"Don't go ⊥⊥⊥"*4

"Huh? Are you going to play in the dark clouds? Be careful then

, Bi Yi prison electricity or something is still very dangerous. "

After speaking, Xiao Zhi used the telescope on the spaceship to look at the spaceship that was entering the dark clouds in the distance, and finally asked e

"Don't play too crazy, but I wish you all a good time. You have worked hard for a while. It's good to release it well."

After speaking, Xiao Zhi saw that the flying ship in the distance entered a state of random dancing and Xiao Zhi spoke again after being silent for a while.

"Pay attention to safety. And see the place.

Then Xiaozhi hung up the phone. And Nazi came over holding her Ibrahimovic and asked e

"What are they doing Gengar?

"It's alright, it's just that they are having a high-difficulty flying carnival. Anyway, there are ghost Pokémon inside. Even if the spaceship disintegrates, Xiaogang will not be in danger.

"Yeah, let's go play volleyball with Ash."


And when Xiaozhi went to play volleyball with Nazi Xiaoxia, Xiaogang and the Rockets

"Oops!_⊥⊥⊥l1 Help!⊥Shan Xiao⊥⊥"*4 ,

They are being played like volleyball by the ghost Pokémon._

"Xiaozhi, let's cooperate here"


When Xiaozhi and Nazi cooperate. When...,

"Mom on ⊥⊥⊥"*4

Team Rocket and Xiaogang are carried by the ghost Pokémon.

"Are you tired? Then let's go back to the room. Let's take a break. There's still some time for lunch. How about playing games together? But Nazi, don't cheat with your superpowers."

"It's not going to be small."

"Xiaozhi, don't do weird things. Today is to have a good time."

"Don't worry. I still understand that.

When Xiao Zhihe

Xiao Xanazi went back together. When playing games on the oversized color TV in the room, Xiaogang and Team Rocket could only hug each other and watch countless ghosts and magical treasures - a bridge to play a horror movie together.

until lunch time

"Really, Porkby has to eat well, and can't play around."_

Xiaoxia wiped her mouth for Porkby and looked around, because Xiaozhi was doing the same thing now. 2 It's just Nazi who makes Ash wipe his mouth. ._

"I feel like you're doing it on purpose

"No, L, just wipe it

When Xiao Zhi and the others enjoyed the beef meal, they were young

Gang and the Bijian team are finally out of luck. It's just...

"Why is there so much Pokémon food here..."_

Looking at the pile of Pokémon food, Xiaogang didn't know how to describe the mood at this time.And Miaomiao explained speechlessly after listening to Guisi's words.

"They said that there have been no humans for a long time, so the maintenance staff of the airship did not buy fresh vegetables and meat. Of course, there is still frozen raw meat in the refrigerator. It just needs to be thawed.."

. no solution anymore.

Thinking about even the beef in the refrigerator, Musashi silently took out the chili powder on the side, and looked at it.

After arriving at this chili powder, Xiao Erlang said in horror. ,

"Musashi L no 1, you sacrifice yourself like this. How can I eat the food you got!"

"Who said I was going to breathe fire myself?

Musashi looked at Kojiro strangely and then directly handed the chili powder to him.

"Let's go together"


Chapter [-] Care about the Rockets


When Xiao Zhi and his vacation airship landed smoothly - the one that Pang Xiaogang and Team Rocket were riding on also crashed - it landed next to them. 2 But although it was said to be a crash, it was actually a safe landing.

Xiaogang and Team Rocket couldn't help hugging when they saw the ground

"We're saved⊥. Whoa ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"*4

And just as the four of them hugged- and rejoiced that their important arrival had arrived, Gengar smiled and pressed a button, and then

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