bump! ;

"Mom, there's still an emergency

Escape Device 2! "*4

With four screams, Xiaogang and Team Rocket were taken out of the flying boat by the emergency cow escape device and landed right next to Xiaozhi and them.

"You are... since when did your relationship become so good?"

It's a little surprising to see Team Rocket and Xiaogang Xiaozhi, after all, this combination is rarely seen.._

And the Rockets got up instantly after hearing Ash's voice and looked at Ash but their mouths were like sausages.

"You guys are... stealing grilled sausages?"

"It's weird, go up⊥"*3

Hearing Xiaozhi's reply to the Rockets, he finally couldn't help his grief and anger and told them about their tragic experience.

I saw Kojiro said with a gloomy expression on his face.

"We would have liked to eat some raw meat from the freezer!"

"But what we found was that the beef was frozen so it couldn't be bitten at all.

When Musashi said this, his voice was already choked, and Miaomiao was the last to say.

"So we thawed ourselves with special chili powder. But but

“But we completely burnt the raw meat⊥”


"...So you three really didn't eat?"

Looking at the sausage mouth of the three people, Xiao Zhi can already guess the treatment they received, so he nodded sympathetically.

"Okay . . . look at you guys _ I won't beat you up here if I'm sorry r. Miao Miao, let A bring some food,

"Already contacting Zita, how did you guys end up on that flying ship preferred by ghost Pokémon?

Miaomiao silently glanced at Team Rocket and they couldn't understand.

It didn't take long for the staff of the Continental Hotel to grow from Xiaozhi's

The fake Er flying boat delivered some food.While Xiaogang and the Rockets were eating haise with their sausage mouths on their backs.Seeing them look like this, Na Zi's laughter was poked again.In order to prevent Nazi from laughing again, Xiaozhi could only say to Xiaoxia while patting Nazi's back.

"Nazi needs to be dealt with here. Let's go to the front and wait."

Xiaolu looked at it. Seeing that Nazi, who had to let Xiaozhi pat to be smooth, couldn't help but nodded and looked at Xiaogang and Team Rocket.

"Don't disturb us this time. And Xiaogang, we'll wait for you in the front. You can eat first."

However, whether

Neither Xiaogang nor the Rockets paid attention to Xiaoxia, they were really starving.Therefore, Xiaoxia can only sigh helplessly and leave with Xiaozhi Nazi

And when Xiaogang and the Rockets were eating wildly over there, Xiaoxia asked Xiaozhi what she thought of.

"Xiao Zhi, do you know each other on the Neibenbo we're going to see later?"

Thinking of the situation when a certain Yew Bo Tu Er got into trouble and hid behind Ash.Xiaoxia felt that this matter was not simple.

After hearing Xiaoxia's question, Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, but then said strangely.

"I'm sure you know, what's wrong?

"Well...then she won't treat you like Dr. Yew..."_

Xiaoxia didn't say anything after that, but her hand made a gesture. Seeing her like this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but be a little speechless.

Please.. don't you really think how attractive I am? Hiroshi Uchiki should see me as his younger brother, and Hiroshi yew is almost the same, but I should feel more secure, so they will have that kind of reaction. "

.Okay, I've already started to fall in love with Xiaogang..._

Thinking of a certain possibility, Xiaoxia understands that Xiaogang's road to being attacked is estimated to take a while.

And Xiaozhi sees Xiaoxia like this a little strange.But then Xiaozhi continued to help Nazi pat her back and ask.

"How is it? Is it okay? (Good Li Zhao Shang"_

"It's alright..but the Rockets and Xiaogang..really...no __ OK.. I'm too low ___

Looking at Na Zi, Xiao Zhi can only look at Happy Egg.

"Wait and prepare some water. Nazi probably needs to take a while. Maybe the Rockets also have the talent of comedians.

"happy column"

Happy Egg looked at Nazi and waved her hand helplessly, she knew that Nazi smiled low.

Therefore, the water has already been prepared, but it is better to say that Xiaozhi mentioned it to the happy egg, after all, in Xiaozhi's opinion, as long as there is a Rocket Team, there will be almost always a shortage of places. Humor..__

Chapter [-] The Triplets: You Are Our Idol

When Xiaozhi and the others waited for Xiaogang, Xiaozhi didn't know what to say.Because the current state of Xiaogang is very bad.

- "You are obviously a breeder yourself. How can you not notice the problem of overeating and overeating?"

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