At this time, the ancestor of the fast dragon who rushed out can be said to be full of evil spirits, staring at the spaceship that was constantly exploding in the sky, and then it roared.

And Ash, who has a waveguide, can understand the meaning of its roar.

"Lao Tzu's wife is helping Lao Tzu give birth to your bastards, how dare you disturb him to rest"

Then the imposing manner of the beast broke out completely_ The ancestor of the huge fast dragon finally did not carry the hidden strength because of his rage. _

Chapter five hundred and thirty sixth: I am not sour!real!

The giant fast dragon almost didn't shoot with all his strength under Xiaozhi's hands, but this is not because it doesn't listen to Xiaozhi's orders, it is precisely because the fast dragon respects Xiaozhi, so it will not shoot with all his strength, after all, other Pokemon of Xiaozhi There is still a lot of room for development, if he can solve everything.That's stifling the growth of Ash's other Pokémon. A And Xiao Zhi, who understands this, rarely lets Kuailong take a shot.

The real task of the giant fast dragon is actually to protect the people around Xiaozhi. With its strength, it can be said that it is very easy to protect Xiaoxia and the others, but now because Huckron is pregnant, Xiaozhi deliberately let the giant fast dragon guard the camera. Beside Hackron, at least

Wait for her body to fully recover after giving birth.

Heart to heart.If his wife is pregnant, Xiao Zhi will definitely stay by their side.This is a matter of principle

And because of this, Kuailong is actually full of intimacy values ​​for Xiao Zhi, a trainer, and sometimes respect is also an important part.

And now the Pokémon hunter not only provoked Ash, but also almost frightened Hackron, which made Kuailong in a state of rage now. It has to let the grandchildren know that it has provoked Ash and himself. What are the consequences.

And looking at the fast dragon in the sky, I know that the fast dragon is fine

Sakagi said to Dr. Taimu next to him after being silent for a while.

"I feel like I should give Miaomiao and them some more money, they are really good"~. "

"..I think they're just here to laugh.."

Thinking of the 'accident' just now, Dr. Oki almost didn't laugh.

Unlike Sakagi and Dr. Taimu, Watanabe and Tsubaki are a little lost looking at the momentum of the fast dragon in the sky.

"This is the strength of the ancestor of the fast dragon. It's really scary: if my fast dragon can have such strength."

"Milling A Pei Chenglong

Use Double Frozen Purgatory"

Before Du could finish speaking, he heard a word that made his whole body tremble, and then he saw Cona and Li Lin holding Xiao Zhi's arm together to remind his Chenglong that they used a unique move.And Lilin City said with a smile.

"Heluga. You and Ash's Helga attack in purgatory together, give their crowd a swim in the north and double heaven"

Afterwards, the duet of ice and fire was completely dark.At the same time, Xiao Zhi's voice came.

"Beating them in the middle of nothing! ⊥⊥⊥"

And Xiao Zhi's words also reminded everyone present, it seems that they are still fighting 2.⊥

Du looked at the three of Kona Xiaozhi Lilin and pouted and muttered.

"Qi::Isn't that the wife of the owner: I'm not sour, I'm called Longyang's body 1. I'm really not sour L!⊥"

Although Du said so, but seeing Du clutching his chest, Xiba knew that he was sour.

"Goo!_Go"⊥"_ 6Cry, cry and die"_⊥⊥_ L)

"His". !⊥⊥"_ (Oops, I hope you like the poison of Venom Slash)

"Jenny!" (Everyone is farting at Duck 1 hugging their faces!!⊥_ )


Don't come here! Don't come here!" Er! "

Looking at the chaotic scene, Xiao Zhi smiled and said to Li Lin and Kona.

"Would you like to take a gamble? Will President Damaranch's head be nourishing blood now?"

Li Lin stroked the pen with malicious intent.

"You're bad enough. Can't you just hope that someone will do better?."

Although Li Lin said so, but Cong her smirk shows that she also likes to tease President Damaranch, but Kona said funny after being silent for a while.

"~Actually, the president has been continuously carried by Patriarch Joey.

No less than five shots of tranquilizers. , should be temporarily unable to wake up now. "

"Five needles? ⊥ Does Patriarch Joey want to hurt him to death? ⊥ Does President Damaranch shake his hand every time he carries it after the second needle 2."

Kona was stunned when he heard Ash's words, but then nodded.

"It seems so."


Xiao Zhi was silent for a while and then said helplessly.

"That proves that the president was awakened by pain and then fell into a coma. The five times after that, the president obviously woke up with pain, and then fell into a coma.

He was in a deep coma because of the pain and then completely calmed down, I will go to the old man_ Now it is estimated that he is dying, and I will hurry up and save people here."


Kona and Lilin didn't expect this to be the case, and Miaomiao said while using the melon seeds to solve the two Arber monsters.

"Boss, you don't have to worry too much. After so many injections of tranquilizers, he should still be hanging. The most important thing for us now is to quickly get rid of the things in the sky."

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