Question Xiaozhi nodded and said, "That's right. I don't know why I want to fight this guy named A Hong and I also believe that the Jenny Turtles and the others can win."

"Is that so, if it's Mr. Xiaozhi, one or two will be able to win easily._

Although the mouth is serious, Xiaoji's current situation is completely different.She is now completely in a state of being in a state of perfect familiarity.And Xiao Zhi looked at Xiao Ji and shook his head in such a funny way, and then said, leaning on her shoulder.

"You, you can act so well when you're outside. Hmm, how ___ is it on my side, so it's so obvious that you're really with Maggie El.

Just as good to guess. "

"Small ⊥⊥"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, how could Xiao Ji still not understand that the thoughts in his heart had been discovered by Xiao Zhi, and Xiao Zhi looked at the surprised Xiao Ji and just said with a smile.

"You. Don't you know that longing is sometimes the furthest distance? It's good to say some things directly. For example, I always say that I want to open a harem."

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, Xiao Ji is not angry. She still has some understanding of some things. The fact that Xiao Zhi wants to open a harem is actually a must-have in a sense.Xiaozhi's current situation belongs to the second generation of the creation family, so it is


"Brother Xiaozhi, you will scare away a lot of people like this."

Said Xiaozhi with a smile - after ten days, Xiaoji leaned on Xiaozhi's shoulder.

"Brother Xiaozhi. It's really comfortable to lean against you."_

"Really? Then I'm honored.

Jackie Turtle looked at Xiao Zhi and Xiao Ji and asked Penbilong who was eating mutton.

"Do you want me to quickly find a wife like my father did!"

The fire-breathing dragon looked at Jiegui and thought for a while, then said.

"Anyway, anyway, the wonderful frog seeds have not already found the smelly nose.

Did you spend it?"

When the fire-breathing dragon mentioned the wonderful frog seeds, he was not shy but nodded.

"That's right. Feelings are heating up


one - dividing line - one

When Xiaozhi came to the arena with Pikachu Miaomiao and Jenny Turtle, who were with him, he looked at Ahong who was opposite him and nodded, and Ahong also smiled and said, "I didn't expect to meet so soon. So please advise! I'm A Hong"

And Xiao Zhi also smiled and said, "Ah, Xiao Zhi, a new trainer in Zhixin Town! Please enlighten me!"

'you are new

Talent Strange.L_-NL

Many people expressed disdain for Xiao Zhi's self-proclaimed newcomer, but Xiao Ji, who had returned to Kantai, smiled slightly and she had already got the answer she wanted.

"Ahong vs Ash L starts now

When the referee pronounced the sentence, Ahong threw his first baby ball directly

"Go, Bobby!"

And when he heard the name Xiao Zhi called out from A Hong, he was silent for a while. Then he looked at the opposite Barbie and said. "Babi...Daddy"_

"Don't misinterpret it at will!_


Ah Hong looked at Xiao Zhi speechlessly.He really didn't expect Xiao Zhi to say this.And Ash took out his own luxurious ball after looking at the Barbie, known as Barbie.

"Really? Go"


When Shaozhi's Pidiao came out of the Poké Ball.He immediately started to flap his wings, but the so-called strong wind was beyond everyone's imagination.

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Chapter four hundred and seventy-ninth fetters evolution

_ "Player Xiaozhi, you said it was a strong storm, did you! It's a tornado, right?", ⊥ And this trick says it's a storm, you can believe it ⊥! ⊥⊥"

Looking at the huge storm formed in the arena, the host's leaf slot has not stopped, it is really a bit scary that Xiao Zhi's so-called strong storm is powerful, if it is not for the tornado is a dragon-type skill.The host of Stormwind, who belongs to the flight department, wonders if Xiaozhi is playing with his opponents again with fake orders.

And Xiao Zhi, who was under the protection of the multiple light walls working on the happy egg, did not answer the host's question, but looked at the huge storm formed in the venue and said.


Show them the tricks you've always been most familiar with

"Bisan 1⊥⊥"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Bi Diao couldn't help but recall the first time he met Xiao Zhi.At that time it was still a bird of prey.Was directly electrocuted by Ash's Pikachu with a one-stroke electric shock and then subdued.

After that, he - has been following Ash.Since the first day that Xiao Zhi subdued himself, Xiao Zhi has always remembered that his favorite food is bitter. .and never forget. ,

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