Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue, Xiaozi and Ailijia both opened their mouths slightly when they heard the head hammer sound that could be heard from upstairs.

The movement is too big 2


Doung !

"Take my wit!"

Doung !

"give me back!"

Doung !



With the last heavy sound of head hammer, Xiaoxia and the others heard the sound of something heavy falling to the ground from upstairs.

And it didn't take long for Ash and Lin with red and purple heads to go downstairs - and Ash's condition had clearly recovered.

"Ah~ my baby's head hammer is great, it's absolutely amazing in terms of mental correction!"

Looking at Xiao Zhi's purple head, Ali Jia asked uncertainly.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Of course," it would be better to say that Lin's head hammer is simply a good medicine to correct my spirit."


Chapter [-]: Heart Demon: Big Brother Big Sister, can you give me some face?

Ash has always had a small problem, that is the culprit of Ash's previous life helping Arceus and causing his own death.That is the power of a curse from other worlds. Although the power of the curse can't have any effect on Ash because of Ash's lack of heart in a sense, there are still some small troubles. It's Xiao Zhi's weird state.

According to the original situation, the power of the curse should have entangled Ash for countless reincarnations, making Ash a terrifying threat. However, the power of this curse was cracked because of Ash's heartlessness."

That's pretty much the case at the time

Xiaozhi's inner world, Xiaozhi Ben and I drank tea from the spiritual world face to face, then hugged each other and cried together to release the helplessness that I couldn't protect my girlfriend, and finally I and I ate together. After a meal and a hangover, the state of the two enterprises was completely reconciled. The so-called demons disappeared completely, and Xiao Zhi himself was just a small problem that sometimes entered a strange state.And the so-called weird state is just that sometimes the attack is more ruthless, and the code of conduct is more like a blank man.

However, even Ash in a weird state has his biggest nemesis.Then Lindis.Anyway, since Xiao Zhi and Lindis got to know each other.

When necessary, Ash appears in a strange state.Lindis, the prairie girl - a trick to teach Xiao Zhi how to be a man in an instant.No matter what your inner demon or special state is, one stroke of the head will make you return to normal.

Xiaozhi didn't know why Lin's head was so reckless. It was the first time he saw himself. When he was in a strange state, he didn't even want to hold himself. , But since then, Xiaozhi also has a security measure in a sense.Lindis:: A man who can teach Ochi how to behave with a head hammer.

In fact, the existence of Lindis is also the reason why Arceus is relieved of Ash, it is Lindis's head hammer too

Nima works!. Let Arceus not need to worry about what kind of moths will happen on Xiaozhi's side.

"Master Arceus, are you laughing?"

Arceus said with a little restraint when he heard the words of the blue light spot next to him.

"No. How could I possibly laugh with such a majesty?"

"But your waveguide is full of

"Well, well, I'm just laughing! Hahahaha L, you know what Lucario had the most fun of seeing Yezhi being slapped on the head" ocOmy


One-two dividing line

"Hi" Lin, your head hammer is good everywhere, but it hurts a bit:"

Sitting on the cruise ship to Hollywood, Xiao Zhi looked at the plan and turned to Lin Yecao, who was sitting beside him.

Lin shrugged and said.

"I'm sure I won't stop you when you need it, but don't get into that state at home, how does it still hurt?

Saying that, Lin looked at Xiao Zhihong's purple forehead and then gently pressed it with her hands. Since she used to use head hammers on Xiao Zhi, Lin also knew how to make Xiao Zhi feel more comfortable.

And Ash was caught by Rin's hand-

z According to the head that was still a little sore, I instantly felt better.

"Thank you, move to the side a little


Watching Xiaozhi and Lin operate like an old husband and wife, Miaomiao fell into contemplation.

"Um: Can I be the same as the boss in the future? This kind of tacit understanding is my dream.."

0 Ask for flowers._,! __

In fact, Miaomiao has always been envious of Xiaozhi and their relationship, the silent tacit understanding - always what Miaomiao wants to have.Although he and Ash and Pikachu can do it too, but that's the concept of friends and family

.What Miaomiao hopes is to have someone who understands her other half.

Of course, Miaomiao believes that what she can encounter - all depends on fate in the future. Miaomiao believes so strongly.

In the afternoon, the cruise ship successfully arrived in Hollywood

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