Zhenniao laughed and continued to look after talking to Xiao Ai.

And when Xiao Zhi stepped onto the stage, Xiao Mao said speechlessly. - "Hey x, isn't your look a bit too weird?"

"Wonderful? Believe it or not, wait for them to find you together?"

Saying that, Xiaozhi pointed to his magical treasures.And Xiao Mao also found that Xiao Zhi's Pokémon were looking at him with bright eyes, so he quickly apologized,

"Sorry, I was wrong, next time I dare not!"

And when Xiao Mao and his Pokémon recognized Cong, Xiao Zhi said to Xiao Chun next to him.

"That-.Wait, let's get to know our fossil pterosaurs, who knows?"

".it is good.:"

Xiao Chun actually wanted to get acquainted with Xiao Zhi, so she immediately agreed to Xiao Zhi's proposal to let the West Japanese Fossil Pterosaur get to know him again.

And just when Xiao Zhi Zaishan continued to discuss personal issues with Xiao Chun about the fossilized pterosaur, Damaranch came over with a trembling forehead.And looking at Damaranch like this, Ash

said quickly.

"President, don't be so troublesome in your state."

"You don't have a clue about who hurt me like this? I'm suffering from 4.2 in everything I do now, do you know_? I almost vomited out of the bitterness when I ate something."

"Um:: Then you can try high stimulation food, it should work."

"You're not allowed to approach me when I'm in a coma. And congratulations on winning the championship"

Speaking of which, President Damaranch handed the trophy to Ash.And Xiaozhi raised the hand that was holding the dumb beast to hold the trophy.Then tell your Pokémon


"Everyone, we are the champions!!


At this moment, Xiao Zhi smiled like a child from the bottom of his heart.

Chapter [-]: It's time for Karuna to get up

"Okay, please get a little closer-. There are so many Pokémon and people taking pictures with me or second..."

The photographer was very helpless when taking photos of Xiaozhi's champion. After all, Xiaozhi's side is full of people and Pokémon.


When the photo was taken, Lucario next to Ash also began to emit a little bit of light, and Ash was already prepared when he saw this situation, and said goodbye to Lucario with a smile.

"Then, you go back to sleep first: have a good night's sleep. According to my agreement with you, when I go to Weiyuan, I will meet with you.

Xiao Zi - get up and find you. "

Lucario also said with a smile.

"No problem, Ash-sama, although everything is like a dream to me right now. But it's enough. I'll wait for the moment of real reunion."

After speaking, Lucari looked at Xiao Zi for 29 euros.

"Sir Xiao Zi, you too, it's great that you can reunite with Lord Xiao Zhi again."


"Don't worry about Mrs. Ashina for me, as Mrs. Ash said. I'm looking forward to when this is really reunited. Finally...".

look at Xiaozhi

The ghost beside him, Pilgrim, tilted his head with a smile.

"You look really handsome now.

Then Lucario completely disappeared.This missing body has finally completed its mission, and Lucario in the village of Hero Power that was preserved in the city of Roundpool seems to have had a good dream- : The mouthfish is slightly tilted.

"Ms. Satoshi, Mrs. Zi: Looking forward to our real reunion.."

Two-one dividing line --

"Um Lin, lend me your shoulders - down.

Putting his head on Lin's shoulder, Xiaozhi took a deep breath.

Do not misunderstand,

It's not that Xiao Zhi favors Lin too much, it's just that Lin's height can make Xiao Zhi do this. After all, because of Xiao Zhi's exercise, his height has already started to rise.Therefore, Xirona and the others are actually shorter than Ash, and only Lin's body that exercises regularly can make Ash more comfortable when he sleeps:-.

"Ha: Well, the state is much better.

Raising his head, Ash's eyes flickered with the light festival of doing things.

"Now, let's see how Billy's interrogation goes. By the way, bring back the so-called remodeled Xiaogang!"

"That. Xiaozhi, my grandma let me

Hurry back and go back. After all, my side is also the top street with champions, so I can't leave for too long. "

Just when Xiaozhi was going to use the pain of others to please himself and forget his own pain, Shirona reminded Xiaozhi that he should go back.In the same way, there are Xiaojuer Rinka Luna and the others.After all, they also have their own responsibilities, so it's time to go back now.

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