And Xiaozhi said directly after listening to Shirona's words: _ "Okay. Let Billy and the others play with that Hunter A more and I will accompany you these days!"

"Cough cough."

Glagio watched as the news changed

Ash didn't know what to say about his adoptive father, but he chose to remain silent because he was worried that he would eventually become a hybrid of Ash and Rusamine, while Lily reminded Ash slightly.

"That, Xiaozhi's father, the one called Xiaogang?"

"He, don't worry about it. Billy and the others will not force him except the enemy. So he is safe."

"Safety? !."

"That's right, so let's go on vacation now. By the way, I'll help the fossil pterosaur understand his life."

"Is it the same life as Pikajin and Chuqiu?"

When Xiao Huang said these words, Xiao Zhi was horrified, and then Xiao Zhi instantly looked at Sundae and Xiao Lan and asked, "Who taught you?"

"I'm not that unscrupulous yet::.

Xiaolan silently glanced at Xiaozhi and didn't know how to leave the slot, and Sundae said impatiently.

"I'm not at all like you, a lecher?!"


Looking at Ash's skeptical eyes: Sundae looked at Ash angrily, but Ash said directly.

"I've hidden so many fanbooks

"Stop! 1⊥⊥⊥"

In the end, Xiao Zhi didn't know who brought the bad Xiao Huang, but Xiao Zhi said that this matter is not over.And what happened after that was actually quite simple, accompany Shirona and the others.That's all.As for how to accompany them, it all depends on their preferences.

"Karunai. It's time to get up, didn't you say that your agent will pick you up today?"

A few days later, when Karuna's manager was about to pick her up _, Ash was in charge of getting Karuna, who was lying in bed, to get up, although she was staying in bed for her own reasons.

"Don't. Toss me so late yesterday. I'm still tired::"

Saying that, Karuna turned around and continued to sleep, while Ash quickly helped her cover the quilt. After all, it's easy to catch a cold, right?

Looking at Kasina who was lying in bed, Xiao Zhi silently took out the clothes that Kasuna had prepared after being silent for a while and began to help her get up.

"Your economic person is also real. I don't know if you mention it and say: .."

Although he complained like this, Xiaozhi Mao's work is not slow. He helped her organize it without affecting Karuna's confusion.

The craft of Xiao & Chi is entirely due to the influence of the previous life of Russa Minai, after all, Russa Minai was anorexia

Zheng has no strength at all, Xiaozhi is taking care of this e completely as a super nanny, and this is the reason why Russa Minai didn't make trouble after knowing Xiaozhi's situation in this world.After all, Xiao Zhi paid too much.


Chapter Five Hundred and Forty-One The Status Quo of Hollywood

"I'm sorry 1 I'm sorry! I'm really sorry L⊥! Next time I will prepare in advance! Please don't be angry! ⊥⊥"

At this time, Satoshi, who was carrying Karuna on his back, looked helplessly as he kept apologizing in front of him, and Karuna also woke up thanks to her gift.

"Huh? What time is it?"

"Eight o'clock."

"Hey? L Minami said to pick me up!"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Karuna also realized that she seemed to be lying too much, but she soon realized that she seemed to be ready 21

"Looking at how dazed you are sleeping

I didn't wake you up, I just went into battle and changed it for you.Of course it would be nice if your agent could speak up next time

Saying that, Xiaozhi glanced at Chirono's manager Minami, and Minami, who was seen by Xiaozhi, immediately continued to apologize.

"Sorry. Sorry! I'm so sorry ⊥⊥⊥!"

"Okay, do you see how angry I am?"


Minami raised her head when she heard Ash's words, but found that Ash's eyes glowed red.

"I'm just angry:"

"Yeah L. come on.

1 I'm sorry I'm sorry ⊥⊥⊥ on"

Don't blame Minami for being so out of breath, Ash's identity is really scary.The title of the chief Boss of the Tailu Hotel is already very scary, not to mention that Xiao Zhi is now another big boss in Hollywood.

Now Hollywood has developed rapidly due to the investment in Tailu Hotel, and its economic level has even surpassed the most prosperous time, so that many rich celebrities/stars have begun to return to Hollywood, which has driven up the level of consumption.

It can be said that Hollywood is now a huge cash cow.However, when other forces wanted to intervene, they found that the entire Hollywood holdings

The power has no place for them at all.

Xiaozhi and the others couldn't move Karunei and they couldn't provoke Junsha and Joey. Both of them thought that they were not dying fast enough, and the last alliance with only a small point was also clinging to it.

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