After speaking, Ash stretched out his hand to Lucario, and Lucario also smiled and shook hands with Ash.

"Happy to serve."

However, after holding hands with Xiaozhi

Lucario found out that there was something wrong with Si, because Ash was holding him tightly and the constant wave of straight wave power from Ash's hand was streaming him.

"Takato Satoshi?_⊥"

"Please, your current state may dissipate at any time if you don't replenish the waveguide. At least you have to go back and wait until we finish our awards ceremony."

"Hurry up and stop Ash-sama 1 like this. There's not much left of the waveguide that you finally recovered."

Seeing Lucario looking anxious, Ash said with a smile.

"I don't, you just obediently take a photo with me and go back, and then wait.

with me and Xiao Zi.I promise you will see me and Xiao Zi when you wake up.

Although Lucario was able to break free from Ash by brute force.But this is very likely to hurt Ash, so Lucario said helplessly.

"You're still the same Lord Ash. You're still so self-willed."

Then Lucario smiled.

"But that's what makes me feel so good to be your partner"


Chapter five hundred and thirty eight two demons

As Hunter A and the others were beaten down _ this unprecedented final melee finally came to an end, and when Billy and the others brought the new hunter who was charred all over, Ash just said coldly.

"From now on. He belongs to you, and I want you to extract all the information you can from him."

Hearing Ash's words, Billy showed a hearty smile.

"No problem boss.. we'll let him speak, oh right, has_pin Xiaogang bex needs a break now. I think we've suppressed his problems for the time being."

"Really? You've worked so hard, so

I still have something to do here, by the way, don't play him bad. "

Looking at the hunter Ash, who was still in a coma, the smile became more and more terrifying.

And just when Xiaozhi's smile was about to frighten the child, Lin Kongran appeared beside Xiaozhi and hit Xiaozhi's head with a hammer.

"Wow~ Thank you Lin:."

Covering the reddened forehead, Xiao Zhi instantly returned to normal and then thanked Lin." Lin helped Xiao Zhi blow her head and said

"It's all right, but you'd better see President Damaranch. He seems to be dying now."


I'm going! I forgot about this. President, hold on! Kiyomi quickly gave me the medicine, and I'll save the president"_"

"Okay, but the drug has not been processed yet. So the taste may be a bit too bitter."

"It's up to you to save people! Thank you Serena, I'll be back when I go, and I'll be with you when I'm done saving the president."

After receiving the medicinal herbs that Serena handed over, Ash immediately took Pikachu and the others straight to the president's place, but one of Ash's Biyao caught up with Ash with bright eyes after hearing Qingmei said the herbs were bitter. .

two two dividing line two two

When Ashami arrives at President Malanci's

when.The kind old man was already talking nonsense.Fortunately, Xiao Zhi prepared a special medicine to save him.

"Usually this medicine has sugar. But now I'm running out of time."

Saying that, Xiao Zhi mixed the medicinal materials and fed it directly to President Damaranch.down

President Damaranch rushed up and grabbed Xiao Zhi's shoulder and looked at Xiao Jia stubbornly.Then the old man lay on the chair again and began to twitch.But he looked very good.

Zhi Shizhi looked at Damaranch like this

Patriarch Joey asked when he saw it.

"What's the matter? This medicine works very quickly.

, Didn't you say that this medicine is a little slow to work?"

"It's really slow. But what happened to President Dama Lanci at this moment?"

"-: Mr. Ash, is this Mr. Daranci all right?" Lucario was a little unsure if this was a return to light.. Although the old man's waveguide is slowly getting better, that's all.

When Ash saw that Lucario didn't understand, he explained it to him.

"Don't worry, it's actually normal for him to be like this now. The old man is basically suffering like this now. Wait a minute, right! It's just suffering.".

Saying that, Ash pulled Patriarch Joey to

President Damaranch began to explain with an example.

"Patriarch, although the old man looks very good now. But the convulsions and epilepsy are actually suffering. Look at the painful expression of the old man. It is obvious that he is crying and wants to pull his tongue out. It's just that the bitterness was so heavy that he didn't even have the ability to do it.

After listening to Xiaozhi's explanation, Patriarch Joey nodded.Looking at President Damaranch, who had rolled his eyes, he nodded in agreement.. ask for flowers c

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