Seeing the special guest appearing again, the host was stunned for a while, but the special guest waved his hand.

said. "It's alright, let's continue talking. The player Xiaozhi just said that Aika is suspected to be Pokémon Hunter 2, so that means that this centipede king may have been captured by improper means!"

"Um: Actually, I've always had doubts about capturing the magic by improper means and capturing it normally _ What's the difference between Bao Jian 3"

And hear the host's words. _The audience who were watching the centipede and Lucario pricked up their ears and began to listen, and they also wanted to know.

"The difference is big. The elf people captured by illegal means will give you face if they listen to you."


Chapter 4: Qinglong Scales ([-] more)

In fact, everyone - has been wondering one thing, and that is what happens if you don't use normal means to capture Pokémon.And now this special guest finally gave the answer.

"Actually, capturing Pokémon by normal means is also proving your ability. After all, Pokémon can't follow you for no reason. Of course, if you already know about it, that's another story. It is normal for the Pokémon to choose to leave, but now this centipede king was obviously captured by abnormal means, otherwise he would not have had such a high combat power after acting on his own."

"It turns out that

So, then why did this centipede king listen to what Ash said?"

"It should be Xiaozhi's understanding. Think about it, if you have always caused your talent to go undiscovered for special reasons. It is not easy to have someone who discovers their instincts and it is normal to be moved, and this Weidong has surpassed the maddening effect of that weird ball, enough to see how brooding the Centipede King is about this matter.

The special guest shook his head regretfully. The knowledge he said now proves that he really has the capital to be a special guest.

"Is that so? In a sense, the centipede king is also pitiful:


After listening to the commentary of the special guests, the host also understood the idea of ​​the centipede king. After all, it is a torture to let a trainer who does not know at all command him.

At this time, the centipede king in the arena also used various skills desperately by the violent transformation of the dark ball, but these (eb__a) these skills are all connected by the street, although it can't make Lucario poisoned, but He will use the poisonous blast after spewing the poison to increase the damage.

Xiao Zhi really likes the various operations of the Jade Centipede King more and more.After all, Xiao Zhi himself is a punk who likes to play with drugs.And in battle, Ash is not stingy

What means to disgust the enemy, so he is really greedy for the centipede Wang Xiaozhi in front of him.

"Ah, no, this guy is too much for me, let's show Lucario. Let's show off your true strength. He is qualified to face that move with the blue dragon scales!"


Lucario also agrees with Ash's words, the centipede king in front of him is very capable of autonomous combat.If you train more, it will be a very good battlefield, and you should also show your respect for the warrior Lucario, so Lucario directly stepped back and his momentum began to rise.


Come on, this is my respect for you!. This is the blue dragon scale⊥"

With Lucario's words, the color of the waveguide in his hand became deeper and deeper.

"On the scales of the blue dragon ⊥⊥. On"

As the waveguide energy in Lucario's hand was shot out, a huge dragon-shaped energy roared and charged towards the Centipede King.In the face of this huge dragon-shaped energy centipede king, he showed a smile while using a poisonous impact.It's a respect for him and he's happy.

Then, along with the dragon-shaped energy, his poisonous impact was easily broken, and the huge power instantly drowned the centipede king.

And the blue dragon scales are in

After submerging the centipede queen, she rushed into the sky and disappeared.There was only the centipede king standing upright.It's just that the centipede king has long since lost consciousness.

"The Centipede King lost his ability to fight! ⊥⊥⊥"

"It's so powerful. The Centipede King can be said to be the first Pokémon that can compete with Ash's Lu-Kallio, and Lucario's Blue Dragon Scale also proves his strength. Really. As expected of the bravery of Bird. Woohoo! _L on"

Before the host finished speaking, he was pulled away by the staff of the Continental Hotel behind.He just said the ban.

And Aika is now stunned, he has no idea

what happened.Is the centipede king so strong today? Why don't you know? Mamma Mia

"Just now, the blue dragon scale:: looks like Mr. Korakuza:."

Lily was a little stunned when she thought about the energy of the dragon-shaped posture that the green dragon scales sent out before. Because the energy just now was very similar to the split space seat.And Rusamine said after being silent for a while.

"That.: It's just the function in the game that he likes. To put it bluntly, it's his junior second."


Hearing Lusa Minai's explanation, Glagio, who was still very excited, was stunned.

After a while, he picked up Ibrahimovic beside him and said, "Little middle two."


Five hundred and twentieth eight chapters super dream and split empty seat

Although what Russa Minai said was true, many of these tricks were adapted from games that Ash liked in his previous life.But some people don't know it, such as Risakuza who is watching TV in the special lounge.

"Look at L's trick is definitely based on me ⊥ That guy Xiaozhi is really, I'm embarrassed!".

While roaring this Kakuza, he put a huge ham in his mouth and gnawed it.And Chaomeng next to him glanced at him and shook his head speechlessly.

"Okay, you've said it many times. Is that enough?"

"No! I haven't said enough yet!"


Now Chaomeng regrets coming here.Who would have imagined that this cracking seat in front of him was actually a talker:

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