Thinking of the thing he made, Chaofan hopes to create a miracle.And Feng Wang seems to know something and can't help but


"The experiment you're doing is taboo in the basic sense. After all, your copying is completely contrary to the form of life."

"I understand. But at least I have to give it a try, at least my former partner has to bring it back... But I'm more curious that you, the god of life, won't stop me?"

Hearing Chao Meng's doubts, Ho-wang looked at the sky and then at the three holy beasts beside him and said.

"Because even if I'm the god of life, it doesn't mean that I can rule life at will" That's all::"

Chapter [-] Chaomeng's counterattack?probably…

"Do you think you are a powerful trainer? If so, come to Niijima I want to witness your power::"

Looking at the figure in the document, he pondered, and he was sure that the figure was not a human but a Pokémon. So what would a Pokémon invite humans to do?

Thinking so, N put on his hat and said to the members of the equal-height sub-group beside him.

"Get ready, I'd love to see what this guy is going to do."

"Yes 1 but your safety is king.."

"Do you think my strength will be afraid of these?


"Sorry king."


Although he said so, but N understands that the Kanto film is really small, after all, according to the intelligence.It's a hell start in Kanto:

At the same time, countless invited trainers began to gather at the Continental Hotel in the Kanto region. After all, according to the mysterious man, the invited trainers could stay for 3 days for free, which made the attraction stronger.

On the Niijima side, Ash, who was wearing a Kumamon pajamas, looked at Mewtwo strangely.

"You called me because

To help tell a story to these four little guys? How about you play with me?"

Thinking that Chao Mengyi used his superpowers to bring himself and the second gang's own Pokémon to Niijima Xiaozhi, and thought he had something important to help with, but it turned out to be a little girl and three Pokémon. Into the story? 1

"Yes, I'm still not very good at taking care of people. So I can only ask you.."

".Then I'll take it as a mention to try let's take care of the children::Let's go everyone, let's go into the story.."

After taking a look at Chao Meng, Xiao Zhi took Pikachu, Meow Snake Bear, Happy Egg, and Duck

Dumb Beast Ibrahimovic waited for a group of Pokémon to take care of the children.

Mewtwo, on the other hand, said e to the other world, Ho-oh, beside him.

"Thank you this time"

Hoo shook his head when he heard Mewtwo's thanks.

"According to Ash it's just a deal and it's an investment, and I definitely need to go back to my world. I'll ask you for help with the bieh."

"Well, it's reasonable, but if Ash goes with me, I'll definitely go too."

"No. Your potential is worth it. I've denied it now.

Let me see what are you going to do?

"Okay, it's time for this big drama to start. Now. We need to screen before this." Ice said, with blue photons emitting from Mewtwo's eyes.Super power activated.

"Xiaozhi was taken away by Mewtwo 1 Damn L how did I forget this most important thing!"

Xiaoxia, who was on the other end of the communication accompanied by Lusamine's roar, was taken aback.And Russa Minai looked at Xiaoxia with terrifying eyes and asked.

"Now Ash and where are they 3"



"Okay! Thank you. Is it Shinjima! Sure enough, it's there!"

Having said that, Lusamine ended the communication, and then Lusamine's body began to emit two air cushions that resisted depression.

"I actually forgot about such an important thing. Ah, Super Dream, if there is anything wrong with Ash, I will break you into pieces!.!⊥"

Afterwards, while Lillie and Gragio were trembling, Chassa Minai directly activated the Continental Hotel's Akongwen teleportation brick and came to the Kanto region.Then go straight to the mainland hotel near the new island

When she arrived at the Tailu Hotel and looked at the new island surrounded by the storm, Russa Minai's expression became even more intense.

Blocked.All of this stems from the fact that she still remembers the story that can be said to be like a nightmare for her now, Ash's death.

Although Lusha Mina knew that Chao Meng and Ash were friends now, and that both Hoo were nearby, but she was not afraid of 3 or [-] - what if Chao Meng went mad because she saw the dream? If Ash was at that time What if the blood goes up to stop them? What if Ho-oh doesn't save Ash in time [-]

Thinking of these terrifying consequences, Lusamine went straight to the port in a irritable manner, and then threw her precious ball directly.

"Come out, Minas!"


As Lusamine's Chanas appeared in the water, Lusamine-jumped up and said to Minas. ,

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