The reason for the helplessness is that the director wants her to take this opportunity to interview Xiaozhi. After all, it is very simple to interview because of her relationship with Xiaozhi_

"That's why... it's because I know him that I can't trouble him at this time. Otherwise, the next interview will be difficult."

The station director was also a little helpless when he heard Mary's statement. If it was a normal reporter, he would have yelled at people. However, Mary was different. Who let Mary join Xiaozhi. _I have been warned long ago: wait!. Warning? Could it be that that one is interested in Mary?

Thinking of this, the headmaster couldn't help but reveal a smile that every man understands.

. A then graciously communicated with Mary, "Mary. You are right. Otherwise, you can find a time to interview him in a special way. You can see that he is also a young and responsible kind of person. If you Soaring through the ages, remember:.

pop on

Momentarily closed the phone, Mary, if it wasn't for her own Mary, the phone would have been thrown out.

"Really satisfied."

Chapter 6 I'm starting to sympathize with your opponent (12 more tomorrow, starting at [-] o'clock)

Let's talk about Ash's senses.Mary is a little complicated.After all, in Mary's opinion, Xiaozhi should be regarded as a younger brother. But he is more mature than her, and he is impeccable in taking care of people.Of course, although it was a bit unpleasant when we first met.But that is also a special case.

"Really: in the end, it was my self-righteous sister who was being taken care of. She had already found out that she was tricky with her attitude towards herself. If it was a normal reporter, the station director would have already started yelling at her for an interview. Why? Possibly a good-natured discussion? There is only one possibility that the director has been chatted or warned.

Just Mary

Among the people I know, there is only one person who can do this, and that is Xiao Zhi.

"Forget it:: Don't disturb Xiao Jia this time. I hope Xiao Zhi can maintain a good mood."

However, it is a pity that Mary's hope that Ash can maintain a good mood is doomed to fail.Now Xiaozhi's anger value is constantly accumulating, and this is also due to the reporters who are like crazy.

"Mr. Xiaozhi 1. No, Mr. Dragon Emperor - what about your other three dragon-type Pokémon?"

"Mr. Ash. You are the most likely person to win the championship now, if you win the championship, you don't know what you will be.

In what capacity to receive the award~ [9 "

"Oops 1. Don't squeeze me","

"I rely on L to step on people"

"Looking for a fight, right?_"

"Oops 1. To bite someone 1 let go!"


Looking at the reporters who had already started fighting, Xiao Zhi's anger value was really full, but when Xiao Zhi was about to lose his beard, Xiao Zhi glanced at the stand from the corner of his eye.Then a wicked smile appeared.

"Come on my darlings. Do me a favor!"

"Wang Jiang!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's call to the evening, the Coyote and Dairubi in the stands all showed excited smiles.Then they rushed towards Xiao Zhi in a swarm.

"Miyama Pokémon Riot" ⊥⊥⊥"

When the reporters saw the swarms of Coyotes and Derbys, they were also taken aback. Bi Yi, these are all Pokémon that can bite people. It hurts for a long time to be bitten.

Therefore, the Mokless Kings, who were stubbornly stubborn in the face of Pokémon, and I attacked with human beings, immediately made way for the Coyotes and Darubies to pass.

And Ash is - holding the first - one

Pounced on his coyote too- while hugging its head and saying, "Oh oh. Good good good. Let's go home. The little ones make the way!"

"Wang Wang 1⊥⊥" thick

Afterwards, under the guidance of a group of ten wolf dragons and Dairubi, Xiaozhi and his elves walked back like no one else. As for some reporters, they wanted to keep Xiaozhi.As a result, he was beaten by hyenas and Darubes.

one-two dividing line

"Xiao Zhi. It's already in the semifinals. After the end, there will be the final championship battle. Who are you going to make this time?"

Thanks to helping the uncrowned king challenge Ash's back

After arriving at the castle, Xiaozhi immediately rested on Lin's lap to regain his spirits, and Lin also helped Xiaozhi hold his head very gently.

"Ah: The Final Four. It's time to let Pikachu and the others appear. I don't know why, but I have a second intuition. If I don't let them go, they will also gather together when they finally win the championship."


"I always feel that there will be a surprise waiting for me at the end."


Helping Xiaozhi to press the head Lin also has some doubts about what kind of surprise it will be. As for whether Xiaozhi will be wrong, Lin never doubts.because of her

Believe in Chi.That's all.

"Did you let Pikachu and the others play. I have to say that no matter who is your opponent, it is unlucky enough..."

Thinking of Pikachu and the others' fighting power, even Lin had to get up.Bi Yi, Pikachu and the others are the first Pokémon to follow Ash.Long Qi is a Pikachu, and the combat power that even the giant fast dragon can take down is no joke. _

"Bao Ran has some sympathy for your opponent."

"Um..I'm jealous."

"You~ play"

Tou Lin who smiled and nodded Xiaozhi didn't know what to say to him

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