ⊥⊥⊥er"

Seeing Xiaogang and Xiaozhi being pulled away, they were stunned for a while, and then Xiaozhi said congratulations to Alijia.

"He's been doing star L recently. Understand - come on, let's go to my house and sit, just in time to invite you to taste my tea-making skills."

After hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Alicia said it without thinking.



Chapter [-] Beloved wife teaches you how to be a man

"Oh, this kid Xiaozhi is really: Alijia is really suffering, I didn't expect Xiaozhi to say things that a child remembers directly."


Xiaozhi looked at his mother speechlessly, holding Alica's hand and constantly saying that she didn't mean it that way, just like she had already recognized that Alica has something to do with herself.

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