And just when Chao Meng was speechless, I real bird came over and asked, "That Chao Meng is a little strange for me to ask. But don't you think it's not appropriate for me to help watch Xiao Ai?_"

I looked at Xiao Ai who was holding his hand - Zhenniao really couldn't figure out how he became a child caregiver.

And Chao Meng - said with a smile.

"I just feel that you have a good relationship with Xiao Zhi, and you should be able to take care of Xiao Ai.

Didn't you ask Xiao Ai to call you mother too?_"

""Xiao Shang⊥"

After being punctured by Chaomeng, the little actions he had done in private before, the real bird asked straight and blushed.

"How did you know? !"

"Oh, so I really don't know what you think. Xiao Ai is a very obedient and good child. She doesn't just call people mother, usually he will ask Xiao Zhi, then. : If there is no Xiao Ai Zhizhi agrees that she will call you Mother Bird?


After Chao Meng's words, the real bird blushed instantly, then took Xiao Ai's hand and went out to say

Said, "Let's go to Xiao Ai Zhen Bird's mother to take you to play, and let's go to Xiao Zhi's father later."

"it is good!"

Seeing Matori Kaizura who left hand in hand with Xiao Ai, he scratched his head and asked Mewtwo, "Females, are they all so strange?"

"Well, according to Dalei, this is arrogant. Of course, we also have this type in Pokémon. Colleagues who show themselves relatively high and low also hope to attract the attention of the opposite sex."

Wow, you know so much, they instilled in you when they made you 2"

When I heard the words of the split empty seat, Chaomeng smiled and said.

"No, pass

Browse through the web. "

Talking about Mewtwo, he used his superpower to take a tablet and started to operate a with his superpower proficiently.

"Sometimes the information on the Internet is very interesting. Of course, I think it is these games that are more interesting."

Speaking of Chaomeng, there are various game operations at the level of gods in a webpage.

"These games can definitely exercise my brain power and reflection ability. The most important thing is that I can learn to predict what is really good."

Kaikongza looked at the video of Chaomeng's computer and shook his head inexplicably.

"I don't understand, not yet

Such as watching Xiaozhi frying steak is comfortable.I tell you it's a pleasure to see what Ash's guy eats, the sizzling sound of grilled meat and the savory flavor~Kentaro!"

Saying that Kaikongza had a big thumbs up, Chaomeng nodded knowingly. .

"Raw steak? You're talking about eating beef. Xiaozhi has disguised himself and passed some videos, do you want to watch it?"

Speaking of Super Dream, he called up a video of a mysterious chef, and the chef in the video was teaching this how to cook beef.

And Kizakuza couldn't help showing a gesture of enjoyment after looking at it.

"That's the voice L is so good⊥ the only one

It's a pity that there is no fragrance!"

"If you want a fragrant smell, just go to Xiaozhi and let him do it for you.

"good idea!"

Athena's eyes twitched as she watched Mewtwo and Risakuza communicate there.

"The range of friends of Mr. Ash. It's a bit wide.: Although I don't understand the meaning of Rikongza. 2 But according to Mewtwo, it seems that Ash's craftsmanship has conquered Rikongza 2"

Apollo also twitched his eyes and said.

It seems.. it is so_

To be honest, even as the Rockets

People, they have never seen a situation like Xiao Zhi, and the personal relationship with the beast is so good that terror is also a talent in a sense.

"Ahem, the special operations team at the Continental Hotel has sent the materials. It's just that they're still processing - some questions.

Two senior Rockets teammates said with a cold sweat after sending a document

As for why this team member did this, in fact, both Athena and Apollo understood.They just don't want to say it

"Well. I guess those people will be _ broken... To be honest, there are many people in Ashita.."_ ,

Thinking of this benefit, even if they Sa Apollo, they can't help but feel a tightness behind

"It's scary.. I absolutely _don't provoke Ash-sama"_ Nao

Chapter [-] We beat the three gods

Just as Athena and Apollo were talking about the special group under Ash's hands that frightened men, the battle between Ash and Aika also came to an end.

Aika only has one Pokémon now, and Ash has five Pokémon that haven't been dispatched, so the outcome of this battle is already obvious to the audience.

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