"Well, it's also the one that is exploding, just leave it to Kuailong. As for that."


The huge flying machine that Hunter A was in, Ash smiled.

"Enter Lucario."


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Chapter five hundred and thirty seventh fetters skills

- "Roar up L 1! 1 Mountain"

Just when Ash and Lucario were about to play a big one.The fast dragon in the sky let out a terrifying roar.Then a terrifying energy began to condense in Kuailong's mouth.

"Just use the trick that the boss taught me to let you know what cruelty is!!_ !

As the terrifying energy in the mouth began to gather.Kuailong made a trick that even Ash's three evil dragons could not easily do.

“Diamond Star⊥⊥1!”

With leaves like the Milky Way starry sky.The terrifying energy will be directly exploded by the Rockets, causing it to collapse

The bad second aircraft completely submerged 2 and then when the star-like leaves completely dissipated, there was no more wreckage of the aircraft in the air.

_ "Little L." What the hell is that!!." What is that"⊥1⊥!_"

The hunter looked at the power of the diamond stars and was almost insane, _you must know that it was an aircraft.What kind of power can make the aircraft completely annihilate? l

And just when Hunter A was so frightened that he grabbed his subordinates and yelled, Xiao Zhi on the ground shouted at him.

"Hey Sun Thief, look this way! 1_ !



When Hunter A subconsciously looked at Xiaozhi's side, he found that Xiaozhi had taken Pikachu and Lucario to stand in the distance, and Happy Egg and Miaomiao were guarding them.

Ash watched Hunter A's flying machine take off the hero's hat on his head and pressed it on Lucario, then said with a smile.

"You're lucky, let's show you the real fun, Lucario Pikachu, let's get started!"

"It's Satoshi Satoshi"

"Pickup" (Let's go")

Then Ash's waveguide and its

The power of the former Bao Bao began to explode and transmit to Pikachu and Lucario.The power of Lucario and Pikachu also began to rise.

"Actually". The real heroes have always been them! I've been following my friends all the time, let's see "This is our bond"

As Pikachu and Lucario made gestures, Ash pointed to the aircraft where Hunter A was.

"Xuanwu diamond bullet and billions of volts, let's go! Go! Go!"

"Roaring Mountain"! "

"Pickup ⊥⊥_ on 11"

With a roar from Lucario, a golden waveguide energy was generated in his hand and then rushed into the sky with a terrifying whirlwind, while Pikachu burst out with colorful lights and rushed with the golden energy bomb. .

"No no no no no!"

Look at the golden energy bullet with multicolored lightning.The new Hunter A could only scream as he watched the golden energy bullet pass through their aircraft.Then:: The energy exploded completely.

"Aahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! 1⊥"

The wild current combined with the terrifying energy directly caused the aircraft to start various short circuits.And hunting AA they are even more

Electricity is scorched black and then: 1

Boom ⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥l⊥

A terrifying explosion erupted in the sky. And the hunters were all blackened and fell from the sky.

Seeing this power, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but say, "The smallest effort is so terrifying, this move is really good."

"Lord Ash, why don't you let me use medium power so that I can kill them directly." "

"We need some tongue Lucarios, so they can't die yet and if you use medium power. I'm afraid this missing body of yours will dissipate due to the excessive consumption of waveguide energy.


"Hey? Is Lucario's missing body so troublesome?"

Through the power of the waveguide, Ash explained with a smile after hearing Pikachu's words.

"Yeah. So there's no need. After all, there is a very important thing that needs Lucario to participate in next.

Saying that, Ash looked at Lucario

"So I'll ask you to Lucario later."

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