, while Xiaozhi was lying on Lin's lap with a smile and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

But what Xiao Chi didn't know was that.Just outside his house.Taiki and Sakamoto, who have been taught a lesson, don't know whether to disturb Ash.

"Did I say Taimu go in?"

"Why don't you go first? To be honest, no one can come out after disturbing Xiao Zhi and Lin being alone.

"That's okay"


Chapter 1 You two succeeded? ! ([-] more)

"Xiao Zhi. What's the difference between the Queen Irene of Orudelang City and you?"

"Oludelang City 2. That is our company's partner, specializing in the development of tourism. As for Queen Irene, I met her when she was still a little master. What happened?

At this moment, Xiao Zhi looked at Taimu Botu with an unhappy expression.Lin, on the other hand, looked at the Benny fish who were ready to go out with a funny look. After she and Xiao Zhi were alone with Tai Ben Bo, these Han Han spontaneously ran over with their cloaks.

And Dr. Taimu couldn't help swallowing when he looked at the jellies he ate while looking at his prey.

"I say small

Chi, you can let your benny fish go to other grounds first and see what they look like now, I'm a little scared:"

Hearing that Dr. Taiben's mouth showed a faint smile.

"Dr. Taimu, these children are just because

I didn't start a fight because I liked all of our spontaneous experiences.What's wrong with letting them eat here?"

But the way they looked at me was wrong."

"Forget it... let's not talk about that. Speaking of which, is there anything else you have to do, Taimu Hiroshi?

"Oh yes, and how good is your relationship with Queen Irene?


Seeing that Xiaozhi doesn't mean much money, Dr. Taimu is not sure what Xiaozhi means by saying that it is not bad, but thinking that it will involve privacy again, there will be no more time.

"Okay. Then I'm fine here.

Once I won't disturb Xiaozhi you. "

Saying that Dr. Taimu was about to get up and leave, Xiaozhi suddenly showed a dark smile on his eyelids when he saw that Dr. Taimu was about to leave.

"Oh, Dr. Taimu, are you going back? Come and send Dr. Damu to the little ones, and let Dr. Damu go happily!" .

in Xiaozhi

when said.The word "Walk" is very serious.And the Jaques heard

After Zhi's words, he turned his troubled eyes to Tiancai Boben, and then...-

"Benny L 1 Mountain" heavy enterprise

Looking at the jellyfish who rushed towards him excitedly, Dr. Ogi knew that he was doomed

"Don't come here!"

Seeing Dr. Taimu running away, Xiaozhi said to Lin who was laughing, "Forget about rest. There is a game tomorrow."


Then, after the Westerners finished washing up, Lin Pillow

Xiaozhi's arm and Xiaohe: two rested together

And since Ash will definitely let Pikachu and the others play next time, so Pikachu and Miaomiao will accompany Madonna and Chuqiu more.Instead, choose to rest as soon as possible.

"Oops. Didn't expect us to play in the Final Four, but that's not bad."

Pikachu nodded.

"Pickup" (indeed, but Ash

The first one in the sky will surprise us and we don't know who it is 2)

.don't know why I have a bad feeling about it. "

The next day

Early in the morning, I had the experience of being woken up because of the cage-returning sleep last time.Xiao Zhi obediently got up when Lin woke him up for the first time.Go straight to the field at the same time.

"The semi-finals are over, grandma, this time we're going to play beautifully!"

"Well. I'll leave it to you this time. But have you rested?"

"Don't worry. Spirited up!"

"Pika!" (I gave up Lu Qiuqiu and Conductive Momonga L)

It's like I haven't given up on Lu Madonna! "

Watching these two Xiaozhi are slightly silent

Empress Chen asked, "You guys - won't you sleep with your wife in your arms?"

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