And it was Karuna who greeted Ash.

"Xiao Zhilin, you are here."

"Well, it seems that the time is just right. I heard that your crew needs help, so I came over and planned this place by the way. In the future, you will be the proprietress here. Be tough."

"It's still the same."

Hear Ash's words card

Lu Nai smiled helplessly, but then held Xiao Zhi and Lin's hands.

"Come on, I'm just going to introduce you to my new movie. This time the starring roles are Shanaido and Fat Worker. I'm only in charge of supporting roles."

"Pokémon movies, well I think I have an idea."

Hearing it was Pokémon, a smile appeared on the face of the movie Xiao Zhi, but after seeing Xiao Zhi's smile, Ka Luna realized that something was wrong.

I've been with Xiao Zhi for so many years.I have also collaborated many times in co-starring films.So she really likes what type of characters Ash likes to play.

And Lin next to Xiaozhi also thought about it, so her face became wrong.

"Xiaozhi:: Are you planning to:

"Don't worry. I'll definitely play my character well, I promise," Spoon said.


Chapter [-] Look at me being cute! (Supplementary chapters, sorry, I made a mistake in saving the manuscript this morning)

Xiao Zhi, two rich bigwigs, a rich man who has bought the entire Hollywood for industrial planning.Even just now, Ash made his fiancee, Karuna, the boss of Hollywood.

However, now that Karuna is not happy, it is not some kind of bloody love drama.Break up a lover or something.

Karuna loves Xiaozhi and they have known each other for a very long time. It can even be said that they are childhood sweethearts, but it is because of the relationship that she is almost a childhood sweetheart. Karuna is very clear about it._My lover has a very troublesome problem. The second type of ear is,

"How? This time, in order to cooperate with you

I am going to add special effects to our Pokemon Star Wars movie. "

Black body fat physique.Wise eyes.and two red cheeks.A black, cheap bear appeared in front of Karuna and Rin in front of Karuna and Rin looking like I was great, and this guy who was called Noble Bear by Satoshi was played by Ash.

And see as you think.As expected, Ash appeared in this outfit, Karuna covered her mouth, turned around and said with tears.

"As expected he always carried it". He really always carried it "How could I forget that he likes to play the mascot!"

And Lin looked at the whole body of steel in front of her.

The Kumamon of the effect piece touched the soft material of other parts and asked s in a speechless manner.

"You. Are you made of baaley sheep's wool?"

"Yes, this one is specially customized for me to make it soft and comfortable. It is also first-class and comfortable to hold."

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Lin hugged Kumamon and felt the soft puppet suit and Xiao Zhilin in the puppet suit turned her head and said to Karuna.

"It's really comfortable, Karuna, try it too, it's soft and you can still feel Xiao Zhi in it, it's really fun_

Hearing Rin say that, although Karuna has no

Nai and Ash's dress up, but they still came over and hugged Ash, who was dressed in cloth. Although there are some special effects on him instinctively, it doesn't matter: Karuna feels that Kumamon is made of the wool of the bleak sheep. The clothes are very soft, and it feels really comfortable to hold, but

Following Karuna's head-to-head kill, Karuna grabbed her face and said with tears in her eyes.

"Play the prince for me! It's a pity that your face is not like the prince⊥ Why do you want to play the mascot?

"Well...wife, I feel that Prince 4 has a good sand sculpture rather than a prince with such sand sculpture eyes. It's better to play a mascot with a sense of feeling, you look cute!"

Following Kumamoto's ability to have a two-fingered face, Karuna bowed her head feebly.

"Then you're cute too. You're a bear with an instinctive expression, you're going to be beaten up?"

"Look at me being cute!"

"Stop playing ⊥⊥.⊥"

Miaomiao smiled and shook her head when she saw Xiaozhi who was having fun playing there, her boss's love still hasn't changed.

And just when Miaomiao thought so, an A walked towards Miaomiao and spoke in his ear for a few decades.

After listening, Miao Miao nodded and said

"Okay, I know

Thanks for your reminder.I'll fix it now, boss, let him play for a while.. This is my business.There is no need to waste the reunion time of Tae-chan and Karuna-sama. "

"It's Mr. Miaomiao."

And just when Miaomiao was going to solve some things, the happy egg came to work and Miaomiao smiled and said after seeing the happy egg.

"Would you like to- come with me?"

"Of course I have to help with Miaomiao's father."

"Finally called my dad, alright then come with me. But I think the boss asked you to come here?"

"Yes, little

But Zhi's father - has been paying attention to Miaomiao's father. "

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