"Let's go now, to the new island!

"woo go"

Minas nodded and then directly ignored the storm and started to move forward, and Lusamine's behavior was like a fuse - countless capable trainers called out their magic treasures and started to act.

With the actions of these trainers, even if Jun Sha wanted to stop it, it was useless, but N, who was among the trainers, broke through the storm with the help of the rib turtle and looked at it with some doubts.

Rusamine, who was one step ahead of her eyes.

"President of the Ether Foundation in the Alola region, is it Rusha Minai? What made her so angry? It has reached the level of eruption? Ask Xiaozhi:."

And Xia Sha Minai didn't even know that she was discovered by N at this time, she just wanted to hurry to Xindao to find Xiaozhi.

And at this time, Ash, who is being missed by Russa Minai 2

Is feeding a bunch of Pokémon and a little girl into the story, but next to Ash there's D. a clearly torn book


The two kings of Nido are written..

"Finally this male three bees finally became queen bee after surgery.."


With the sound of the torn book, Xiao Zhi threw the torn book aside

"Why did Brother Xiaozhi tear up the book again?"

It was a little strange for the little girl to see Xiaozhi tearing books madly there, but Xiaozhi said to her with a smile. ,

"Because this isn't a good story, Xiao Ai, let me tell you, I will definitely make my jenny hug his face and fart when I meet a guy who tells this kind of story in the future!"


Muni!" (No problem | )

The jenny turtle on the other side gave Xiaozhi a like, and then continued to eat sweet potatoes with his newly recognized little brother. _And the two slow-minded guys, Dumbly Beast and Da Duck, directly leaned on Xiao Zhi together.And on everyone's head, a Pokémon like a kitten is laughing and complaining while listening to Ash's story.It's just that it looked at Xiao Zhi with some nostalgia and guilt and the joy of seeing each other again. _


Chapter [-] Chaomeng's counterattack? (two)

-"come yet?"

When he felt that someone was coming, Chao Meng's closed eyes slowly opened. A It is ready to meet these trainers.

However, just as Mewtwo was waiting quietly, the door of the main hall was kicked open. Then Rusami Nai walked in aggressively with her wearing bear. And the other trainers didn't know if it was because of Rusami. Nai's terrifying aura was just following behind Rusami Nai.

And when Chao Meng saw Russa Minai, the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching - down, he didn't remember that he invited Russa Minai to come?

But being watched by so many eyes, Mewtwo couldn't be silent for too long, so A said directly with telepathy.

"Being able to break through the storm shows that you still have some skills, so please take a seat."


Although everyone wanted to be seated, no one dared to step forward because of the terrifying aura of Lusamine, and Chao Meng sighed and said e

"You guys are so shameful: If you don't even have the guts, it can only prove that your trainer is not suitable for my dear master, my master "It's still up to me"

Saying that, Chao Meng was silent for a moment, and then tore up the lines that Shanaido gave him.

"Okay. Someone made trouble just now.. But there are two things that are right. If your courage is just that, you really can't be called a trainer.",

Although the words of Chaomeng before have confused a lot of people.But after everyone reported it, there were still people who took the lead. As Mewtwo said, if you don't have the guts, you're not qualified-

However, just as these trainers stepped out of their own pace, Russa Mina-z roared at Mewtwo with a gloomy face.

"I just

No matter what the trainer's question is, I'll go back to you and my husband. Where did you hide my husband⊥"


The trainers who had just stepped out shrank back in an instant. It was true that the current aura of Russa Minai was too scary.However, this is not the end, Rusamine actually walked straight to Mewtwo and growled.

"Now I want", my husband! Hand him over immediately

bump! ;

Just when Lusamine was about to explode completely, the door of a room slammed open and a Nomon Bear, who was eating snacks, came out.


I really want to hear my mother-in-law's voice, oh my wife, come here B!"

It was a bit unexpected to see Russa Minai coming to Ash, and just when Ash, the Kumamon bear happily greeted Rusami, Russa Minai had already charged and hugged Xiaozhi.

"Huh? What's wrong with my wife?"

Without answering Ash's question, Russa Mina just held on to her instincts, feeling Ash inside, and Rusami said slowly.

"You're okay 1: It's great that you're okay..."

".Although I don't know what's going on_ but I'm fine [-]"

comfort hug

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