Bi Diao always felt that it was a stroke of luck to be subdued by Xiao Zhi, and it turned out that it was indeed the case.

.Xiao Zhi has never claimed to be the master, and he is sincere to them, which also makes Bidio think of what another Bidio who was also subdued by Xiao Zhi said.

"Boy, we Biaodiao can evolve mega, but rather than needing that kind of meaningless stone. Zerda believes in bonds and true trust between each other, so boy, can you do it? And The boss's fetters evolve?. Can you be a mega without the so-called evolution stone with the boss? If you can't do it, then I will train you well regardless of these little brats⊥"

Recalling the words of the previous overlord, Bibi

, Bidiao's eyes flashed - silk resolution.Now it's time to prove his bond with the old lady.There is no so-called evolution stone, just rely on fetters⊥

The next - Kebidiao's body radiated light.

"Uh?. What's the situation? Is Xiaozhi's Bidiao evolving? 2⊥"

Look at the situation on the field.Even the host doesn't know what's going on right now.And Xiaozhi said with a smile.

"It's not wrong to say that it's evolution. Since you're ready for Bidiao, let's start!"

"Compared to"

Then in -: after a long whistle

into the storm.

"The master of the storm is soaring in the sky! . Come out, mega eagle!"


As a figure emerges from the storm, it evolves more than the eagle mega___

"Oh my God, it's actually meag evolution L is wrong. I want meag evolution, but you want a kind of evolution stone. Xiao Zhi player's Bi Diao Mingming didn't wear it? Go on."

"Don't you understand!_ The so-called malga is the miracle caused by the bond between humans and Pokémon. If the evolution stone is the medium of mesa evolution, then the bond is enough.

At that time, L's so-called evolution stone is no longer needed.

"Bi!" Second ask for flowers 0______:__

After completing the evolution of the bond with Ash, mesa is in a very good state. . But when he heard Xiao Zhi's order, he immediately adjusted his mentality. It was indeed time to end it.

Therefore, Msa Bidiao directly used Xiaozhi's own flying trick, Storm Blast, which is a powerful trick to directly impact the enemy like a storm. Because it is high speed and has a strong impact, if you don't pay attention It may also be countered by itself

Hard damage., but when msa takes a deep breath, it's not a problem.

And Ahong's Ba Dahu Babi is useless even if he wants to avoid it at this time, because the frantic storm makes him unable to fly freely, so Babi can only be hit by the eagle in Ahong's eyes.

Along with the statue of the eagle -- the figure that flashed by.The endless storm completely drowned Ba Dahu Babi, and when the storm dissipated, Tian Dahu Babi was already lying unconscious in the center of the arena.

"Ba Taihu loses his ability to fight!_".

"It's amazing. Xiaozhi actually made mesa mesa without relying on the evolution stone.

_Evolution L This is the real bond! No wonder Xiaozhi Mao is so powerful! This bond that makes Pokémon respond with heart is the source of his power"⊥_! "

Wow⊥ Mountain⊥

Listening to the host's explanation, the atmosphere of the whole venue was mobilized. A and Ah Hong couldn't help but say when he looked at Bi Diao who had returned to Xiao Zhi's side.

"Sure enough⊥. You are really good! But I won't lose either! The next one is for you to go on, Ren!"

Then a Pikachu appeared in the arena Eight: ~

- Fei Lu. Remind you: three things to read, two collections, recommendations,

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Chapter [-]: Jenny Turtle vs. Pikachu

Looking at the opposite Pikachu Xiaozhi, after being silent for a while, he looked at Jenny Turtle, who was constantly pulling his trousers, and squatted down and asked.

"Are you sure you want to fight? Is it okay for you to face a lot of inverse attribute battles?"

Hearing Xiaozhi cares about his jenny turtle and kissed him _ mouth Xiaozhi and then patted his chest to make sure there was no problem.. and Xiaozhi wiped the saliva on his face and touched the jenny turtle's head and said e

"Okay. Then you go, but watch out for Pikachu's electric shock, understand?"

"Jenny!" (Don't worry,!_ )

"Three soil three" once again to Xiaozhi

After the guarantee, Jenny walked to the arena with his calf, and he didn't relax when he saw that his opponent was Jenny Ahong. After all, in Xiaozhi's previous game, Jenny easily defeated the big-mouthed bat, although the way of defeating some:

A Hong's face changed when he thought of the unique attack method of the Jenny Turtle. If that attack hits his own Lei Gu, it might cause a terrible shadow to Renn:

"Rain". Be careful not to let that jenny get close."


Hearing Ahong's words, Ren tilted his head strangely, I don't know why.And the jenny turtle opposite Rennes is now showing a hideous look

The smile looked at the Leimeng opposite, and at the same time put on a monster expression, showing his sharp teeth.

"Jenny Jennie!." (Be careful I bite you⊥⊥


I was taken aback by the appearance of the jenny turtle, and Ren couldn't help but take a step back1 and this scene is a bit funny no matter how you look at it.

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